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DSDA Top 20 - by WAD count ... and more

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Ever wonder who recorded on most WADs? Well, DSDA and N_A bring you the answers.
Don't take 'em too seriously, or you might cause Andy's hosting bills to go up.

01. DidierTranber	379
02. Michael Novikov	295
03. Memfis		242
04. The Green Herring	224
05. Grazza		223
05. Never_Again		223
06. Ryback		207
07. Opulent		186
08. TimeOfDeath		147
09. 4shockblast		144
10. vdgg		137
11. Revved		120
12. Albert Valls	105
13. Donatas Tamonis	103
14. Anima Zero		101
15. Daiyu Xiaoxiang	100
16. David Spring	 98
17. Plut		 93
18. Rich J. Sham	 89
19. Zahid		 76
20. j4rio		 73
A few observations (the above caveat applies 3X).
  • #1 - the big surprise! Although Didier seems to favor WADs that yield short runs (under 5 mins), he has a fair number of longer demos (some running over an hour) and demopaks under his belt. Still, db is without doubt the Casanova of the demo scene. Probably got "So many WADs, so little time...." taped to his monitor (in French, of course).
  • #2 - the only surprise is the position. To those who are not familiar with the name, Maikl is the originator of the quest to do all D1 WADs (presumably, limited to his personal collection, i.e. most of /idgames/levels/doom as it stood in 1999, excluding the /ports section). Keep in mind that last time he submitted a demo to DSDA was over 10 years ago. Had he kept up his relentless pace he would have been well over 1000 by now and his quest close to 90% complete.
  • #3 - a strong contender for #1. Should Andy give him a full-time job adding his FDAs to DSDA Memfis will be miles ahead of the field come 2016.
  • #4 - currently on hiatus. Given that TGH
    a) has been recording for about half as long as yours truly
    b) put much stronger emphasis on optimization
    c) has a lower proportion (26% vs. my 28%) of D2 WADs in his diet
    I can only conclude that he took demo recording much more seriously than I ever did. That probably explains that hiatus thing.
  • #5 - the author of and the biggest contributor (#1 out of 136, with 194 posts out of 2615) to the original DoomWorld super-monster thread. After a harrowing battle that lasted eight years (longer than some of you have been members) the Gozilla was finally killed before it could take the site over completely. Following an out-of-court settlement with DW, Grazza has been forced to abide strictly by the "no more than four demos a year" clause and has been spending the rest of the time pondering the existance of demo categories other than Pacifist.
  • #6 - this old Compet-N stalwart used to be a lot more picky about what he played. Taking part in Maikl's quest in the past few years certainly helped Ryback in this respect.
  • #9 - 4shockblast's penchant for optimization is probably the decisive factor in keeping him from the glamorous top spots in this table. Being a fairly recent addition to DSDA he no doubt has plenty of room to grow, though.
  • It is comforting to see that a few oldtimers (##7, 12, 13 and 18) in their younger days had flings wild enough to have impact on this table years later.
  • With the largest number of DSDA entries to his name (1225) but only 26 WADs xit-vono couldn't fit in this list. Who knows, perhaps he is simply too big for it. Never known to have a one-night stand, lavishing all his attention on the few select Compet-N classics, xit is the epitome of a focused player. Protip 4 l337 h4x0rs: likely to have "tunnel vision" as the answer to the secret question on the password retrieval pages of his favorite sites.

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Nice research. Yeah, it is rare for me to stay focused on just one wad, same as with mapping I guess. I attempted some demopacks but usually it would start to feel like an annoying commitment after a few days max. But I recorded quite a few demos for 2002ado just because I like it a lot and it was stimulating when the wad suddenly became a hot topic on this forum. :)

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That Xit Vono's 26 WADs was the bit I found the most interesting. 244 Requiem demos by him (I counted manually) means over 38% of all Requiem demos by all players.

At first I felt disappointed I'm not higher, but on second thought it's OK: I'm too picky to play almost all the stuff TGH has played.

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Some more lies, lies and more lies statistics, now with a little help from Excel.

DSDA Top 20 - by avg demo length - longest

01. Stan Gula		33:10
02. RamboBones		24:57
03. Aqfaq		22:44
04. z0diac		22:03
05. Patrick Martin	20:02
06. Andrew Usher	19:15
07. Okuplok		19:10
08. Mike Toliver	19:01
09. Richie Agnew	17:10
10. Magikal		16:58
11. John Cartwright	16:07
12. Stephen Clark	16:00    
13. Jason Henry		15:03
14. Roger Moraga	15:01
15. Michael Grube	14:11
16. Virgil		13:51
17. Michael Novikov	13:23
18. bowserknight	13:11
19. gggmork		12:50
20. Mark Anders		12:41
DSDA Top 21 - by avg demo length - shortest
01. Relic		0:47
02. GrumpyCat		0:49
03. JC			0:57
04. Kimo Xvirus		0:59
05. Marko van der Want	1:00
06. 4shockblast		1:01
07. Philnemba		1:09
08. MD922		1:11
09. AconyX		1:14
10. Cameron Prosser	1:14
11. David Spring	1:15
12. Ilya Britvich	1:17
13. Arno Slagboom	1:18
14. Alexis Neuhaus	1:21
15. ClumsyDoomer	1:26
16. Tezuro		1:26
17. Kristian Ronge	1:27
18. Kraflab		1:28
19. Sedlo		1:29
20. Graim		1:30
21. Jonathan Rimmer	1:30
Caveat: both lists include only players with 10+ demos. The "shortest" list was further decimated by the internal precision of Excel functions. Still, I think the numbers are fairly representative.
If you think the threshold should be higher, say 50+ demos or 100, let me know. The lists aren't that hard to generate.

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Well, those lists would take a lot more work to make. The four above are all generated from a single source - DSDA Player list. More detailed statistics would require processing every single player's page. That's 500+ pages.

For now here are two charts you always wanted to see but were to afraid to request ... well, "always" meaning since the time vdgg did the .xls versions a few years ago, at least.

DSDA Top 100 - by demo count


  1. Xit Vono                  1225
  2. Cyberdemon531		994
  3. Ryback			895
  4. DidierTranber		814
  5. Daiyu Xiaoxiang		811
  6. Opulent			810
  7. Grazza			781
  8. 4shockblast		770
  9. Never_Again		734
 10. Revved			701
 11. Anima Zero			696
 12. Doomdaniel95	 	658
 13. j4rio			630
 14. vdgg			621
 15. The Green Herring		602
 16. Vincent Catalaa		590
 17. Radek Pecka		588
 18. Adam Hegyi			567
 19. Kyle McAwesome		522
 20. Albert Valls		489
 21. Memfis			475
 22. Donatas Tamonis		468
 23. Angus			434
 24. Peo Sjoblom		420
 25. Gusta			420
 26. dew			415
 27. Kristian Ronge		400
 28. Adam Williamson		392
 29. Daniel Lindgren		384
 30. Tatsurd-cacocaco		382
 31. Yonatan Donner		380
 32. Anders Johnsen		366
 33. Michael Novikov		362
 34. Light_Speed		354
 35. Monakhov Vladimir		342
 36. stx-Vile			335
 37. TimeOfDeath		333
 38. Altima Mantoid		330
 39. blob1024		 	327
 40. Arno Slagboom		298
 41. Kimo Xvirus		295
 42. Andy Olivera		290
 43. Kai-Uwe Humpert		288
 44. Henning Skogsto		285
 45. Rich J. Sham		282
 46. Method			282
 47. Cannonball			279
 48. Selim Benabdelkhalek	263
 49. Thomas Pilger		245
 50. Erik Alm			243
 51. GrumpyCat			240
 52. Phml			228
 53. Cacatou			227
 54. Zahid			224
 55. Eugene Kapustin		222
 56. David Spring		206
 57. Marko van der Want		204
 58. Mike Toliver		195
 59. Steffen Udluft		194
 60. Jakub Machata		194
 61. Plut			191
 62. Looper			187
 63. Red-XIII			183
 64. Sedlo			182
 65. Istvan Pataki		172
 66. Rizera			171
 67. Ancalagon			168
 68. Unknown			167
 69. Nevanos			161
 70. Kraflab			144
 71. DoomHero85 		137
 72. SAV88 			134
 73. gggmork			133
 74. Andreas Kren		129
 75. Heretic			125
 76. William Huber		124
 77. AconyX			124
 78. JC				123
 79. Anthony Soto		116
 80. Veinen			115
 81. Bloodite Krypto		111
 82. Eelco de Vries		109
 83. ClumsyDoomer		107
 84. Nicolas Gandou		104
 85. AD_79  			102
 86. Belial			100
 87. tinotormed	 		 98
 88. Tomas Kollar	 	 89
 89. Wim Vanrie			 88
 90. TendaMonsta		 88
 91. Jason Henry		 85
 92. Sam Woodman		 85
 93. Michael Grube		 79
 94. justanotherfool		 79
 95. Relic			 78
 96. Mickael Girard		 76
 97. Simon Widlake		 75
 98. Robert Reevy		 75
 99. dannebubinga		 74
100. Gwyn Williams		 73

DSDA Top 100 - by demo length

  1. Ryback                    119:20:45
  2. vdgg                      117:42:11
  3. Xit Vono                  114:45:48
  4. j4rio                     104:22:40
  5. Never_Again		90:40:18
  6. Michael Novikov		80:42:38
  7. Revved			78:33:40
  8. Cyberdemon531		70:43:10
  9. Opulent			69:29:14
 10. Peo Sjoblom		66:41:01
 11. Anima Zero			63:20:32
 12. Mike Toliver		61:48:41
 13. Daiyu Xiaoxiang		56:51:40
 14. TimeOfDeath		55:37:29
 15. Rich J. Sham		52:03:57
 16. Vincent Catalaa		51:34:58
 17. DidierTranber		48:14:41
 18. Radek Pecka		48:01:02
 19. Daniel Lindgren		47:28:56
 20. Yonatan Donner		40:30:26
 21. blob1024			37:51:06
 22. stx-Vile			33:53:19
 23. Andy Olivera		32:32:11
 24. Donatas Tamonis		31:22:12
 25. Grazza			30:20:29
 26. Angus			30:02:23
 27. Tatsurd-cacocaco		29:29:27
 28. Light_Speed		28:32:02
 29. gggmork			28:26:59
 30. Henning Skogsto		27:54:44
 31. Anders Johnsen		27:43:19
 32. Monakhov Vladimir		27:18:44
 33. Kai-Uwe Humpert		26:25:47
 34. Memfis			25:09:08
 35. The Green Herring		24:20:04
 36. Ancalagon			24:13:04
 37. Doomdaniel95		23:22:21
 38. Kyle McAwesome		22:54:27
 39. Jason Henry		21:19:30
 40. Altima Mantoid		21:15:01
 41. Patrick Martin		21:01:45
 42. Gusta			20:31:33
 43. Albert Valls		20:26:45
 44. Richie Agnew		19:10:36
 45. Zahid			19:05:27
 46. Nevanos			18:48:22
 47. Michael Grube		18:40:46
 48. Tomas Kollar		17:12:13
 49. Unknown			16:40:18
 50. Phml			15:59:54
 51. Adam Williamson		15:46:51
 52. Erik Alm			15:46:22
 53. Cacatou			15:40:00
 54. Adam Hegyi			15:33:06
 55. Rizera			15:28:32
 56. Heretic			14:39:42
 57. Steffen Udluft		14:31:56
 58. Eugene Kapustin		13:46:06
 59. William Huber		13:37:11
 60. Istvan Pataki		13:36:23
 61. 4shockblast		13:08:26
 62. Anthony Soto		13:08:14
 63. Rayzik			12:43:16
 64. Cannonball			12:24:40
 65. George Bell		12:19:04
 66. Gwyn Williams		12:10:40
 67. dew			11:57:09
 68. Andreas Kren		11:51:25
 69. Thomas Pilger		11:32:39
 70. Belial			10:49:20
 71. Method			10:33:48
 72. Stan Gula			10:30:01
 73. Magikal			10:27:57
 74. Red-XIII			10:03:50
 75. Ale			 9:45:05
 76. Kristian Ronge		 9:41:42
 77. Bloodite Krypto		 9:20:42
 78. Looper			 8:56:35
 79. Veinen			 8:55:21
 80. Plut			 8:43:34
 81. Simon Widlake		 8:42:42
 82. Mark Anders		 8:27:29
 83. Eelco de Vries		 8:23:59
 84. z0diac			 8:04:58
 85. Jakub Machata		 7:59:37
 86. Okuplok			 7:59:03
 87. Dime			 7:43:18
 88. SAV88			 7:42:12
 89. Dasa			 7:24:41
 90. Andrew Usher		 7:22:40
 91. Selim Benabdelkhalek	 7:15:51
 92. Carlos Guariglia		 7:00:38
 93. dannebubinga		 6:53:53
 94. Gene Bird			 6:31:17
 95. Arno Slagboom		 6:25:44
 96. Esko Koskimaa		 6:25:04
 97. Sam Woodman		 6:19:59
 98. DoomHero85			 6:18:56
 99. Espi			 6:09:25
100. Qaatar			 6:01:16

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06. Ryback 207

Interesting! For some reason I thought that number would have been a lot higher though. Guess I skipped more deathmatch-only levels than I thought.

Good to see Doug's still so high on the list, probably the one guy who did the most to turn pwad demo recording into a thing...

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DSDA Top WAD Authors - by WAD count

TimeOfDeath		28
Paul Corfiatis		27
Alexander S.		25
Memfis			23
Mike Watson		21
Walter Confalonieri	21
Kurt Kesler		20
Mr. Chris		16
Gene Bird		15
George Fiffy		13
Ruba			13
Erik Alm		12
Jim Flynn		12
Simo Malinen		12
Richard Wiles		11
gggmork			10
Malcolm Sailor		10
Sam Woodman		10
B.P.R.D		 	 9
Espi			 9
John Cartwright	 	 9
Chris Hansen		 8
Christen Klie		 8
Dr. Beefstupid		 8
Jan Van der Veken	 8
John Anderson		 8
Jon Vail	 	 8
Michael Rapp		 8
Sam Ketner		 8
Shadowman		 8
Death-Destiny		 7
Doug Ryerson		 7
Karthik Abhiram		 7
Michael Krause		 7
Rich J. Sham		 7
Russell Pearson		 7
Samuel Villarreal	 7
Alex Parsons		 6
Andy Badorek		 6
Andy Leaver		 6
Christian Hansen	 6
Khorus			 6
Tango			 6
Francois Coppex		 5
Jodwin			 5
Jon Landis		 5
Michael Jan Krizik	 5
Michael Reed	 	 5
Michael Reid		 5
Opulent			 5
Pablo Dictter	 	 5
Qingshuo Wang		 5
rf			 5
Rick Clark		 5
Sverre Kvernmo		 5
Wim Vanrie		 5
56 entries; solo projects only; collaborations, Various and unknown are explicitly excluded.

This particular list will sure make a lot of people go WTF. I know I did. :D

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Omg, now I know that Michael Reed and Michael Reid are different people. I've always thought that "Hoover Dam" was made by prower... Also, lol at Dr. Beefstupid.

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Haha, I didn't expect to be on any of these lists. The only reason why I'm in the shortest demo length is probably because I do a lot of short ILs, while I only have very few episode/movie runs TASed or not.

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Never_Again said:

DSDA Top 100 - by demo length

 95. Espi			5:01:16
 96. DoomHero85			4:01:16
 97. Sam Woodman		3:01:16
 98. Esko Koskimaa		2:01:16
 99. Arno Slagboom		1:01:16
100. Gene Bird			0:01:16

Uh, I think something got messed up near the end of that list...

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T minus 76 to liftoff!

I'm slightly surprised that my maxes managed to even out my earlier speed spam and relegate me out of the shortest avg length table into the non-notable territory, heh. As far as wadcount goes, I'm a picky snob, so no surprises there.

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JudgeDeadd said:

Uh, I think something got messed up near the end of that list...

Thank you for the headsup. In fact, the list got mangled starting at #37. Corrected. A spot check seems to check out. Have no idea what caused it. Only plausible explanation I can think of is staying up all night.

Heh, no one noticed that Top 20 shortest actually has 21 positions. Simple enough: seemed like a shame to leave Jonathan Rimmer off the chart just because he comes after Graim in the alphabet. That highlights another challenge these charts present: how do you handle ties? On the one hand, taking ties into account seems like a fair thing to do; on the other, a Top 20 would have significantly more entries than 20. Decisions, decisions ...

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Haha! At this point a 3rd place on ANY Doom related list is a lifetime achievement. I am even more proud of my long tyson runs now.

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Never_Again said:

Heh, no one noticed that Top 20 shortest actually has 21 positions.

I did, but the tie seemed so obvious, so I left no comment.

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Cool stats. Yeah, because of the amount of time I spend optimizing my times, as well as my current dedication to demoing Scythe and Perdition's Gate, I don't record on as many random WADs as I'd like to. But there's still time to move up this table. :)

As I do more longer maxes and speedruns (particularly Tysons and movie runs), I'll probably move down the shortest average length table, though.

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Heh I remember numbering my demos by submission order to Compet-N in the text files but eventually gave up. Between demo packs and stuff on other pwads, though, the total probably doubled. Cool to see the actual number. :)

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Never_Again said:

That highlights another challenge these charts present: how do you handle ties? On the one hand, taking ties into account seems like a fair thing to do; on the other, a Top 20 would have significantly more entries than 20. Decisions, decisions ...

Do it like many sports do. Tie is valid, meaning there can be two 1st places or two 10th places or what-have-you, but there's no 2nd and 11th place. If it happens to the 20th place, you just have 21 entries, because there's actually no 21st place.

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Vile said:

Heh I remember numbering my demos by submission order to Compet-N in the text files but eventually gave up. Between demo packs and stuff on other pwads, though, the total probably doubled. Cool to see the actual number. :)

Kinda funny that we've recorded almost the same number of demos, but you're still ahead of me by 2...

Another funny thing is how TGH, Grazza, and N_A have all recorded on almost the exact same number of wads.

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For me the biggest surprise in the WAD Authors table was seeing Memfis in top five. I had no idea he had so many WADs out.

Didn't expect to find you at #1 either: I was sure it would be one of old-timers like pcorf or Kurt Kessler or Gene Bird.

It may have been that way around the time Andy brought DSDA back, but since then the number of WADs and players doubled (while the number of demos tripled) and non-mainstream WADs receive now much better coverage than in the old days.

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Memfis and ToD are cheaters, they release a lot of single maps and record demos for them themselves. :)

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Well, Memfis, maybe; his maps get enough exposure elsewhere; but in ToD's case I don't think he really has much choice.

I remember watching skep try to FDA Nostril Caverns. That was fun. The second-longest demo I have ever seen, after TNTmax. On the third day I finally managed to last past the three-hour mark and see how it ended.


It was a DNF. Yep, those stupid Green Cacos. It could have been a fine WAD and the bestest FDA ever without them.

I regularly used that run whenever insomnia loomed over the horizon. Can't find it among a gig of demos now. Don't think he recorded on any other ToDsters after that. And keep in mind we're talking about the guy who did three UV Maxes on Jade Earth.

So I guess ToD is condemned to soar at such rarefied heights he only has eagles for companions. ;)

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dew said:

Memfis and ToD are cheaters, they release a lot of single maps and record demos for them themselves. :)

Most of Memfis' WADs have no demos, so this statement seems unfair to me.

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dew said:

Memfis and ToD are cheaters, they release a lot of single maps and record demos for them themselves. :)

Mappers who hire playtesters are the real cheaters. :)

On DSDA it's true that I have 20 single-level wads, but there's also 13 multi-level wads, and 5 of those multi-level wads are solo-megawads. Not sure if people realize I've been one of the most active mappers every year on doomworld since 2008 (and I demo everything I make).

N_A: I must've missed skepticist's fda of nostril, cool that he got so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just remembered I did a few WAD compilations – three WADPAKs (3x27 maps) and Heroes (36 maps). There's some overlap with the original versions, and a couple of Heroes maps appear nowhere else; still, that adds about 100 WADs to my By WAD total.
Maikl did some compilations as well, as did Ryback and TGH; so without manual counting the numbers in the first table are not quite accurate.

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