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Help with UDMF


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So per the advice of many of you, I've decided to attempt making a UDMF map. So far I'm really digging it. However, I can't get the alert monster linedef to work. I got it to work once, but I just tried doing it again and it will not work. The linedef and monster thing are tagged as 2, the monster is deaf (so the gunfire doesn't alert him), and the linedef is set to activate by the player walking over it. But the monster does not react when I walk over it. There are no other linedefs or objects tagged as 2 in the map.

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TraceOfSpades said:

.... the monster is deaf (so the gunfire doesn't alert him),.

Gunfire will alert the monster even when set to Deaf.
You could, however, set the monster to Dormant and use a linedef with the Thing Activate special.

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Surreily said:

Check out http://zdoom.org/wiki/NoiseAlert.

On the linedef action, set the emitter ID to 2, and leave the target ID at 0. Tag your monsters with 2. It should work.

No dice. Still nothing.

Kappes Buur said:

Gunfire will alert the monster even when set to Deaf.

Hmm...so it does...strange. Never noticed that before.

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I don't understand it. I got it to work perfectly yesterday.

Other things I'm having trouble with:

Getting doors to behave normally (they close immediately after opening)

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Surreily said:

Here's an example WAD where the arch-viles don't want you to take their yellow key. Also included are some slopes and a door.


Is this what you're trying to do?

Kind of. The slopes are perfect, as is the door. However, the alert action is a bit different than I wanted. I have a chaingunner behind a corner, and I want him to walk out from behind it as I'm walking to it via alertmonster.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been doing mapping mapping since Doom2 came out, and made maps for Doom2, Quake, Half-Life, Counter-Strike as well as many non-FPS games. I returned to Doom2 mapping last summer and have finished an episode of a new project I'm working on - currently working on Episode 2. I'm well familiar with many aspects of editing and can make my own actors, weapons, items etc.
I currently map in UDMF format for Doom - but there is one thing I can't make work.. And it's about Monster Alert.

What I need is to have a monster cross a line and alert another monster - but I need the alerted monster to target the player.. not the monster crossing the line.. As far as I know the thing-ID of the player spawn can't be used as this is the spawn.. and not the player.. I think the player gets a unique ID each time he spawns.. but I'm not sure. Is there a way to make this work? I'm not using scripts in my maps, I do all through UDMF.

Can anyone tell if this is even possible to do, or if I need to find a simplified way to execute my monster-alert?

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And for the question first asked - just make Target ID as well as Emitter ID 0 - The target id is the id of the unit you want to alert (wake up) and the emitter id is the id of the unit alerting (making noise) this will make Target wake up and attack emitter.. This way you can make any monster or player trigger an event where Monster A attacks monster B..

If you use 0 for target it usually wakes up all monsters (all monsters that would usually wake up if you shoot and they were not deaf - so block sound will still stop the effect) while 0 for emitter means that the unit crossing the line will be counted as the emitter..

so to sum up:
* Target ID : tag of the woken up monster that will attack.
* Emitter ID: tag of the player or monster that will be attacked.

Oh.. and if it still does not work, make sure you have set the line to trigger when player crosses it ;)

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Your last post contains misleading and false information. Truth is:

* Target ID : tag of the player or monster that will be attacked.
* Emitter ID: tag of the thing from which the "alerting sound" will spread.

To your question: You can write an ENTER script (automatically activated upon map start for each player) that will give the player a certain TID. Then use this TID as the Target ID for the monster-activated noise alert line.

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Thanks Sci for correcting me on that, I used a scenario I made for my current map as base, and it seem I made it work even though not setting the right numbers- but that makes sense since the right monster woke up, but it would have woken up no matter the target-id then from what you say.. (as it's in range sound-block-wise)

Sorry for handing out wrong info on that. Hope Trace of Spades got his alert to work now at least :D

About my scenario I have a follow up question. When using a TID from level-start.. how does that affect players re-spawned in a coop scenario.. will this break it?

Answer: http://zdoom.org/wiki/Thing_ChangeTID

Thanks again Sci, it was always in the wiki, just I had no idea about the TID before you mentioned it, so didnt know what to look for before :)

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