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What are Strife's weapon damage values and creature speeds?


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I don't consider this a question for editing, because it's not intended for map/was making. However feel free to move.

I've looked through doom wiki and found monster stats, ammo pickup amounts, how armor works, and item costs in the different shops. However it does not list the damage formulas ZdoomWiki sorta does, though the damage values are buried and seemingly never in the same place.

Working on something where knowing these values would be nice even if I end up axing them since it gives me a relative 'how strong each weapon is.'

Additionally this project would be helped by knowing how fast each object is. Player run vs walk speeds, acolyte speeds, inquisitor fly height, and so on.

Are these values somewhere obvious and I just overlooked them?

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That has to be the most unhelpfully helpful thing that could be suggested.

By dumping the proverbial encyclopedia in my lap I take it nobody's really bothered before now. Ah well.

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scaled said:

That has to be the most unhelpfully helpful thing that could be suggested.

By dumping the proverbial encyclopedia in my lap I take it nobody's really bothered before now. Ah well.


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scaled said:

Are these values somewhere obvious and I just overlooked them?

Probably the most convenient source would be the GZDoom/Zandronum/ZDoom.pk3 files, specifically the text files in /actors/strife.

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Yea OK and the actual values I'm after are pretty buried. Plus several of the weapons the initial projectile only does one tick of damage and relies on explosion. Then there's flamethrower and incendiary grenade. How how does it give its damage?

Then there's the Mauler's shotgun effect. How many pellets?

Haven't even looked at the sigil yet because too many hopes in conventional weapons.

Do appreciate the help guys.

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