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Suggestions for wads that would classify as Souls/Borne level of difficulty?

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been digging through some of the id games / newstuff archives and really looking for some standard doom wad's that would be along the same difficulty as say.. Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

"thinking and planning" wads with restricted or "earned" weapons, ammo and health distribution... per se. Not looking for anything too flashy like mods, but just plain old single or multi level wads that really make you want to break things in sheer frustration and rage throughout the level.

appreciate any suggestions you guys might toss this way

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Buckshot said:
"thinking and planning" wads with restricted or "earned" weapons, ammo and health distribution

Have you tried Job (sminky2.wad)?

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If you're just looking for difficult-yet-rewarding wads, anything slaughter related will do you good--Combat Shock 2, Stardate 20X6, Sunder, etc. Sunder especially has strange "level" themes, similar to the Souls series, with some stuff like "The Cage" feeling strangely similar to "Lost Izalith" in its bland brutality.

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grabbed all of these a bit ago... started d2kitana (just cus the name stood out)... oh my. trying to play this with touchscreen controls is making me wonder if it's even possible at this point lol.

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Do you save? The souls games aren't that hard outside of some key bosses but the long time between bonfires adds some intensity. Super hard mapsets are closer to I wanna be the guy than dark souls imo.

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Pinchy said:

Look for something where most of the difficulty is trial and error and therefore artificial.

lol someone salty at souls. git gud scrublord?

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Snakes said:

You want frustration? X-treme is a fairly good example of mod that is beatable under the most fortunate of circumstances.

all I can say about this mod thus far (gave it a brief run during my lunchbreak) is.... holy shit.

Definetley one of the hardest recommended thus far. The highest skill is like... impossible. Is it even beatable? Doesn't seem to be, lol. I think it's one of those "the outcome is death, no matter what route you take" scenarios that you just keep going to see how long you can last.

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Dime said:

Do you save? The souls games aren't that hard outside of some key bosses but the long time between bonfires adds some intensity. Super hard mapsets are closer to I wanna be the guy than dark souls imo.

Nah, not saving. If I die, it's from scratch... which DOOM implements amazingly well, as when you die... that's its, and back you go with zero to the level start. Even more hardcore than any of the souls or borne games.... at least if you die there, you're shortcuts and some of your items stay available.

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I'm going to interpret the OP as: "hardest maps plz!" (which is something that comes up a lot)

anyways.. eaxt is a solid recommendation, and yes it is beatable.

I'm surprised no chance wasn't the first thing mentioned. pretty much anything by Death-Destiny on UV should keep you occupied for awhile.

probably the hardest* map I've ever seen is okuploks absurdly long and ridiculously perfection-demanding slaughtermap in progress: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/62387-untitled-2-a-slaughter-map/ (that will never be finished, but ohwell -.-)

*by hardest I mean most difficult while still being consistently beatable by a skilled enough player

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