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Maps for joe-ilya's birthday

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My speedmap took roughly 1 hour to make, vanilla compatible. Music is "KOFKyoYuri.mid" from vgmusic.com.


Joe-ilya innocently asked for birthday maps in this thread, and got immediately flamed out by some very offensive responses. It pissed me off. This is exactly why some people consider Doomworld to be an immature place, and I think that everyone involved in this particular shitposting case should feel ashamed, as joe-ilya wasn't to blame.

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Why not? That's how birthday map threads worked in the past, and everything was OK. This one got derailed solely and only because the author was joe-ilya, and that's kind of horrible when you think about it.

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Asking for birthday presents is a little controversial I guess, but I think at least on forums like this it should be seen as OK. My reason for saying this is that usually you simply don't know the birthdays of most users on the forum you like to visit, so you aren't able to give any gifts even if you want to. That's why I think it's not shameful to say "hey guys, I'm having a birthday soon, just thought I'd mention it in case you like me and want to give me a present".

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scifista42 said:

Why not? That's how birthday map threads worked in the past, and everything was OK. This one got derailed only because the author was joe-ilya, and that's kind of horrible when you think about it.

There's a difference between asking and demanding. It's possible Joe's request came off the wrong way due to his somewhat awkward phrasing, but I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was demanding that people make him maps. It sounds like something he'd do, unfortunately enough.

But hey, neat map either way. A bit hitscan heavy, but considering you were emulating Joe-Ilya's style I suppose that's expected.

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I don't play Runescape anymore but I used to and so here's my opinion:

There's a guy in Varrock wearing a Blue Partyhat and Third-Age Druidic Armor. He's a well known player who is a head of a clan. He is a nice person though.

A noob walks up to him and says "Can I have 100k please?"

What would YOUR Response be?

1: Here you go.
2: Sorry, but I can't cause everyone will ask me then.
3: *Ignore him*

Now suppose everyone on here asks for a birthday present.

My 2 cents. Not trying to be mean, but rather more realistic.

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But look at the people's responses in joe-ilya's thread. The reaction escalated inappropriately fast to the point of being very offensive, which joe-ilya really didn't deserve for what he said in the thread. He would actually deserve an apology.

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scifista42 said:

But look at the people's responses in joe-ilya's thread. The reaction escalated inappropriately fast to the point of being very offensive, which joe-ilya really didn't deserve for what he said in the thread. He would actually deserve an apology.

Yea, scifista42 is right. My Apologies Joe, I'll toss some (sorta) b-day shout out in this tune up map.

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Nice one, cannonball; impressive looking for a quick speedmap, and the idea is quite well implemented too.

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Hey Joe, I will make something for ya, I hope I didn't come across negatively in the previous thread; it was not my intention to.

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scifista42 said:

He would actually deserve an apology.

HA HA HA... that was a joke, right? If anything, asking for bday wads in the open section is pretty audacious in the first place. Now sprinkle it with joe's uncouth manners and I don't see how you can be even remotely serious. Grade A whiteknighting.

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scifista42 said:

Joe-ilya demanded birthday maps in this thread, and got immediately flamed out by some very offensive responses. It pissed me off.


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i was only joking around, I don't think his skin is that thin. Btw, that was a baby eating a chocolate birthday cake. I was trying to find one with a birthday hat, but the crown was the closet I found.

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Setting aside the lameness of Joe demanding that people make him maps, I'll still take this as an excuse to release this map. I was speedmapping with ideas from jmickle's map theme generator earlier this month, and one of the fun level concepts it spat out was "A Mind-boggling Cube, Imitate Joe-Ilya, No sky."

I toyed around with the idea and had half a playable map finished before losing interest for a few weeks. For Joe's birthday, though, I finished it, polished it a bit, and even threw in some birthday candles.

Note: Playing UV right away may be unfair, since the map is a little chaotic and somewhat punishing. I recommend starting on HMP or below to get your bearings, unless you like being splattered repeatedly against the walls of a dark flashing room while pinned by roaming spectres. Limit removing.

Download Cube1.wad

Happy birthday.

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Doom 2 Map01
Vanilla Compatible
Music is a midi version of War from Rocky IV

Difficulty levels implemented... kinda hard map and on UV it's 2hard though that might have changed since I made it easier last minute :s
PROTIP: get lucky and use chaingunners to take down PE

Didn't test it extensively so let me know about any problems and I'll get fix it if you want me to :s

Happy Birthday bruh

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What do mean "demanding"? I wanted some maps, but no, you say it like I was threatening you to death.

Never knew the map theme generator mentions me. I'm so playing these maps tonight.

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I'm guessing you need to work on your English a bit. Your exact wording was "You have to submit a map on 30th of march." and this comes across as a demand. Something like "Could people submit maps for me please?" would have been far nicer.

That said, you're already getting maps done for you. Which I still can't believe, honestly. Doomworld isn't Christmas-every-day-land.

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scifista42 said:

Why not? That's how birthday map threads worked in the past, and everything was OK.

Just about all the birthday maps I made were almost entirely by surprise. People posted a blog saying hey I'm celebrating my birthday today, gonna have a drink and eat some cake etc. etc. And I took as an opportunity to flex my speedmapping muscles, especially if I liked the person. I've always been uneasy about those who say "alright its my bday so what did you get me?"

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The problem is that noone really knew that joe's birthday is coming. Maybe some people would have liked to gift him a map but they simply didn't have a chance. That's why you can excuse his behavior imo.


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Memfis said:

The problem is that noone really knew that joe's birthday is coming. Maybe some people would have liked to gift him a map but they simply didn't have a chance. That's why you can excuse his behavior imo.

If that was the case, yes.

Abyssal Session 16 thread.
March 15.

joe-ilya said:

Making this session at 30th would be cool, as it's my birthday that day after all.

joe has made it clear that he wants maps for his birthday, going so far as to move the date of a session also a couple weeks after a time and date was set.

I have nothing against joe asking nicely for birthday maps, and maybe some people were a bit dickish in their response. But the "people didnt know it was his birthday" argument is a no sell. And an ego check is not exactly uncalled for.

btw my birthday is June 25

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