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What is the most overdone thing you've seen in custom maps?


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Honestly, key traps are the most overdone thing i can think of.

It's been a very long time since i've played a wad where a key doesn't chuck a whole bunch of enemies at you.

I've actually made a wad that plays on this. I made a semi-large room with a key that's placed in the centre, giving the impression of an ambush upon collection. However, when you pick it up, nothing happens.

It was funny watching the FDA's because everyone reacted the same way, they expected something bad to happen. I'm such a prankster guyz Lololol0101.

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'Anomaly' in a map title as a shorthand for "this level consists mostly of a boss fight in a peculiarly-shaped arena." Outside of a particular style of deliberate homage/tribute episode, this just feels unimaginative and overdone. By the unsophisticated standards of 1993 FPS gaming and in comparison to the other E1 maps that came before it, Phobos Anomaly was a deeply weird place.

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Six said:

It's been a very long time since i've played a wad where a key doesn't chuck a whole bunch of enemies at you.

I once did a reverse of this. You enter a room and see imp's corpse on a pedestal. You step on it and a bunch of keys teleport around you lol.

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No way man, it would be riveting amounts of fun! The keys come in three exciting colors, giving your eyes so much entertainment - no monsters required! It's the future of Doom mapping!

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Someone should use those fake key monsters someone posted on "post your doom picture" a while back and make it so once you kill them they will drop the actual key.

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