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If the player were an imp fighting humans, what would he have as weapons?

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I really want a good-quality mod where the player is a devil - in this case an imp - and fights in the invasion against humans.

For sure, the first thing I'd do would be raising the health to 100 (unless 60 is survivable) and the speed to that of Doomguy.

But I wonder: assuming I keep the numbered set of weapons, what would they be? I know there are fireballs and claws, but what else? Or do you think I should do a different approach?

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Simply he could shoot fireballs and slash, I Remember playing somthing simillar for Half-Life where you'll take the role of a Headcrab and start infecting people arround you (Gaurds,Scientists,Soldiers ...etc)i don't know if there was a specific mission to complete in this mod but i surely had a lot of Fun playing it :

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I thought of some:

- variety of fire attacks: just using the basic fire globe is boring, since it's only as powerful as the pistol, and without the instant hit. Maybe some advanced fireballs like the Nether dark imp attacks.
- demon possession: melee only. Since you're a demon and that's what demons do, for 60 seconds you take control of a "weaker" enemy and his weapons. When he dies or time runs out, you're released. Or maybe when he dies, you die (you have to get out before he dies).
- magic artifacts that Doomguy would use on some Dooms: the unmaker, the soul cube, the Resurrection of Evil artifact.

Health is probably recovered from dead bodies. The only usable items are probably orbs, if any.

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Weapon 1: Throw fireballs by both hands, as fast as the pistol shoots or slightly slower. The fireballs might be faster than usual imp's ones. Melee scratch is automatically performed when the target is in close range when throwing a fireball.

Weapon 2: Hands turned orange. Throw cacodemon fireballs. Slightly slower rate.

Weapon 3: Hands turned green. Throw baron fireballs. Slightly slower rate, again.

Weapon 4: Throw a bunch of imp fireballs at the same time - with horizontal and slight vertical spread.

Weapon 5: Magic purple fireball with splash damage.

Weapon 6: Rapid fire cannon / Unmaker.

Weapon 7: Soul cube.

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You could try creating an arsenal like this:

#1: Claw swipe.

The standard melee attack of the imp. It can be augmented with the imp's berserk pack equivalent.

#2: Basic fireball.

A projectile with the same properties as the standard HNTR/HMP/UV imp fireball.

#3a: Orb cluster.

The small fireballs used by the Valiant imp replacement but even faster. Fired in triplets, they fan out in a slight spread pattern.

#3b: Super orb cluster.

Similar to the regular orb cluster but emits nine fireballs in a very wide spread pattern (even wider than the SSG's). It uses three times as much ammo per shot and is intended for selective use: at point blank range and against larger groups.

#4: Claw needle.

A stream of white hitscan-fast claw-sized projectiles that functions as a slightly more powerful chaingun.

#5: Heat bomb.

A slow-firing blast-damage attack filling the niche of the rocket launcher.

#6: Flame outpour.

A rapid-fire weapon comparable to a flamethrower. Emits a rapid stream of Valiant imp fireballs.

#7: Inferno.

Fires a cluster of homing blue-white flame tornadoes.


It would be logical for all weapons but the claw swipe and basic fireball to use two imp hands, not one. The first two attacks should have infinite ammo, and projectiles that use different ammo types should be drawn with different colors.

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I still think that there's no reason to have a separate attack for melee scratch. A melee attack and ranged imp fireball attack should *not* be separated into 2 weapon slots, instead the melee should be performed automatically when the target is in close range when throwing a fireball. It simplifies player's control naturally and without negative consequences, and is more loyal to imp's behaviour.

Modifying my suggestions written before:

Weapon 1: Throw fireballs by both hands alternately, as fast as the pistol shoots or slightly slower. The fireballs might be faster than usual imp's ones. If there's an enemy at close range in front of you, melee attack is automatically performed. Perhaps an Alt attack would be an always-melee mode.

Weapon 2: Throw a dark imp fireball. This fireball flies twice (or almost twice) faster than your basic fireball, but fire rate is slower. You use both hands at the same time to throw one fireball. Or just one hand. But not by both hands alternately, anymore. If there's an enemy at close range in front of you, stronger melee attack is automatically performed. Perhaps an Alt attack would be a safe always-melee mode.

Weapon 3: Throw a bunch of magic purple fireballs at the same time - with horizontal and slight vertical spread.

Weapon 4: Demonic cannon firing a homing revenant projectile.

Weapon 5: Hands turn flaming, throw big flaming fireball with splash damage. If there's an enemy at close range in front of you, really strong melee attack is automatically performed, but you must pay attention, because if the enemy steps back just before the attack is performed, you'll throw the fireball, which might hurt you. Perhaps an Alt attack would be a safe always-melee mode.

Weapon 6: Rapid fire demonic cannot firing small yet fast projectiles.

Weapon 7: Soul cube.

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Maes: worst wad ever is precisely what I don't want to make :P

The rest: your suggestions are very helpful, thanks! I think I can pull some of these off in Eternity as well, i.e. I might not really need ZDoom.

Most importantly I have to come up with a line-up of opponents that are as well-balanced as the Doom 2 base. Then I can worry about player's weapons.

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printz said:

Most importantly I have to come up with a line-up of opponents that are as well-balanced as the Doom 2 base.


Pistol or machinegun soldier
Shotgun marine
Chaingun marine (fat)
Guy with a knife/chainsaw (melee)
Guy with a flamethrower (medium distance, spread)
Grenade throwing guy
Guard robot (melee or projectile throwing, ground or flying)
Small plasmagun or rocket-launching tank
Small chaingun or plasmagun or rocket-launching helicopter
Large tanks for bosses

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