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Alternate Names For Monsters


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When I was a kid, I didn't care what the monsters were actually called. I just knew point and shoot. But I did have my own names for them. I was wondering if any of you have ever had your own names for the monsters.

Zombiemen, Sergeants, and Chaingunners : Bad people
Imps: Brown pigs
Demons: Pink things
Spectres: Invisible pink things
Cacodemon: Flying tomatoes
Mancubus: Slobs
Lost Souls: Fire skulls
Pain Elemental: Poopy Balls (yes, seriously)
Revenant: Skeleton
Arachnatron: Robot spider
Hell Knight and Baron of Hell: Bull Minotaur
Arch Vile: Fire monster
Cyberdemon: Big bull minotaur
Spider Mastermind: Big robot spider
S.S. Nazi: Loof waffels

Ah, to be eight again...haha

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I've learned the monster's true names from Doom 2's end screen, it was so early in my life that I feel like I knew them forever. But despite that, I used to call Mancubus a "Sandybaazch", because that's what I heard when he screamed his attack: "Sandybaazch". And well, since the Spectre wasn't on the end screen, I've always called him the Invisible Demon (in my native language, of course), until relatively recently (2011/12).

By the way, here is an old thread on the same topic: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-general/43127-what-did-you-call-the-monsters-before-you-knew-their-names/

And here is a slightly more recent one, too: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-general/61031-nicknames-for-doom-monsters/

I link them for inspiration.

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I couldn't read back when we had Doom 2 on our home computer (before the parents took it from us), and I was watching my brother and his friend play. They were reading some of the monsters' names out loud, and I repeated imp as "pimp." They thought it was hilarious, and I figured it was just a funny sounding word.
Now I want to make a custom pimp imp.

Nowadays, I just tend to think of arch viles as "archies."

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Heh, it's funny how often a thread comes up which basically starts with:

"When I was a kid I didn't know/care what the monsters were called so I made up my own names. What did you call the monsters before you knew their names."

And my answer is usually along the lines of "I think I basically always knew their names". ;)

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I remember having alternate names for some of the monsters;

Zombie - Ghoul
Imp - Firespitter
Demon - Bullpig
Spectre - Phantom
Cacodemon - Langolier
Archvile - Firewalker
Baron of Hell - Death Lord

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Cacodemons: Red guys
Pain Elementals: Green guys (don't ask)
Hell Knights/Barons of Hell: Guys with pants and no shirt

Those were basically the big ones I had as a kid.

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I'm gonna make up some names for fun.

Zombie: Dead people
Imps: Mexicans
Demons: Angry pigs
Specter: Angry ghost pigs
Cacodemons: Red ballz
Mancubus: Ron Jeremy
Revenant: Anorexic Football players
Archvilles: Assholes
Cyberdemon: Maes

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Revenant - Spooky Scary Skeleton with Shoulder Rocket Launchers
Pain Elemental - Annoying Prick
Archvile - Ressurect 'O' Matic (a.k.a. ABSOLUTE FUCKWIT)

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I always thought the Barons of Hell were simply called "Barons" from when I read through that old Nintendo Power issue with the SNES Doom guide featured. Everything else was simply a demon.

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Some slang used in MP sometimes~
Zombie: Zambie
Arachnotron: Spider
Spider Mastermind: Spidermind
Cyberdemon: Cybie
Revenant: Rev
Archvile: Archie or just "Cunt"
Mancubus: Fatty
Cacodemon: Caco

Or if just talking about a group of monsters, they can just be called "Guys" XD

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Spectre: Inviso-Demon (I still think of them this way)
Cacodemon: Meatball

Wish I could remember what I thought Mancubi and Revenants were called.

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I wish I could remember the names my friend had for them.. I do know one thing though.. his family would always scream 'MOO MOO COW' whenever the cyberdemon would show up when playing co-op.

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Enjay said:

Heh, it's funny how often a thread comes up which basically starts with:

"When I was a kid I didn't know/care what the monsters were called so I made up my own names. What did you call the monsters before you knew their names."

And my answer is usually along the lines of "I think I basically always knew their names". ;)

I had a boxed copy of Registered Doom long before I had any way to run it. Given how excited I was to see it in action, I read through the manual often enough to have memorized the names and descriptions of the monsters prior to even playing the game.

I was quite a latecomer to Doom II, but half of what convinced me to buy that game was through reading an online FAQ about how cool each of the new monsters was, so no blissful ignorance or silly nicknames happened there either. =(

Edit: Even now, I doubt I could tell you the proper name of every Heretic monster off the top of my head, though. As far as I'm concerned, the low-level humanoid brawling things are "grungekeepers", and the axe throwing guys are "shitty revenants".

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Mancubus: Fatso, Fattie/Fatty, Fat Fuck
Revenant: Skelly
Former Sergeant: Mr. Clean

I call everything else by their name or alternate name. The three above are ones I nickname occasionally.

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I already knew most of their names through manuals, guidance and magazine (p)reviews. Still, I sometimes use(d) slang/alternative names for monsters, mainly for convenience or variation.

Former Humans - Zombies, Pistol Men
Former Human Sergeants - Shotgunners
Former Human Commandos - Chaingunners
Demons - Pinkies, Piggies
Spectres - Invisible Demons
Lost Souls - Flaming Skulls

-- this is what I said from 2008, thanks for the link scifista.

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As a wee lad, I used to call demons "pigs" and barons "super pigs", I got it from my dad though!

scifista42 said:

I used to call Mancubus a "Sandybaazch", because that's what I heard when he screamed his attack: "Sandybaazch".

Hahaha.. This also brings me back, me and my friends used to call Mancubi "hungry moms" because we thought they said "hungry mom" as they fired.. Oh man, I haven't thought of that for a loooong time.

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Avoozl said:

Zombieman is already an alternative name for Former Human. ;)

Depends on your source of the official names. Do you take them from the end screen from Doom 2, from thing names in Doom Builder, obituary messages from ZDoom, game manuals etc.? I personally acclaim the shortest variants taken from any of these sources. :)

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An ancient version of the "official" Doom FAQ, old enough to only mention Doom II as a possible future release, described some of the new monsters as follows:

Mancubus = Fatso
Pain Elemental = Even more disgusting grey/brown cacodemon

at least those I can remember.

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TraceOfSpades said:

Zombiemen, Sergeants, and Chaingunners : Bad people
Imps: Brown pigs
Demons: Pink things
Spectres: Invisible pink things
Cacodemon: Flying tomatoes
Mancubus: Slobs
Lost Souls: Fire skulls
Pain Elemental: Poopy Balls (yes, seriously)
Revenant: Skeleton
Arachnatron: Robot spider
Hell Knight and Baron of Hell: Bull Minotaur
Arch Vile: Fire monster
Cyberdemon: Big bull minotaur
Spider Mastermind: Big robot spider
S.S. Nazi: Loof waffels

That's how i usually call them ... Honestly :P

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I generally knew the names as a kid because I read through the manual to know what each demon was. Somehow I picked up on calling Demons, Pinky's (Pinkies?), but I have no idea why I did. Also, for some reason, my mind ignored the "o" in baron, so I always called Barons, Barn's of Hell.

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Seeker_of_Truth said:

I generally knew the names as a kid because I read through the manual to know what each demon was. Somehow I picked up on calling Demons, Pinky's (Pinkies?), but I have no idea why I did.

To be fair, half the Doom fandom calls Demons "Pinkies". Shit, I call them Pinkies. I suppose it helps distinguish them, given their name is generically "Demon" when it's a whole army of not-Demon demons that's invading.

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Zombieman - Troops
Sergeant - Mr. Clean (Zombified Shotgun version)
Chaingunners - Negro Zombies
Imps - Anthropomorphic Chocolate Demon
Demos - Oinkers
Spectres - Fuzzies
Cacodemon - Floating Raspberry Cyclops
Mancubus - Rocket Slugs
Lost Souls - Pests/Irritants
Pain Elemental - N/A
Revenant - Crackheads
Arachnotron - Quad Clankers/Clanky
Hell Knight - N/A
Baron of Hell - Bruiser Brother
Arch-vile - M.D. Sparky/Dr. Vile/Dr. Crackhead
Cyberdemon - Buttcheeks
Spider Master Mind - Big Bertha/ Quad-Chain-Brain Demon
SS Nazi - N/A

Big Group of Demons - Bunch-a-niggaz

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When I first played Doom on the PSX I didn't know what the enemies were called. I called the Imp the brown dude, I called the Mancubus the fat dude, I called the Cyberdemon the really big dude that shot rockets at you. I never really thought about it when I first played Doom on the PSX.

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Shadow Hog said:

To be fair, half the Doom fandom calls Demons "Pinkies". Shit, I call them Pinkies. I suppose it helps distinguish them, given their name is generically "Demon" when it's a whole army of not-Demon demons that's invading.

I agree with you - I refer to them as Demons by default, but I use the word Pinkies whenever I need to make distinct that I'm not talking about hellspawn Doom monsters in general.

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Shadow Hog said:

To be fair, half the Doom fandom calls Demons "Pinkies". Shit, I call them Pinkies. I suppose it helps distinguish them, given their name is generically "Demon" when it's a whole army of not-Demon demons that's invading.

It's just that when I first started playing, it was back in the mid 90's, back when there was limited internet, etc., yet somehow I picked up on calling them "Pinkies". I suppose it does help that they are actually pink.

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I'll be a boring fart and also say I pretty much knew their names as I did read the manuals over. However, I did tend to forget their names but I don't think I came up with any nicknames in their place.

I have always managed to remember Imp, Baron and Hell Knight though.

Of course as the years went by, my memory of their names got a lot better, the first of such was the Cyber Demon...I began to remember his name, even if I didn't get to fight him all that often. Then Arachnotron and the like became more remembered.

I guess I didn't pay too much attention to the names as I read the manuals.

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