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Best custom music in a Doom wad?

Zulk RS

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A lot of Doom wads use custom music. I want to know which music you think fit the level best and was good to listen to. I'd also prefer it if you could give a sample of the music in the level via links or something else. I personally liked the track used in the 3rd map of Dark Tarturus. It really fit the level well. I also liked the music used in MAP05 of Holy Hell (sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wiqo6hMs4AA )

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Music in BTSX maps is very well picked or maybe even created to complement the levels greatly.

Going Down soundtrack complements the maps very well too, at least in my opinion.

Wads by Memfis tend to have a well fitting custom midi.


Pretty much all great mappers accompany their levels with good and fitting music. :)

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Speed of Doom has an awesome track for its map Pyramid of Death. It sounds a bit cheesy in places due to the main instrument used, but when it gets in it's amazing. Also the intermission music from Scythe X and the upcoming Panophobia are really good. To big Panophobia up even more, each Running Scared map has a nice theme which sounds almost like something a music box might play, or maybe a lullaby, but there is something sinister about it at the same time.

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BTSX for sure, specifically:

Phobophobe (E1M2)
Faultline (E1M19)
Womp (E1M22)
Within Reach (E1M24)
Atomic (E1M31)
The Night Guard (E2M8)
95 (E2M9)
Ominus (E2M17)
Hell Jungle (E2M18)
Petrichor (E2M24)
Vinefort (E2M31)

Also, E3's Zenith, which is just flawless really.

Outside of BTSX:

Sewers by stewboy, used on Doom Core MAP29.
Day of Mourning by stewboy, used on Resurgence MAP31. Sounds like something sent from another dimension.
Garden by stewboy, used on Jenesis MAP10

One map in Hell Revealed II (I think it was 24) also has a very nice MIDI.

Crucifix Held Close from Castlevania was so great when it was used on CC4 MAP28.

MUSIC1.ogg from ZDCMP2, by Jimmy and Icytux. Goes on for about 45 minutes, and doesn't get old at all.


on the flip side, worst soundtrack in a doom wad goes to the whole of revilution, even though that's not out yet. three of the composers are really good, but they're just all let down by that aries guy. he sucks.

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Memento Mori 1 + 2.

STRAIN (not strife zzzz) had some good songs if I recall, Novaroid in particular.

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Also, there was a lot of really neat music used in A.L.T. and Da Will that I've never heard anywhere else. Of course, none of it is credited.

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I'm pretty partial to Mark Klem's work so MM1, MM2, Requiem, Strain, and Gothic Deathmatches mostly.

Icarus has some pretty great music, and Primeval's tracks in Unholy Realms and Reverie are pretty great too.

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Oh yes, that's right: Any map with a Mark Klem MIDI.

On the topic of HR2, I dislike a lot of the music in it, but there's bits here and there that are good (examples being the start and end of MAP07's MIDI, MAP23's MIDI is pretty okay, etc.)

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Zulk-RS said:

I want to know which music you think fit the level best and was good to listen to.

Not sure if you mean the music has to be custom made for the WAD or just good midis that fits the map. Your examples didnt feature custom music, so I'll just post a few maps in which I really think the midi fits perfectly.

Alien Vendetta map18. This epic Plutonia-inspired map use Death's Bells (IIRC thats the name?) from map04 of TNT's Evilution. The song itself is somewhat dark and epic, which fits the map perfectly:

Hell Revaled 2, map15. A metal midi here. Usually I dont like metal midis in Doom, but Grave's work somehow always did it for me. Nostalgia, maybe? Large scale slaughter (at the time at least) map, and the melodic chorus of the midi is perfect for it:

Disturbia (by Death-Destiny). This map use a song from Rise of The Triad (Mist Ache, IIRC). The song invokes a melancholic and somewhat mystical feel, and it goes perfectly with the map, which truly is a very weird place. It makes me think, what am I doing here? What kind of place is this? Awesome.
PS: Kinda hard to hear the midi in the video, so maybe search for the song (its on YT) if you havent heard it.

NOTE: These are all some of my favorite maps. Thats simply because, for me, the music plays a large role for the maps as a whole and largely affects the feeling and overall "score".

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Behold the lord of maps and hit the floor.

I have a particular fondness for the ominous sound of You Suck and I think Erik Alm's Scythe map30 is the perfect fit for it.

And it wouldn't be a dewpost without mentioning stewboy's stars.mid in SoD map31, would it?

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[i]dew said:
You Suck ... Scythe map30

stars.mid ... SoD map31

If it wasnt for the fact that I had to go and make dinner, those two maps/songs would have been next up in my post (together with map25 "Demonic Hordes" from Alien Vendetta).

You Suck truly is one awesome track. So shot, still perfect for long and epic maps!

I guess I could mention one more: XXXI Cybersky. Dunno/dont remember where the midi is from though, but it fits the map perfectly. edit: ah, Heretic.

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I love the custom midis from STRAIN and the HR wads.

I definitely wouldn't call stuff I had a hand in creating the 'best', but both ROT90 and TheDevilzWork use a shitload of MIDIs that myself and friends created specifically for Doom maps. Maybe you'll like them!

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Can't believe no-one's mentioned AV MAP20's music. I'm holding off on using that MIDI until I make a map deserving of it. MAP16 of Batman Doom has some cool music as well.

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darkreaver said:

Not sure if you mean the music has to be custom made for the WAD or just good midis that fits the map. Your examples didnt feature custom music, so I'll just post a few maps in which I really think the midi fits perfectly.

No, the music does not have to be custom made for the WAD. It just has to be a good midi that fits the map.
On that note, the Temples map from Empyron's Big Adventure is also quite good.

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Of all pwad songs, the one from Sacrament's final level ("Controlled System") made the biggest impression on me. The map was like a mountain complex somewhere far away overtaken by mysterious force, very dark, desolate, otherwordly, post-apocalyptic... The music was absolutely amazing and very fitting, I got so into the game, it was the best Doom experience I've ever had I think. Here's the song.

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