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We all are well aware of the technological advances DOOM brought upon the young first person shooter genre, like angles other than 90 degrees, moody lighting techniques, seamlessness, textures, variable floor heights and the such. I'm a big fan of counterfactuals, or what would've happened, such as what if the Revolutionary War never happened, or what if communism in Russia had survived.

So here's one for you seasoned veterans of the coding battlefield: What if DOOM was never released (or thought of) in 1992/1993? Where would games today be technologically speaking? How many of us would no longer have a reason to breathe?

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I'd most likely be playing Lunar and Lunar 2 all day long.

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I would be playing Ishar2: Messengers of Doom on my old ATARI attached to my 28 tum tv. It had the most impressive graphics for a game that came out in 1993.

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The adventure game genre would be flourishing; with no reason to try and get better eye candy and make puzzles so simple Myst would of never of been brought out, leaving us with many, many great adventure games. Yes, I wouldn't mind if that had happened :p

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I think things would be pretty much the same. PC technology might be a year or two behind what it is now, video card wise. Someone else would have come up with something similar to Doom (building on the idea from Wolf 3d).

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gotta wonder what id would be doing also, maybe if they never thought of doom, quake wouldn't have exsisted either and hen you can kiss games like half-life away as well, and , oh you get the picture

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i can't spell

we can see that...

fur reel. lurn hou tu spel, men.

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