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If Doom 64 had been 3D, which engine would it have used?

Koko Ricky

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Avoozl said:

Quake 2 PSX looked horrible compared to the PC version, and many levels had to be cut into sections just so the system could handle them.

The lighting was cool though.

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It was cool. N64 Quake 2 only had ambient lighting, so without gouraud shading, the 3D models looked incredibly flat. Not only that, but very little of the animation was interpolated, so movement looked really chunky, a bit shocking during a time when smooth animation was already the norm. PSX Quake 2 lacked lightmaps, but the vertex shading added some nice contrast and the models actually responded to them, which looked particularly nice in areas that utilized colored lighting.

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Q2 was still good for a PSX game. Even the split screen was smooth. The colored lighting worked well, and while it maybe wasn't al that faithful, by itself it was still good. imo

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I was watching YouTube footage of PSX Q2 and was a bit disturbed at how much the immersion is interrupted by loading screens, since that causes the game to immediately skip to the next music track. D'oh!

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But as I was saying to someone who already owns the original PC game they would more likely pick the N64 version as a second version for something different.

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