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Map title(doom 2)

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You may also want to include replacement graphics for the name as it appears in the intermission screen.

If you don't have it already, you can grab Slade for adding graphics and decorate/dehacked lumps to your wad, and in case you want to edit dehacked via a nice interface (rather than editing it as text by hand), you can try Whacked.

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Try slade, install it open your map with it.
Create an entry, name it mapinfo.
Then add your info...here' an example:

map MAP01 "BossFight"
music xxxx (the name of the song that you wanna play during the level)
par 30
sucktime 37
next map02

For more properties, visit: http://zdoom.org/wiki/MAPINFO/Map_definition
You're welcome :)

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I think it's worthy to emphasize that changing a map name via DEHACKED will work in vanilla and all source ports as well, while MAPINFO only works in ZDoom, GZDoom and Zandronum.

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In Doom2, Map01's name graphics are stored as CWILV00, map02's are stored as CWILV01, etc - Basically it's one number lower than the map it represents.

Visual Vincent's DoomWriter program is perfect for making replacment mapname graphics!

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Again, this is worth to clarify: Everyone in this thread so far was talking about the map name on the automap, while Doomkid talked about the map name on the level intermission screen. With MAPINFO, both automap and intermission screen are affected. DEHACKED map names only affect the automap, so you need to replace the intermission CWILV** graphics with custom ones, that you can create in a graphic editor, and put them into your wad using a wad content editor like SLADE3.

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I came into this topic having no knowledge of changing the names, it helped a lot!

I did by the way of doing up the graphics for the intermission screen and typing in the map info for the map screen. A lot of neat things can be done in mapinfo, although I did manage to screw up the sky settings for a bit before figuring out not to erase that sky line. >_>

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As I said, if you use MAPINFO, then you don't need to manually make graphics for the intermission, ZDoom itself will generate them using the default font. ;)

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I must have done it a bit wrong as I didn't see intermission change....so I just made an image of it for that. Oh well.

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