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Bethesda E3 Conference - DOOM4 Unveiling

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DooM_RO said:

I want to believe this will be a good game...it would break my heart if it sucked :(

If it sucks maybe it will determine the community to make their own, unofficial sequel using Doom Ascension assets...time will tell.

Man, it won't be a bad game per se, all this bitching, me included, is about if it has the essence of Doom, whatever it is. I'm sure de developers will take on account at least some things are being said here, as they were noticeably influenced by the brutal doom hype.

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nicolas monti said:

whatever it is.

And this is the key word here. It's really hard to narrow down what makes Doom "Doom" as it all comes down to personal preference and in many cases, what people (mis)remember and the problem is that no interpretation of Doom is completely falso or true. Id has the hard task of identifying all these preferences and somehow make a game that will not alienate anyone. Even AFTER they identify this, they also have to somehow translate these ideas into a modern game.

Fraggle said quite eloquently that despite the fact that he's not completely wow'ed by the game, he's not sure what he'd do differently.

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Doom 4 is going to be everything I wanted it to be, sans the fatalities.

I can actually see people no longer buying Call of Duty games because of what was shown at E3. I won't count on it, but wow. What a show.

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The new Doom feels like another Doom 3, but with more emphasis on action and less on story. I'm sure some people will be into that - it's the exact focus the original game had. But for me, I don't think it's a good thing. For all the things I didn't like about Doom 3, I thought it got the story element right. It took what little story it had for the original game and turned it into a cinematic experience a la Half-Life.

What I'd really love to see is a remake of Doom 2's story - show the demonic invasion of Earth. Show what the demons have done to major/well-known cities. I think there's a world of potential there, and I'd happily dive into it.

Granted, we didn't really see any story elements in that demo, so we don't really know what the story's going to be. Guess I can't knock it on those grounds until we know more.

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Controversial opinion incoming:-

I actually like that slow-mo effect when the weapon wheel pops up. I'll likely be playing Doom 4 with my Xbox One pad, because I like to get as comfy as possible when playing a game, and the effect seems to reduce the awkwardness of weapon switching on a gamepad in a fast-paced FPS.

inb4 'consoles kids are ruining games u faggot' and whatnot, I'm 33 and I'll be playing the PC version. ;)

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Honestly, I'm not sure what I think, but I'll try to share what I currently think.

I like the futuristic gauntlet look of the player's hand - it seems a fitting update to Classic Doomguy's gloved hands.

I was very pleased to see that the regular shotgun is able to propel Imps through the air (this has always been an element I consider essential to any Doom game), and this time around, it does this to an Imp, even if it's not the killing shot (Imp leapt to its feet after the flying trip and attacked again). Very nice update there to a classic element.
I think I like the firing noise of both shotguns (though I might change my mind later - been going back and forth on it for a while now).

The gore is suitably wet and juicy but is kept tasteful. I also kinda like the fatalities, but I can see where all the concerns already voiced about this element could be a problem.
Here's hoping the final game makes it work somehow.

It took me a while, but I'm starting to think the movement speed works very well.

The chaingun looks absolutely massive and beastly and I think I like it.

Weapon pickup cutscenes I actually like. They're sorta the new game's equivalent to the old hud face grinning when getting a new weapon and it strikes me as a nice touch.
However, I can also see those be a problem. Hopefully the player can skip them.

Lots of stuff I kinda like overall, but I could go on about those, and I also have things I'm less enthused about (though some of those may prove nitpicky):

I saw the multiplayer trailer and was rather dismayed at the power-suit's overall appearance; It looks like every Master Chief inspired power armour I've been seeing for over a decade. Nothing really stood out about it. Hopefully, the singler player Doom Guy's outfit has a colour scheme that somehow makes this look work, but right now, I'm not feeling it.

Regular shotgun lacks the iconic ridiculous over-the-top "yank shotgun up to the left and make a show of cocking it". Sure, you see bits of it in the "cutscene" at the start and when he adds that alt-fire modifier thingie to it, but that doesn't really do it for me. That old animation was a huge part of what made the old shotgun "oomphy" for me and for a while, its absence made me hate the new shotgun for a while (still unsure of it overall). Hell, even Doom 3's shotgun had this animation in some form.

I was not impressed by the plasma rifle, though I don't mind that its appearance is heavily influenced by the Doom 3 design (as I quite like that design), its colour scheme is all wrong (and I don't see much point in changing it) and there's basically nothing classic plasma rifle left to it, something the Doom 3 one managed to do (while doing so subtly).
It also sounded and seemed very weak and I really hope those plasma pulses are just unfinished because they are pretty bland as of now.

The "Strogg thingies" I'm unsure about - they look too much like cybernetic Imps and I'm not sure I like the prospect of them replacing classic Former Humans (though they might simply be a plain new enemy that doesn't replace anything) - I might change my mind on them in a more favorable direction, but right now? Not feeling it.

Seemingly melee zombies. Really? One thing that made classic Doom zombies memorable was that they carried and used guns (and generally, they seemed like essentially Human enemies, except scary looking and evil with scary animal growls). The generic lumbering melee only type have never been interesting enemies in a first person shooter (they work in Resident Evil, but that's another genre!), because they are not threatening, and we already have the Pinky and the Lost Soul to fill in the "melee attacker", plus the newer Doom games like to add melee attacks to other enemies as well.
If Doom 3 taught me anything, it's that an over-emphasis on melee enemies is a very bad thing indeed.

I'm hoping there's a lot more to Hell than just rocks, a few skulls and some torches (though I was pleased to see proper green fire and I think I saw proper blue fire too), because Doom 3 also went with lots of rocks and stone walls and it was fairly boring (though this certainly looks better than Doom 3 Hell).
Not sure if a yellow sky is what I'd like to see in Hell, but on the other hand, the sky colour could change with different areas in Hell (that could help make Hell feel a little fucked up).
Looks a lot brighter though and I like that.

I'm currently "cautiously optimistic".

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dsm said:

Not sure if a yellow sky is what I'd like to see in Hell, but on the other hand, the sky colour could change with different areas in Hell (that could help make Hell feel a little fucked up).

I like to imagine the Yellow Sky would be daytime, and at night the sky starts to turn slowly into a Blood Red.
I think that would be pretty badass, especially if it changes slowly over levels.
Imagine it goes like, Light Yellow(Day)-->Orange-ish Red(Evening)-->Blood Red(Night)

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So I think I found the baron of hell along with a very classic looking pinky in the 1 minute gameplay trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NteAPGprDJk

Here's my tweet with the images. Notice the demon I believe to be the baron has what appear to be horns (hard to tell with such a compressed video) and he's much larger than a hell knight. Doubt it's a cyberdemon, no glowing lights on him.


All of this takes place at 54 seconds into the trailer I linked to above

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If that is actually true, then it's awesome. I think Hell Knights should be distinct from Barons. Now all we need is confirmation.

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DoomUK said:

I actually like that slow-mo effect when the weapon wheel pops up.

I'm sure its fine as a player, but as a viewer, it's tedious. During the reveal, the first time it happened, I didn't know what caused it and was like, "WTF, does this game have bullet time?" Then it kept happening over and over and I just wished they would give it a rest and start insta-switching, because it killed the flow every single time it happened.

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I thought the slow-mo effect with the weapon wheel was pretty clever. Gives the player enough time to choose his or her weapon, but at the same time they don't have all the time in the world because the monsters are still coming at them.

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AwesomeO-789 said:

So I think I found the baron of hell along with a very classic looking pinky in the 1 minute gameplay trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NteAPGprDJk

Here's my tweet with the images. Notice the demon I believe to be the baron has what appear to be horns (hard to tell with such a compressed video) and he's much larger than a hell knight. Doubt it's a cyberdemon, no glowing lights on him.


All of this takes place at 54 seconds into the trailer I linked to above

Wow nice find! Watched that video in 1080p60 and it's definitely some big mean demon with horns and hooves!

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My initial reaction was good, but the more I think about it I think that's only because my expectations were so low. Doom 3 BFG was really a step in the wrong direction, with watering down the few "hard" fights the game had, alleviating the flashlight problem some people had and putting way too much health in. It completely fucked up the balance. I was afraid they'd continue down that road with Doom 4 and it looks like they did.

Granted it's only a demo, but it looks too easy. It looks designed to cater to all the whiners that thought Doom 3 was too dark and too hard. A symptom of that is the cartoony look. I'm not sure you can make monsters the way realistic human models are made in games these days without them looking cartoony and WoWish. The answer to this is what Doom 3 did, dark, shadowy environments that don't completely light the monster and make those features stand out. The cyberdemon especially looks horrible, which is especially disappointing because it looked so good in the teaser.

The gameplay looks fun at first, but if the monsters don't pose a challenge it will get old fast. That's one thing that would keep the fatalities from getting boring. Just like in Mortal Kombat, as you get higher on the tower and the computer becomes more of a bastard, you can't WAIT to uppercut it's fucking head off even if you've already done it a bunch of times. If the drmons are a challenge, you'll still use the fatalities later in the game at the end of a particularly hard ambush because brutally executing that last demon punctuates your satisfaction of surviving.

I got off track here, but all in all its not horrible. I'm definitely not foaming at the mouth for it though. Hopefully this was just the dumbed down console version.

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I'm pretty fucking sure there's harder difficulty which lowers the amount of health drops from enemies. In the demo the player got wounded really bad during several encounters and only managed to carry on due to obscene amount of health dropped from single enemy. This may have been done on purpose for the demo to prevent dying before the revenant yet showing that shit can hit the fan pretty fast.

The hell part of the demo seemed to show nice amount of enemies attacking you from all directions and more coming after one another. Regarding the Cyberdemon, I wish it was more grotesque and cybernetic as well, but I can't wait to see what kind of brutal ways it can die.

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The more I think about it, the more I think there's a bit of misdirection going on in the 'game play' video. I find it a bit strange that there was so much focus on the revenant and absolutely none on, say, the pinky (above footage excepted!). There's a bit in the footage where a rock formation looks spookily like a Cyberdemon. Maybe there's more to the Cyberdemon than meets the eye?

All in all the whole Hell landscape just looks bland. Where are the props and decorations? Where's the variation in lighting? Where are the former humans? I've got a feeling there's a lot more to come - though perhaps that could just be vain hope!

As nice as some of the footage is and as gory as the chainsaw kills are there's just not enough 'identity' here (other than perhaps the Rev and Mancubus) to call it Doom. There must be something else to single the game out... unless that something is going to be Snapmap...

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Well, Hugo Martin, the Art Director is going to talk together with Marty Stratton about the game art today at 1 PM PT. I'm sure we'll hear more interesting info.

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Is it even confirmed that the big demon we've seen is the CyberDemon?

In the hell demo, it seems kinda strange it would appear in that arena, it just looked too small to hold it, let alone provide a good place to fight. Unless it was just something they cooked up for the end of that demo.

I've watched the demos quite a few times now, and I'm really loving it. It looks like an absolute blast.

There's little bits of every id game in there and I think the graphics are stunning. The motion blur looks really good and the high frame rate gives me hope we will see some pretty outrageous battles.

The only thing I hope they avoid is the crappy 2d bushes and other environment details that rage had. If they need to for the consoles to maintain 60fos, that's fine. But I hope they leave that crap out of the PC version.

Some of those high res shots made the cliffs in hell look a bit shit too, but until we get to play it, you can never really tell how it's going to look in motion.

I'm super excited and can't wait for the beta.

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There are some serious delays at work, so I'm killing time.

Just watched the hell demo again and it's really quite amazing.

The action is intense, the hell knights, if that's what they really are, are fast and quite varied in their attacks. It's a good sign that if they are fast, then most of the game will be too.

The details in that level are awesome. Notice the trickling blood down the walls that's splashing at the bottom? It looks real good.

Whoops.. Gotta go!

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The Civ said:

I like to imagine the Yellow Sky would be daytime, and at night the sky starts to turn slowly into a Blood Red.
I think that would be pretty badass, especially if it changes slowly over levels.
Imagine it goes like, Light Yellow(Day)-->Orange-ish Red(Evening)-->Blood Red(Night)

You know what? I love this idea. It's suitably hellish >:D

Been looking some more at the footage, and Hell is starting to grow a bit more on me and the yellow sky I'm even beginning to like a little. I noticed something that could be the "Evil Tree" prop in the background shortly before the part where the player drops down and it says "gravity compensation".

It might just be a rock formation, but I got a definite "Evil Tree" vibe from it and it made me smile.

I also noticed some branches growing in some spots and I like that a lot. Gives Hell a twisted form of vegetation that grows on rock.

I also think I saw blood leak from a rock pillar, which I thought was a nice touch as well.

So I think I found the baron of hell along with a very classic looking pinky in the 1 minute gameplay trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NteAPGprDJk

Here's my tweet with the images. Notice the demon I believe to be the baron has what appear to be horns (hard to tell with such a compressed video) and he's much larger than a hell knight. Doubt it's a cyberdemon, no glowing lights on him.


All of this takes place at 54 seconds into the trailer I linked to above

If this is true, it could make me very happy indeed. I got pissed off that Doom 3 sort-changed me by not having a horned Baron and that the Quake 1-looking Hell Knight was all we got instead.

I'm not averse to Hell Knights looking like their Doom 3 counterpart (especially as I noticed this cool effect during one of the slow-motion sequences, where red fire springs from its hands and red light glows from underneath its "eye patches"), but if there's not a classic-inspired Baron with horns and at least vague Goaty features, it's bound to make me a little sore.

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The doom3 hell knights were taller and more muscular. But I find it strange that they basically copy pasted imp and HK from D3 into new Doom with slight alterations. Fungus faces.

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BIGDOOR7 also appears in two instances.

Also, I've become even more obsessed with the game. There are so many games at E3 I am interested in but I keep watching the Doom videos over and over.

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Couple things I want to mention real quick

1. I'm tired of high pitched, screechy imp sounds

2. I don't really care for the weapon sounds either

3. Just wondering, how many of you guys like "press a button to melee kill/do a fatality", and what do you like about it? I always just ignored melee "finisher" moves.

4. The techbase map looks to me like a better lit Doom 3 2.0, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I hope there's more varied environments. the hell video looked okay.

5. I'm very surprised to see the shotgun doesn't need reloading (like Wrack's shotgun), and they don't seem to need iron sights.

6. What they did to the chainsaw seems to have made an already pretty worthless weapon into a deathtrap, assuming you're stuck in place when you're using it.

7. Is there a reason why most of the monsters are greyish?

8. Nitpick: The old door opening sound seems to play longer than the door is actually opening

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Hi there!
Made some editing to doom trailer....added slow-mo, reduced yellow-green effect..added some gamma correction. Just to enjoy!
And yes while watching trailer in video editor I can confirm that there's legit Pinky and pretty big Baron of Hell with horns!!)))

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hi. Yeah i've just registered but i've been waiting for this doom for too long. Sorry if i had to introduce myself somewhere (well, forum rules say we lurk the forums for 30 - our age so i'm already 5 days late to post)

i'd just like to say 2 things: I'd happily play the scrapped out Call of Dootyish version along with the new one.
And, i'm not sure if somebody else has said this but, there is a pinkish foe with a gun attached to it's arm (!) in the videos that loook exactly like the Authority Mutant. (yeap, I know not everyone played Rage)

Also: I can't wait to see Betruger's new design........... joking!

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Hey guys, new member, joined just to post on this. Was burning me up though, had to. Be kind :) Doom2 was my introduction and played a good long time and then Doom3 but not current after that in the last many years. Brutal Doom looks pretty sweet though, great work. Anyway, been waiting for D4 for quite some time like everyone else, and here's what came to mind after what we all just saw at the reveal:

Grafix- great. Granted, pixel people (peopel who know video very, very, well had some crticism, noted.) Enemies- Hell Knight should look better, probably more like old. Does Barron exist anymore? Should. Imps- should look more like old. Gameplay- flowed, open, ease of move-around, all decent stuff, except-- Ya know, the one thing we didn't see and haven't seen since the 90's is one simple easy thing. Keys. (are these gone forever?)

Ya know what made "DOOM", "DOOM"? The adventure. That's what key doors do.

The whole adventure of "DOOM 1/2" was about doing what you were because you had one simple goal- find the next key. Due to this, this *MADE* the game. Moving along, come to empty rooms to soon find some trigger released a hellion of baddies to fight. Why? You were moving along for one simple reason- get the next key.

Since DOOM 1/2, Everything else is just fights for some contrived dreampt up reason which most don't care about. (storylines like in doom3 or whatever, some like this, hats off to ya, to others, leave me alone, gimme guns, keys, and a ton of baddies to work through.)

Yea? Nay?

This is what we didn't see in the reveal (are they there? who knows.) Otherwise, from the spoken words it seems the development director doesn't get it. Instead they think- faster movement, double jumps, cut-aways, multiplayer- 'is' what is 'is' about. In this it's true, this is the one main part of it, yet, without a meaningful goal, it's othewise about keys and key doors (imo.)

Maybe I'm too old now.


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