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Looking for textures with military camouflage patterns


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This is what I mean:

(the left one is from Plutonia, the other ones are from Doom Potpourri texture pack)

Does anyone know where to find more textures with these camouflage patterns? They can be whatever, it doesn't matter whether they're Doom themed or not.

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Kappes Buur said:

I can edit them in a graphic editor to use Doom palette and have proper dimensions and I can do basic edits to their looks, but I lack the artistic skill to make them look at least as good as the examples in the OP, it wouldn't be easy anyway. I'd be glad for actual textures, already made for the purpose to be game textures.

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Thanks, Gez.

I've found a few more suitable textures in NMNCorp2 texture pack: (although these are a bit more rusty)

Before I start doing anything with a graphic editor, I still hope to find more already existing textures. So if you've got any, feel free to share / link to. :)

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