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Real Doom Weapons/toys (with photos)

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So I've been collecting the DOOM weapons (or rather, their real life counterparts which were photographed to be used in the game). If anyone wants some better photos for use in the game (ie to be converted into sprites), give me a shout and I'll set them up in the studio and get some proper quality shots with my better camera and optimal lighting.

So far here's the tally I have;

Mcculloch Eager Beaver 2.0 Chainsaw - Waiting for arrival. Will post photos. I found a non-working one on ebay, and am going to refinish and restore it.

Kevin Clouds Hairy Arm and brass knuckles - I don't drive enough trucks to have a powerfully hairy arm like his.

Beretta Water Pistol - Hard to track down, still looking. I have found the same mould used to develop it used in China for making other toy Berettas, so keeping my eyes open.

Tootsietoy Dakota Shotgun - I have 3. One of them is still on its way:

Chaingun - I have 2 on the way, waiting for arrival. Will post photos.

Rocket Launcher - Not a clue what this is, anyone know what this was digitalized from?

Rambo M60 Toy (Plasma Rifle) - I have two. One in grey, and another with tan which is on the way:

Technically, you can shoot sticky darts with this thing. If you pull the ribbed area (tan colour in the game) forward from the first person perspective, it stays back and snaps forward when the trigger is pressed. Funnily enough, on the full toy gun, this actually goes the other way around, with the plasma-rifle muzzle being a part of the gun, and the barrel being where the doomguys chest would be.

1980s Transforming Toy BFG 9000 - I have no idea what this is yet, anyone figured it out? I've left Romero a message as I want to complete the collection.

The only thing I'm not sure of as well is the Super Shotgun, but I have a feeling it could simply be based on photos of the Tootsietoy Dakota.

For a bit more history; I actually bought 3 "dakotas", all of them slightly different. One is a regular Tootsietoy Dakota from the 1990s, another is slightly more recent, from the 2000s (or possibly old stock) which was brand new, and has a fancy pattern on the side, and the third one is on its way in the mail.

The original Dakota was broken, so I had to repair it.

As far as cap guns go, this has been one of the coolest. You feed a roll of caps into a small magazine that inserts into the bottom of the gun, and rack the pump. Once the pump is racked, it cocks the gun and allows you to fire (or dry fire, which is equally loud, you don't even need caps). Once you pump it after firing, it cuts the roll and ejects the spent part of the cap roll. Pretty neat! Wish they made toy guns like this still.

Stock and pump removed. Basically the pump would not retract fully, and the gun wouldn't cock, however the trigger still worked fine.

Internal mechanism. Basically the copper/brass strip that acts partially as a tension mechanism was not sitting correctly. It took some doing but I managed to get it to fit properly.

I also found that the pump, once pulled back, would not go forward on its own like the new Dakota, so I fixed that with a simple elastic band.

A piece of history restored, good as new.

I've also made efforts to preserve these in 3d, true to their real-life dimensions.

Both are still a WIP, and the shotgun has a larger ejection port so it can be used in games et cetera. I've had to do a lot of improvisation on the Plasma Rifle since there is very little detail in the world sprite, but I'll get there eventually. I hope to do the same with the chainsaw and other weapons when I get them.

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Blackmantis said:

The only thing I'm not sure of as well is the Super Shotgun, but I have a feeling it could simply be based on photos of the Tootsietoy Dakota.

Yeah, reloading frames look like they were made out of the regular shotgun's reloading frames.

The idle frame was drawn from scratch, or it was so heavily edited from whatever photo source was used, that it may as well be considered hand-drawn.

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Da Werecat said:

Yeah, reloading frames look like they were made out of the regular shotgun's reloading frames.

The idle frame was drawn from scratch, or it was so heavily edited from whatever photo source was used, that it may as well be considered hand-drawn.

This is supposedly the super shotgun original frames, which look to be copied from the Tootisetoy Dakota. Can anyone confirm if this is legitimate? I can't find it on Romeros Twitter.

raymoohawk said:

aweosme stuff black mantis! :)

You're most welcome! Keep this thread bookmarked and I'll update it when the rest of the guns etc arrive.

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Oh wow, this is really cool. I didn't think it'd be feasible to track down all these old toys since they were manufactured so long ago. I'm curious as to how you made the models though, were they laser-scanned or was it all done by hand?

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Jaxxoon R said:

Oh wow, this is really cool. I didn't think it'd be feasible to track down all these old toys since they were manufactured so long ago. I'm curious as to how you made the models though, were they laser-scanned or was it all done by hand?

It's more than do-able ;) The only ones I haven't found is the rocket launcher, BFG and pistol. I'm certain I have seen the pistol before on a vintage ebay auction.

I modeled these by hand based on reference photos, although nothing beats having the real deal next to you as it's good for proportion and size reference relative to the real world, so I was able to model them to scale accurately down to the nearest millimetre.

My hope is that if I can get the whole lot, I can spend some time doing high poly models of each to "preserve" them, and perhaps they could be used in making an updated version of Doom3d or something one day? Or released for use in WADS etc.

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I still think the SSG's idle frame is from Evil Dead II, but without a source...

Anyways cool shit, I've sort of always wanted to get one of those shotguns myself. Ebay? Good luck on the Beretta.

Also, the PR always kind of looked like the Aliens Pulse Rifle.

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The beta SSG frames are legitimate, look for something called 1993res on /idgames/ as the community compiled an assets WAD and put it on there.

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Blackmantis said:

This is supposedly the super shotgun original frames, which look to be copied from the Tootisetoy Dakota. Can anyone confirm if this is legitimate? I can't find it on Romeros Twitter.

Heh, a pump-action double barrel shotgun like Moe has in the Simpsons.

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Blackmantis said:

Chaingun - I have 2 on the way, waiting for arrival. Will post photos.

Whoa I didn't even know we had a source for the Chaingun yet! What is it based on?

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Captain Red said:

Whoa I didn't even know we had a source for the Chaingun yet! What is it based on?

Tootsietoy Ol' Painless chaingun.


Minus the tip.

There's a few variants of this toy, there's a blackish-grey one, and the bright satin-finish one (pictured above). That one above is what you're after. The red tip can probably be removed. There's a dark one up for grabs on ebay at the moment but they're asking $90 for it which is steep for a toy gun, nonetheless I'm thinking of buying it up (so you guys don't have to) and getting plenty of photos.

I'll get pics once it arrives ;)

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Avoozl said:

I don't see why they had to add an orange tip seeing as it's a fictional weapon.

U.S. laws probably

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VGA said:

U.S. laws probably

I think so, yeah. Toy guns apparently had normal tips from the 50s onwards. I remember toy guns here in Australia began getting the red tips around the late 1990s (especially after the Martin Bryant shooting in 1996). It isn't a problem if the tip is just temporary or inside the barrel as they can be removed, but it's a real pain in the butt when the manufacturers actually make the physical muzzle out of solid red plastic. Spray-painting doesn't stay on plastic so well without scratching off as far as I've found.

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VGA said:

U.S. laws probably

Yes but the point I'm making is it's not a real kind of identifiable weapon.

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It's always interesting seeing the actual things those sprites were based off of. Thanks for sharing this with us!

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Something which has been bothering me for a very long time is the BFG 9000 being made from a transforming toy. Now the Transformers where very big in th 80's, and the BFG has transformers style details.

So could they have remodeled Megatron or a transformer while adding the Plasma gun nuzzle and recoloring some parts ?

I am deep linking this for a short moment so the links might die ;

1 - The BFG its rear end / strap on / support


This is a shot in the dark with the megatron G1 toy, but it keeps bugging me.

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Blackmantis said:

This is supposedly the super shotgun original frames, which look to be copied from the Tootisetoy Dakota. Can anyone confirm if this is legitimate? I can't find it on Romeros Twitter.

Only the first two frames were made by id software. I made the last two from the doom shotgun sprites.

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Da Werecat said:

Except that thing doesn't look like chaingun at all.

My thoughts exactly.

Just wait and see ;) When I get the toy one, I'll show you guys that it's the real deal.

FireFish said:

Something which has been bothering me for a very long time is the BFG 9000 being made from a transforming toy. Now the Transformers where very big in th 80's, and the BFG has transformers style details.

So could they have remodeled Megatron or a transformer while adding the Plasma gun nuzzle and recoloring some parts ?

I am deep linking this for a short moment so the links might die ;

1 - The BFG its rear end / strap on / support

This is a shot in the dark with the megatron G1 toy, but it keeps bugging me.

Not sure if it's Megatron, could be some random no-name chinese transforming toy that they used? I've been looking at them all week without finding the answer. I'm waiting for Romero to clear it up.

rf` said:

Only the first two frames were made by id software. I made the last two from the doom shotgun sprites.

Thanks for clearing that up. Where did the first two frames come from (I mean, where did ID/Romero release them?) I looked on Johns twitter but didn't see it anywhere during the doom birthday spam.

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Blackmantis said:

Thanks for clearing that up. Where did the first two frames come from (I mean, where did ID/Romero release them?) I looked on Johns twitter but didn't see it anywhere during the doom birthday spam.

Romero released a zip file containing nearly all of the unused stuff that he posted on twitter. This was after Xaser asked for it when we realized all the stuff he posted was in jpg.

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Great pictures, thanks for sharing them Blackmantis, and good luck finding the source for the BFG.

You know, having the real deal on one's hands would be great if someone wants to create additional frames for some of the weapons.

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I'm also very anxious to see the physical source for the BFG model, as well as the Beretta Water Pistol. This was the first time I've seen the toy used for the chain gun, so that's a really great find. Thanks for sharing these.

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