StarFyre Posted May 26, 2002 Hello all, Just wondering...after watching the 11 minute doom presentation, it seems that limbs, etc do not get blown off from close range shotgun blasts. I don't know much about the actual affect of most guns close range, but I am sure this is mainly realistic unless the shotgun has solid slugs instead of the standard pellet shells (whatever they are called). However, what I can't tell is if you shoot a zombie in the head with a shotgun, will it blow off their head? (ie. the player who was playing the game, never tried too...) I wonder, what do people think of instant death shots, realistic gore/violence (realistic in terms you believe a zombie needs a head to move, or not). Just wondering. I figured, a game so realistic should have the most accurate damage model that makes sense for fighting undead/demons. Anyone prefer the older type of damage models with no visible body damage, no locational damage, etc? Thanks. Sanjay ICQ: 3081429 0 Share this post Link to post
GS-1719 Posted May 26, 2002 I'd prefer visual damage and dismemberment - the full job. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 26, 2002 Who needs Doom 3 to be more violent than necessary? It seems good enough as it is - I'm more worried about whether the game will recapture the old Doom feel or not, not about wether you can blow limbs off (I don't find that funny enough - just make the critters die and leave big wounds and I'm happy!). 0 Share this post Link to post
RRROOOAAARRR Posted May 26, 2002 As much carnage, gore, and lovely BLOOD as possible, please..:-)... Dismemberment is always a plus. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted May 26, 2002 I don´t like overdone sadistic violence in shooters. It´s a game after all, it should be thrilling and fun, not sick... 0 Share this post Link to post
GS-1719 Posted May 26, 2002 Tetzlaff said:I don´t like overdone sadistic violence in shooters. It´s a game after all, it should be thrilling and fun, not sick... "not sick"? If you don't like dead people on walls as ornaments (original dooms), and stuff like the new Pinky monster taking a bite out of the stomach of a zombie, what are you doing on DOOMworld? Doom has always been sick. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted May 26, 2002 I like dead people as wall ornaments, but I don´t like splattering corpses in a sadistic way, especially when it can look so real like in the Doom3 engine. See: corpses hang on the wall because it´s in hell, because it´s to scare the player. But splattering people by yourself is a different thing. I like overdone ironic violence like for example splattering the vampires in From Dusk Till Dawn, or like in Jackson´s Bad Taste. But I hate the sick violence that is shown in SoF. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 26, 2002 Splattering people in SoF was ok, but with DOOM III graphics, it would be way too sick i think. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 26, 2002 Too sick? Watched the sequence of the demon eating a guy yet? :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted May 26, 2002 Yeah that´s nasty, but it´s still the DEMON eating, not you! re you an animal? :p 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 26, 2002 Tetzlaff said:Oh, I forgot, you are a Troll :) Here I come, mwahahah >:E 0 Share this post Link to post
RRROOOAAARRR Posted May 27, 2002 Shaviro said:Splattering people in SoF was ok, but with DOOM III graphics, it would be way too sick i think. "...too...sick..."...? What is this..."too sick" of which you speak? 0 Share this post Link to post
RRROOOAAARRR Posted May 27, 2002 Fredrik said:Here I come, mwahahah >:E Fear my 66-inch axe of Trollslaying! :-) 0 Share this post Link to post
Crix Posted May 27, 2002 I vote for no dismemberment and added damage for head shots. No one-shots kills. These things are hell spawn, or possesed and conceivably it doesn't matter if their brain has a hole in it. Their brain could be just as important (or less important) than their knees or arms. But, just to make the aiming a little more sophisticated than *hit the bounding box*, head shots should count a bit more towards lowering a monsters hit points. I can't say I really am knowledgable about this but I think dismembering requires some major fire power. Like maybe a 12 gauge shotgun barrel point blank (physically touching) a human shoulder would have enough power to take an arm off. But these aren't humans and I think they seem more badass if they just jerk around a bit as they react to the bullets as opposed to losing large parts of their body all the time. Dismemberment complicates gameplay and exposes too many vulnerabilities in the enemy, especially if we, the player character is not succeptible to dismembering attacks. (Hey it would be cool though if we could replace the character's blown off arm with some cyborg or even hell spawn tech. heh heh :) I prefer that the enemies appear tough enough that we can't just blast them to bits with our puny ballistic weapons. These motherfuckers are from Hell for christ's sake!! We should feel like the one in the disadvantageous position. 0 Share this post Link to post
RRROOOAAARRR Posted May 27, 2002 A shotgun of almost any type has enough power to take off an arm at up to several feet range. And IMO it would be a lot more creepy if you blow an arm off and they keep coming...and how cool would it be if you take off the head and they still keep coming? You would shit your pants... If there are edged weapons - axes, swords, whatever - or maybe even a mace, they should do a lot of damage IMO. 0 Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted May 27, 2002 then i can't even imagine what the result or damage the rocket launcher will do in Doom 3, it must gonna splash everything like sh*t 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 27, 2002 999cop said:then i can't even imagine what the result or damage the rocket launcher will do in Doom 3, it must gonna splash everything like sh*t Let's wait for the BFG >:) 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 27, 2002 Crix said:I vote for no dismemberment and added damage for head shots. No one-shots kills. These things are hell spawn, or possesed and conceivably it doesn't matter if their brain has a hole in it. Their brain could be just as important (or less important) than their knees or arms. But, just to make the aiming a little more sophisticated than *hit the bounding box*, head shots should count a bit more towards lowering a monsters hit points. I can't say I really am knowledgable about this but I think dismembering requires some major fire power. Like maybe a 12 gauge shotgun barrel point blank (physically touching) a human shoulder would have enough power to take an arm off. But these aren't humans and I think they seem more badass if they just jerk around a bit as they react to the bullets as opposed to losing large parts of their body all the time. Dismemberment complicates gameplay and exposes too many vulnerabilities in the enemy, especially if we, the player character is not succeptible to dismembering attacks. (Hey it would be cool though if we could replace the character's blown off arm with some cyborg or even hell spawn tech. heh heh :) I prefer that the enemies appear tough enough that we can't just blast them to bits with our puny ballistic weapons. These motherfuckers are from Hell for christ's sake!! We should feel like the one in the disadvantageous position. I agree on most of that, although an arm can easily be blown off by a calibre 7.62 bullet (watch the beginning of Saving Private Ryan - you see a soldier looking for his arm. That arm was likely cut off by a machinegun burst). Back to Doom 3: I am not interested in dismembering - I'd start to feel that it's weird that the player can't get his own arm blown off and one-shot kills in regards to using the pistol and shooting them in the head is a no-no too (but of course you should be able to kill zombies with one shotgun blast). 0 Share this post Link to post
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