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Set the World on Fire! - Map01 READY FOR TESTING

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Hello, I have 4 maps that want just final edits and they can go. I expect release in July.

- tested as OK in Zdoom 2.6.1 and PrBoom 2.5.
- Doom1 like non-linear gameplay
- too much detail
- too much triggers
- total play time like 1 hour when you know maps


Version 1:

Map01 finished:

One screenshot for preview:


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Must be a WIP, or maybe a hellish side in the base, since there are more red bricks used on the right.

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walter confalonieri said:

looks nice, but i don't get the sp_hot1 wall at the platform beyond the player:


The sp_hot1 really makes the scene here imo

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  • 4 weeks later...


I wanna ask you a question - in my maps I have often triggers which cause crusher to crush barrel and it explodes. Works fine in Zdoom. But in Prboom barrels turn into crushed corpses. Plus the problem is a lot more complicated - cause it does only in some maps.

I have map - base with autodestruction - where I did functional exploding walls with this, and works fine in Zdoom and Prboom both. In another map, I have similar thing except there is a moving train colliding the wall, and causes it all to explode and make the ceiling fall (I use classic triggers no Hexen X Y moving stuff). The mechanism is exactly same. I compared even details. So I dont know why it does only on one map and not on second.

I any mapper knows, please reply.

Yeah, it will be playable even without it. But its flaw on beauty :D

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Use the slowest crusher action, so that the barrels won't turn into gibs before exploding. "Crusher Start (slow)" is probably the best (it slows down automatically as soon as the crusher ceiling hits a destroyable thing under it). "Floor Raise to Ceiling (crushes)" is also usable, but maybe not 100% so.

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I finalized Map01. 163 monsters on UV, 4 secrets. Its a warehouse with platforms you can move how you want. Very puzzly. Takes 10 minutes to me, and thats a lot for somebody who knows where is what :D.

Another idea I got is swapping plasma colors - now YOU shoot yellow-green and Arachnotrons shoot blue. Looks interesting :D

I am working on finalizing Map02 now (50% of final edits done).

But thats not what I am posting for. I wanna ask another thing - how to disable original ID software demos to be played on title. I dont want anything to play there at all. Zdoom is OK, PrBoom still does it.

Thanks for reply

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I do believe you can record your own demos, however, and replace them by naming them appropriately ( DEMOx, with x being 1 - 4, I recall? )

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Players mostly don't care about title demos in random wads they play, you as the author don't need to care either.

The plasma recolor sounds like a random pointless change, I guess some people will like it and some won't. Be sober about random changes for the sake of random changes, they're not always cool (they only might or might not be good if they visibly 'improve' gameplay or aesthetics, but possibly not be for everyone).

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Of course we do care about title demos in wads we play. It's a pretty lame sight when after the title screen it changes to a player doing nonsencial stuff.

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OK. I typically just want to play immediately, so I start the game before any demos can play. :)

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It was not random change, it was planned. Same as:

- 2 pistols (Deus Vult II) instead of 1 pistol (thats already in it)
- nuke launcher (Realm 667) instead of BFG, but that will not even appear in this 4-level demo (out of planned final 20 maps)
- alternate chaingun (Skulltag) in addition to normal chaingun (will not appear there also)

I was thinking even about dual rocket laucher like alternate weapon 5. And on slot 6 I think about 3 different plasmas - 3 colors, 3 intensities, same look.

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You do realize that DECORATE-based custom weapons/things/anything from Realm667 only work in ZDoom based ports and not PrBoom-plus, right?

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Yes I know. I dont know what I will do about it later. But for sure: THE FIRST 4-LEVEL DEMO WILL BE FULLY COMPATIBLE with PrBoom (if player will follow readme.txt settings - set exact trigger model to "no" because there is a lot of voodoo-doll-on-conveyor-belt effects). From the named weapons only dual pistols and plasma recolor will appear - and they are both already working. Even in PrBoom.

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You also cannot have "alternate weapons" in PrBoom-plus. All weapon slots are predefined. You can only redefine/replace default weapons via DEHACKED/BEX, and keep in mind that these script languages have limited possibilities compared to DECORATE.

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Thats probably the point where it will split into full "Zdoom version" and limited "PrBoom version" (cause I must admit that most players play on PrBoom even if its not the best port)

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Uh. Interesting. I've never seen that way of taking screenshots before. You do realize that you can just hit the Printscreen key and PrBoom+ will make a telephone noise and save a screenshot to the same directory the executable is in, right?

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