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Why use a Pistol when you have a Double barrelled Shotgun or a Chaingun? Sure it would be cool to have 2 pistols but then i want them to be upgradable. Like using new ammo or using shotgun ammo ( wouldn't work anyways ). And that lost soul can take over enemies ( human soldiers and civilians ) but could they take over the body you are using in DOOM3?????

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The smg probably uses pistol ammo and is probably just as good as dual pistols.

Obsolete because of that, yeah.

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damn i wish i could find that video

dual pistols would be screwed up, i believe id won't waste time balancing them and trying to get the ammo-system work, and you can turn the other one off. put an mp5 instead, that will do the work.

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Well, I just hope that you'll get to use that pistol a LOT before you get the smg, otherwise the pistol would be kinda pointless (and I do not want the pistol to be pointless like the Lüger was in RtCW).

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The main reason for not having two pistols: reloading!

Did anyone check out the mp3's of the mysterious voice that I posted? I don't know that much about audio manipulation. Any further ideas on it? I think it originates from a human voice but it's been very heavily edited.

Arioch: Exactly.

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Uh when I think about it, doesn't it look like the guy in the demo just all of a sudden has both shotgun and smg? That could be indication that the area shown is not the beginning of the game...

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Fredrik said:

Uh when I think about it, doesn't it look like the guy in the demo just all of a sudden has both shotgun and smg? That could be indication that the area shown is not the beginning of the game...

I thought it was pretty obvious that they just picked some random maps and threw them together - think about the demos playing when you start up Doom: random maps playing to show off the game. It's really the same.

The main reason for not having two pistols: reloading!

That's not a reason. If you'd tried RtCW, you'd see BJ reloading dual pistols - I can pull that stunt with airsoftguns (albeit much, much slower), so it's not impossible to hold a pistol in each hand and reload both without putting one of them down, besides, it's a game.

Anyway, I have already been convinced (I rather convinced myself this time) that dual pistols wouldn't be a good idea (unless there's something I haven't thought of).

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Anyway, I have already been convinced (I rather convinced myself this time) that dual pistols wouldn't be a good idea (unless there's something I haven't thought of).

Your tolerance is improving.

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Xian said:

you cant aim with two pistols. Duh.

Of course you can, with two mice and two crosshairs :)

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akimbo style pistols would rock...but the manual reloading feature wouldn't allow such things i fear, provided that d3 actually uses a manual reloading feature. maybe it was just some automatic animation - but that would suck big time imho.

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John Mullins, the guy that worked as a military consultant for both Raven's SoF and SoF 2, says akimbo guns is a completely stupid idea. You can't aim and you'll most likely snap your wrist.

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he he...i always knew that UT is unreal with it's akimbo poistols :)
if mr. mullins says akimbo is just for john woo films then d3 should only use a single pistol. but hey: who is able to aim right when carrying a pistol, sb-sg, db-sg, smg, minigun, rocketlauncher, chainsaw, plasma rifle, big fucking guns, etc AND a ton of different ammunition types. hmmm...maybe d3 will have some sidekicks like sherpas or those npc-morons from daikatana. rofl!

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akimbo - in every hand one weapon. humans can take 2 weapons at one time.

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Blood 2 was great... akimbo hand-cannon shotguns. I had hours of fun with those.

"hello mr zombie!" *disintergrates into red vapour*

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niguel said:

no shit. u kiddin'?

ok. you caught me. i was just kiddin'!

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John Carmack:

We actually screwed up at E3 -- we should have been running it at high quality settings (uncompressed textures, anisotropic filtering), but we were chasing some problems the first day, and it got set back to medium quality. The problems had gone away, so we left it that way, rather than risk changing it back.

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Espi said:

wtf is anistropic filtering?

Same thing as everything else you'd expect to come from John Carmack: technological babble that Joe Gamer doesn't even have to care about as long as it looks good.

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A texture filter that attempts to keep the sharpness in the textures of distant geometry without having to deal with the dancing pixels effect so common in software renderers.

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Fredrik said:

Rather: something that Zaldron and John Carmack know about.

Zaldron IS John Carmack, duh.

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