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Doomworld Mega Project 2015 - Now on /idgames

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Name : Spaceswitch 2
Author : Paul Corfiatis
Editors used : Doom Builder 2.1, XWE
Compatibility: Boom
Music : Hidden Anger by Mark Klem
Graphics: pcf_sky1 (patch and texture) - Space sky from Cchest4 texture wad.
Difficulty settings : Yes (but only slight differences)
Bugs : None

A sequel to that infamous map in The Twilight Zone. But this time, bigger, more confusing and not to mention a huge easter egg awaits at the end. Press the correct switch and you proceed and it is easy as hell, press the incorrect switch and you are BBQ meat. A good test for Speed Runners.

Unlike the original map, 100% kills is possible in this map as monsters are crushed if you press the correct switch. Hearing their yells of agony is a beautiful thing.



DOWNLOAD: paulcorfiatis.com/pc_swit.wad

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pcorf said:

Name : Spaceswitch 2
Author : Paul Corfiatis
Editors used : Doom Builder 2.1, XWE
Compatibility: Boom
Music : Hidden Anger by Mark Klem
Graphics: pcf_sky1 (patch and texture) - Space sky from Cchest4 texture wad.
Difficulty settings : Yes (but only slight differences)
Bugs : None

Paul...can i just say I love your work so god damn much it hurts.

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I have been working on a 12 map set that has uh...been so on and off it should release by the time that the computer is completely obsolete and we are zapping thoughts and porn into each others brain via future head bands. or until the future looks like wall-e and we are all just floating around on weird ass chairs being super fat.


i would like to contribute the 2nd map from this pack, its short sweet and to the point and also full of so much unnecessary gzdoom BS that its not even funny. now its not fully complete, but id like to include it in this. now it uses textures from valhalla (it said i could in the credits as long as i credit the infamous ed) and uses my own music and all of that...but as of right now im still polishing it up.

so...let me finish it up and ill toss it your way, now i was kinda confused on how you said it...so i have to include textures in a completely separate folder? that sounds like itll get messy.

also it is ONLY GZDOOM compatible. just...because thats how i roll.

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cortlong50 said:

now i was kinda confused on how you said it...so i have to include textures in a completely separate folder? that sounds like itll get messy.

The whole purpose of this rule was to prevent texture conflicts and therefore save me work at the end of the year when compiling all maps together. As long as Valhalla's textures don't overwrite stock ones, and don't share patch/texture names with common texture packs like CC4-TEX, you can use them in any form. Otherwise, I would appreciate if you renamed them, preferably prefix them with the first letters of your username.

The resources look good! Nice screenshots, too.

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scifista42 said:

The whole purpose of this rule was to prevent texture conflicts and therefore save me work at the end of the year when compiling all maps together. As long as Valhalla's textures don't overwrite stock ones, and don't share patch/texture names with common texture packs like CC4-TEX, you can use them in any form. Otherwise, I would appreciate if you renamed them, preferably prefix them with the first letters of your username.

The resources look good! Nice screenshots, too.

yeah i figured that for sure, that would be no good to have mine overwriting all of the stock textures haha. as far as i can tell they are all independent. the only thing im worried about is the size...these textures are absolutely massive..ill find a way to compress em.

thanks man! id love to finally start getting maps out there.

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SLADE3 has a feature that automatically deletes unused textures, if the texture pack and maps are in the same wad. You can run it yourself when you finish working on your map, or I'll do it at the end of the year anyway.

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scifista42 said:

SLADE3 has a feature that automatically deletes unused textures, if the texture pack and maps are in the same wad. You can run it yourself when you finish working on your map, or I'll do it at the end of the year anyway.

really? ill have to look into that so i can shed some of this weight..because it is definitely a hefty little pack i have going on. i have a TON of ambient sounds from doom 3 as well. ill do my best to lighten the load before i upload it to you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Made a map. It's limit-removing, UV-only so far, should take ~15 minutes to max.

Download Butcher's Kiln. ZDoom cries at can't handle the final battle (PrBoom plays pretty slow too) but it should be doable for most people (or maybe I just don't care about dropped frames :P)

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Yes, dobu, you've apparently uploaded the same wad that you've sent me earlier today. :)

(He wanted me to tell him how to fix the texture problem. I told him, and he said he fixed it then.)

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dobu gabu maru said:

UV-only so far, should take ~15 minutes to max.

Ha sure a 15 minute long carnage , this was a bit too much for me. Made it up to when the arachnotrons start to pop up but not much further. Guess i'll try this again once you've implemented skill settings but for the moment i'll better pass for the sake of my sanity :D

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tourniquet said:

Guess i'll try this again once you've implemented skill settings but for the moment i'll better pass for the sake of my sanity :D

Yeah it's really tight on the ammo & health (if you blow all your megaspheres for the first two encounters, you're effectively screwed) but despite the RNG I'm pretty sure it's doable in one go.

I added difficulties here (UV remains unchanged) and personally did an HMP max in a demo you can download here.

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Funny map, in my best attempt I died with like 200-something monsters left because I wasn't careful with circlestrating and picked up megaspheres while having well over 100 HP a few times. I think the beginning of the second fight is the hardest part by far, the rest isn't so bad, but of course long term item management is very important too. Maybe it's a bit underwhelming that most of the level is just circlestrafing, even though here it's a lot more difficult than usual, but what else can you expect from such a layout.

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scifista42 said:

The whole purpose of this rule was to prevent texture conflicts and therefore save me work at the end of the year when compiling all maps together.

A few days ago ZZYZX wrote a wad compiling tool that can detect and solve texture name conflicts. You can get it here - https://github.com/jewalky/wadstomp (requires Python).

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Dude, everything on this page looks great! Keep it up you guys, I can't wait to play this! Haven't been looking at anything TOO thoroughly, hoping for a big treat at the end of this year just like last year's WAD (which is played online a lot btw!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Indeed. I remember adding his map to the OP, now it's not there anymore. As well as Eradrop's name among the participant list. I will add them again.

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Dread Facility v. 1.3 + reupload on permanent hosting, so you could finally play it


- Added missing textures, fixed HOMs and misalignments
- Minor thing placement changes
- That stupid secret can finally be accessed properly

EDIT: error, deleting the link for a while
EDIT2: it's back

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, I wouldn't call the map "serious". It takes place in a giant square/octagonal room, ridiculous amount of items lies on the ground in a typical joke/lazy alignment, and you can wait 10 minutes on the start pedestal while taking invulnerabilities to remain harmless for the entire time and win without firing a single shot. The monsters can't even step on the start pedestal to force you leaving the place ever.

IMO, the big music file is redundant, it would be definitely better if you replaced it. The song is so quiet that all the loud spawner sounds and all the screaming monsters will completely overscream it anyway, so that the song cannot be heard at all. And even if they didn't, IMO, the song is not worth the filesize, and specially not for a basic low-effort map like this one.

Finally, just to assure you: The map is fine to be accepted, for sure. As I always do in this project's thread, I only told you my own observations and preference.

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