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Alternate Names For Monsters


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scifista42 said:

Depends on your source of the official names. Do you take them from the end screen from Doom 2, from thing names in Doom Builder, obituary messages from ZDoom, game manuals etc.? I personally acclaim the shortest variants taken from any of these sources. :)

Well Former Human was the official name that they wanted players to know them as, while zombieman was just the developers nicknames for them.

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As a kid I called the hell nobles "snot monsters" because they lobbed green shit around and I called the imps "tarantulas" due to the odd hunting noise they make in the PSX version (First one I played). I also called the Demons "pigs" due to them being pink and oinking when they died (Also because I loved playing Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown as well I got used to the concept of killing pigs, I guess?) and the Revenants "skele bobs" as well as the Arachnotrons "ara-ch-tons" and later "Aniatrons"...

And that was after reading the manual.

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Wowzers! I haven't been to Doomworld in three years and the last topic I posted in was on the exact same subject as this one. (and the last time I posted before that was in 2010)

Glad to see you guys and this forum are still around. :)

While I'm here, I might as well recap what I said last time.

Being that I first played Doom on the snes with its incredibly low resolution and the fact that I was twelve years old at the time, I used to call Cacodemons "carpets"... as my first impression was that they looked like floating red circular rugs with an eye, mouth and horns.

And called the Doom 64-speciifc versions of the zombieman pistol troopers "Forrest Gump" because they looked like slack-jawed yokels face-wise.

I was / am a retard.

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This is what I call them in Finnish (includes direct translate):

Zombieman - Pislapelle - Pistolclown
Shotgun guy - H(a)ulikkokeke - Shotgunkeke
Heavy weapon dude - Konarikeke - Chaingunkeke
Demon - Possu - Pig
Spectre - (Näkymätön) Possu - (Invisible) Pig
Cacodemon - Tomaatti (Tomato)
Lost Soul - Hedu ('Head')
Pain Elemental - Peruna/Pottu - Potato
Revenant - Skelari - Skelly
Hell Knight - Lehmä - Cow
Baron of Hell - (Kestävä) Lehmä - (Durable) Cow

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scifista42 said:

I agree with you - I refer to them as Demons by default, but I use the word Pinkies whenever I need to make distinct that I'm not talking about hellspawn Doom monsters in general.

you know there are many other demons except the Pinky ,Pinky so that people know which demon :O

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At one point, I nicknamed Pain Elementals Pain-in-the-Ass Elementals because I hated them so much. But then I discovered the tactic that prevents them from spawning Lost Souls. And, well, now I hate them less.

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Avoozl said:

Might as well call the Cacodemons cherries.

I had an old issue of Game Players magazine with an article about Doom, and I vividly remember one of the screenshot captions saying, "This horned raspberry lights up as he shoots."

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Worm said:

I had an old issue of Game Players magazine with an article about Doom, and I vividly remember one of the screenshot captions saying, "This horned raspberry lights up as he shoots."

Raspberry does seem more appropriate than cherry since Cacodemons have lumpy skin just the same, raspberries haven't been at all that common throughout my life so that's probably why they didn't come to mind.

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I still call Revenants, Skeletons, despite knowing their true name for a very long time.

Also, Pinkies. And Stealth Pinky.

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I think I called Arch Viles 'medics' fr a time. Now days I just call all the monsters by their full names, except for the Former Humans, which I just call Zombie. I don't even specify what kind of zombie. If I see someone else playing, I'll just say "Kill that zombie." And of course Baron of Hell is a mouthful, so I just shorten it to Baron or Hell Baron. So I guess I just short names, all from the beginning of time:

Former Human: Zombie
Imp: Imp
Demon: Demon (Coincidentally, I refer to groups of them as Pinkies, as opposed to saying Demons)
Cacodemon: Caco
Lost Soul: Lost Soul or flying skulls
Baron of Hell: Baron or Hell Baron
Hell Knight: Hell Knight
Pain Elemental: Full name or just Elemental. Sometimes I just call them PEs or Spawners
Mancubus: Mancubus or Manc/Mancs
Arachnotron: Arachnotron
Arch-Vile: Medic, or now days just Arch-Vile or Vile. Sometimes I call him sticky motherfucker
Cyberdemon: Cyber or Cyberdemon. I remember a lone instance of calling it a Cyberguy
Spider Mastermind: Spider Demon or just Mastermind
Spectre: Spectre
Revenant: Revenant
Wolf SS: SS trooper

I think that's everyone.

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Former Human: Zombie
Former Sargent: Shotgunner, shotgun guy
Former Commando: Chaingunner, Chingunner, Heavy
Imp: IMP
Demon: Pinky, Pig
Spectre: Ghost, Invisibo
Lost Soul: Heads, Nicolas Cage
Cacodemon: dimeCaco, caco, tomater
HellKnight: HK, Knights, goats
Baron of Hell: Baron, Bruiser, door with health
Arachnotron: Spider, Baby spider
Pain Elemental: PE, Meatball
Revenant: Revs, agitating skeletons, skeletals, Skellingtons, skelebones, boner, boneheads, Mr. Bones, Mr. Skeltal, Mr. Bonejangles, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, 2spookies, wevs, rocketeers, homing sapaiens, Ted.
Mancubus: Mancs, fatties
Arch-vile: arches, archies, viles, pissed off Martians, firebenders
Spider Mastermind: Masterminds, SM, spiderdemon
Cyberdemon: Cybers, cybies, skyscrapers, MOOOOOOOOO, cyberemond
Icon of Sin: baphomet, Romero, IoS
SS Nazi: Wolfenstein, SS, Nazi, Goosewaffle.

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Zombieman: Idiots
Sergeant: Some fools
Chaingunners: chaingunner
Imps: Imps
Demons: Pinky
Spectres: Specs
Cacodemon: Cacos
Mancubus: Fatties, Mancs
Lost Souls: LS, Souls
Pain Elemental: Pain in the ass
Revenant: Crackheads, Revs
Arachnotron: Arachs, Spidertrons
Hell Knight: Hk's, Knights, Whites
Baron of Hell: Barons, Reds
Arch-vile: Viles, Archs, Pedos
Cyberdemon: Cyb, cyber
Spider Master Mind: Mastermind, M&Ms
SS Nazi: Nazis, Cops

Names Friends and I have used in survival/coop.

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When I was a kid I didnt see the difference between a few

Zombieguy/shotgun guy - pistolguy
Imp - monster
heavy weapons dude - chaingunner
demon - pig
spectre - shadowguy (i didnt get that it was a demon)
cacodemon - eye
pain elemental - eye mommy
lost soul - haeh (after the sound they make)
hellknight/baron - buck
mancubus - fatty
revenant - skeleton
arachnotron - minispider
archvile - lightning guy
cyberdemon - robobuck
mastermind - spider

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Alternate names I give to the Doom monsters

Former Human: Troopers
Former Human Sargeant: Baldies
Former Commando: Enforcers (like in Duke Nukem 3D and Quake 2)
Imp: Imps (what else?)
Demon: Hellhounds
Spectre: Shadow Hellhounds
Lost Soul: Skulls
Cacodemon: Killer Tomatoes
Hell Knight: Satan Juniors
Baron of Hell: Satans
Arachnotron: Spider-bots
Pain Elemental: Skull Spitter
Revenant: Screamers
Mancubus: Fatties
Arch-Vile: Protectors (cause they're like those Protector Drones from Duke Nukem 3D)
Spider Mastermind: Bitch Queen (Big Brain for Ultimate Doom)
Cyberdemon: Boss Cyber

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Shadow Hog said:
a whole army of not-Demon demons that's invading.

In general they're monsters or "hellspawn". I think I may have called the monsters "demons" early on, but that's set aside once one becomes familiarized with the game details, names and technicalities. The habit of frequenting these forums and talking about the monsters here reinforces that.

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I always assumed (I also didn't have speaker sound for a long time0 That all zombies are just humans who want to kill everyone in the room as much as me.

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Former Human - Bruce
Former Sergeant - Bruce
Former Commando - Bruce
Imp - Bruce
Demon - Bruce
Spectre - Bruce
Lost Soul - Bruce
Cacodemon - Bruce
Hell Knight - Bruce
Baron of Hell - Bruce
Arachnotron - Bruce
Pain Elemental - Bruce
Revenant - Bruce
Mancubus - Bruce
Archvile - Bruce
Spider Mastermind - Bruce
Cyberdemon - Bruce
SS Nazi - Bruce

Simplifies matters a lot when it comes identifying my killer.

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Zombieman - pistoler
Shotgun guy - shoter
Heavy weapons dude - chainer
Imp - imp
Demon - biter
Spectre - spectre
Lost soul - soul
Cacodemon - caco
Hell knight - baron
Baron of hell - baron
Arachnotron - spider
Pain elemental - souler
Revenant - revenant
Mancubus - fatass
Archvile - heater
Spidermastermind - spider
Cyberdemon - cyber
Monster spawner - spawner
SS nazi - nazi
Commander keen - keen
Icon of sin - Romero

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Warning: russian words.

Demon - svinja - pig
Spectre - prozrachnaja svinja - transparent pig
Lost soul - golova - head
Pain Elemental - kotleta - meatball
Revenant - skelet - Skeleton

I name others the same way as in original Doom, but with heavy russian accent.

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I had doom editors before I had the registered version of doom, thus, DEU had names for them all. I felt smarter because of it. Then I made levels...

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I used to call Cacodemons Plasmaheads back in the days, Pinky Demons oversized pigs, Barons the big brother of the Pinky Demons, and Revenants monkeys because when I looked at the back of the box art at one of the computer stores when at age of 10, I thought they kinda looked like one.

I've also used to get the names mixed up with the Hellknight and Baron.

scifista42 said:

I used to call Mancubus a "Sandybaazch", because that's what I heard when he screamed his attack: "Sandybaazch".

For me, it sounds like he's saying "Pumpkin pie". Same to LinkRulezAll.

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Toxie Rocks said:

I feel like there should be a joke with calling a monster a proper name. Would it be funny if I called revenants Leonard Alston?

Bro, pinkies should be called Sir Reginald Pinkbottom III.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little me...

Zombiemen - Bad guys
Imps - Monsters
Demons - Demons
Specters - Invisible Demons
Cacodemon - Floating guys
Baron - Big guys
Mancubus - Fat guys
Revenants - Rocket guys
Archviles - Never met them as a kid...
Lost Souls - Skulls
Archnotrons - Spiders
Pain Elementals - Spawners
CyberDemon - Didn't have a name for him
Spider Mastermind - Never met him

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i don't think i put too much thought into giving the monsters names back then. possibly i called the Barons of Hell at the end of E1 the "guys you can't beat without the rocket launcher", but other than that, i think i just called them by the names you see at the end of Doom 2 when i got the Collector's Edition.

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