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Graf Zahl said:

I'd say the danger is there

Hard to argue with that, considering how many people are complaining.

One thing that should be done right after installing XWE (assuming someone still wants to) is to turn off the automatic wad clean-up on exit. The most common reason for a corrupted wad file is probably working on it in several editors at once. Automatic clean-up makes the matters worse, because you can make a mess by simply forgetting to close XWE and closing it later (after modifying the wad somewhere else).

yakfak said:

dunno, is it just me? I use XWE and have experienced corruption, but it's always the same corruption, like, it specifically renames the TEXTURE2 SP_DUDE6 entry to TEKWALL5 for no reason whatsoever

It doesn't corrupt the texture definitions right away, but sometimes when you browse textures in both TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 it confuses the names and displays them wrong. The unwanted changes will be applied only after saving the lump in question.

It's bugs like this one that prompted me to go against my habits and switch tools - mostly harmless, but annoying nevertheless.

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tomatoKetchup said:

It could also depend on the system you're on.

Not exactly. XWE has been corrupting wads on and since at least Windows 2000. The key reason why it does (there are others, however) is that it doesn't lock the file resource its editing, but also then never accounts for changes that could have happened since its been opened. It then goes to only write the physical changes it makes, ruining the entire directory and contents of the physical file.

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Personally I use XWE because I've been using the piece of shit for well over 10 years, but if someone asked which one to pick, I'd certainly point them to SLADE3.

I still use Doom Builder 1 for this same reason, but again, I'd never reccommend it. Old habits die hard.

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Da Werecat said:

The most common reason for a corrupted wad file is probably working on it in several editors at once.

I agree with you on this one, editing a wad in XWE while having the wad opened in another editor (like DB) caused most of my issues.

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tomatoKetchup said:

while having the wad opened in another editor

That's something you shouldn't do even with SLADE3 (you may lose data when saving in either SLADE3 or map editor), unless you use the "Open in Doom Builder" button in SLADE3.

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scifista42 said:

That's something you shouldn't do even with SLADE3 (you may lose data when saving in either SLADE3 or map editor), unless you use the "Open in Doom Builder" button in SLADE3.

And I surely don't, be sure about that.

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I'm still using SlumpEd for crying out loud, and it's buggy as hell. Probably should switch to SLADE3 anytime soon.

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I use XWE on winxp and also don't remember corrupting any wads with it. With that said, I always make a copy before I open a wad in XWE, or before saving or going into 3d mode in doom builder.

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