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Best custom music in a Doom wad?

Zulk RS

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Cyberdemon531 said:

Unholy Realms, and Flashback to Hell

40oz said:

and Primeval's tracks in Unholy Realms and Reverie are pretty great too.

Oh shucks, you two... Making me blush.

New paged!

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On the topic of Primeval and Reverie, map31's music totally blew me away, and it was such a great fit for the level. I just wish it were a little longer, since the level is so huge and puzzley.

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Not Jabba said:

On the topic of Primeval and Reverie, map31's music totally blew me away, and it was such a great fit for the level. I just wish it were a little longer, since the level is so huge and puzzley.

A habit I'm trying to break. I also had to keep in mind the demon "roll call" while making that song, too. With my first couple plays of the map, I beat it relatively quickly, but I also wasn't searching for the secret exit. Bah, excuses.

Reverie was my first major music project I've worked on, I believe. Was still learning the ropes of being a MIDI musician for Doom. I sure hope I'm better at such things now... lol

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If we are going with music that fits maps, at the top of my list is scythe map 23, 24 and 26. The monster counts keep on rising as well as the pace of the symphony songs.

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There's a really good 1994 wad out there that uses the Das Boot remix MIDI, it fits the sprawling map perfectly. I can't recall the title but it's gameplay actually stands up decently even today.

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darkreaver said:

Why dont you point out the maps, like the OP requested, then

These maps in particular (MAP's 10, 11, 12)

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  • 2 years later...

Pacemaker from both Perdition's Gate and Hell to Pay. I mainly associate it with map03 of the former but it appears a few more times I can't remember off the top of my head.

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I haven't played Reverie. I mostly know this track from Forsaken Overlook (my favourite Doom map).

Edited by Ajora

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From the top of my head: 

-Valiant's map 27. That track is even my alarm clock haha 
-Most of the ancient aliens tracks. Especially the jazz like ones that are in the second episode. Map 06 and 07 also have awesome tracks

-Jenesis's map 15. I absolutely loved that track to the point that I ended up using it myself. 

-Mutiny: Maps 1,2 and 8 come to mind


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Is that a sincere nomination or did you get this mixed up with the thread for least fitting midis? I'm not trying to sound sassy here, I'm honestly curious because of BRPD's reputation. Even when he's doing a serious wad like Equinox, it feels like he's still playing little jokes here and there, like the lightswitch in the first map that most people probably won't recognize as a light switch until it's too late. Or on the more relevant side of things, that VERY. LOUD. MIDI.

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7 hours ago, Dopaminecloud said:

Oh baby. Not the usual doom sound but this is one of the few maps I replay mostly for the music.

Valiant WAD Official Soundtrack - Map 28 (A Lightbridge Too Far)

Oh, hey, it's some music from The Hybrid Front:


Great soundtrack. No idea about the game itself (strategy game that only came out in Japan, sooo), but the music is excellent.

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  • 5 months later...

It's my favourite metal midi music used in doom maps. It's also always an excellent choice when you want to make a very hard hellish map.  Nochance.wad used that music and it's the main reason why I love this map to be honest. I'm not a big fan of ridiculously hard maps but this music makes the fights so badass.



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Valiant has the best music of any wad I know of.  Half the songs are brilliant and the other half strong.  My favorite track would have to be "Postmodern Muck", map13 by Jimmy.


Edited by Bryan T

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