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Hell Knight??!!


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Fredrik said:

He looks neat enough not to be ditched.

It wouldn't make sence to ditch him after he had an appearance in the legacy video.

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It wouldn't make sence to ditch him after he had an appearance in the legacy video.

It's spelled "sense".

I'm not a spammer, I'm a spelling cop. Things such as that annoy me.

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Zaldron said:

And Birdman is a new creature, not an imp. The imp is that black jumping lunatic.

------<||| The Birdman Cometh! |||>-----

That was true spam.

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Heh, that's the Hell Knight eh? Very cool indeed? If this badass is the Hell Knight in the new Doom game, what will the Baron of Hell look like? Hopefully even cooler and scarier!!
BTW, does anyone even know if there will be Revenants, Mancubi, etc. from Doom2 in the new Doom game?

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If they just put horns on drooly, he would resemble the Hell Knight
*extremely* well. Bad, we haven't seen any monsters with horns yet. Even pinkies are supposed to have them :(

I hope id didn't forget about teh horns.

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The revenant WILL be there.

I do hope it will be in a very altered version though, cause I never really liked the revenant that much.

Looking at what style of monsters which have already been created I am moved to believe that a mancubus-style monster will surface at some point.

I am totally clueless about the cacodemons though.

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Fredrik said:

*extremely* well. Bad, we haven't seen any monsters with horns yet. Even pinkies are supposed to have them :(

I hope id didn't forget about teh horns.

Oh id wont forget about horns - "birdman" has horns and, believe it or not, the pinky DOES have horns, they're just different from the old horns, but those long, pointy things running more or less parallel to the sides of its head are horns (kinda reminds me of the Quake1 fiend).

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Fredrik said:

Well I want big goat horns :)

So do I - the new BoH had better have 'em, the cybie better have 'em and hopefully, a bunch of the all-new critters will have 'em too.

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dsm said:

So do I - the new BoH had better have 'em, the cybie better have 'em and hopefully, a bunch of the all-new critters will have 'em too.

O'Your father has it, you have it and......your sister has it'
L'Birdman is my sister'
O'your insights serves you well'

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If they just put horns on drooly, he would resemble the Hell Knight

i dont think it would look good on drooly

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One thing the BoH needs: It needs to sound somewhat similar to the old one - it should roar "Booooooooooooh!" like in the old days (BoH, heh) :-)

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dsm said:

One thing the BoH needs: It needs to sound somewhat similar to the old one - it should roar "Booooooooooooh!" like in the old days (BoH, heh) :-)

Well why not? :) They already used some old sounds, like the hell knight death scream.

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Of course, it shouldn't just be exactly the same old - rather a new sound that sounds scarier (preferably with a deeper voice), yet similar.

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dsm said:

Of course, it shouldn't just be exactly the same old - rather a new sound that sounds scarier (preferably with a deeper voice), yet similar.

It should have the same death sound :D That one rocks. Actually. All DOOM death sounds rock...sick :)

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well to tell you the truth, drooly is a rip off from the aliens in the omvie but it has got to be the most beautifully orchestrated rip off ive ever seen. and if drooly isnt the hell knight which i pray it is, it can be none other than the notorious cyberdemon..the modified version...i also read that in one of gamespy's or gamespots earlier coverages..i just hope they were mistaken.

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Concerning horns, yeah, we really need to see those on a lot of monsters again. Otherwise, where are we to find our beloved Satanic references?? The 10min movie had that one guy tied up on a pentagram which looked really cool. I hope they don't forget to make the monsters look Hellish, as in a relative of Satan and his classic red skin and horns. Wait... I'm not saying we should have monsters with little pointy tales, horns and red skin... but we need more monsters that have some or at least one feature of what we traditionally think of the Devil.

What's that fantasy movie with Tom Cruise? The one with the huge devil looking monster. That monster rules! I would love to see an exact model of him in DooM III. :D

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Xian said:

wasnt hell knight from quake? I dont remember hell knights in doom...




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doomedout said:

and if drooly isnt the hell knight which i pray it is, it can be none other than the notorious cyberdemon..the modified version...

Wtf are you smoking???
That thing is MUCH too damn small to be the new cybie and it doesn't even have cybernetic implants - judging by how id have "cybernized" some of the old critters, I'd say that the Cyberdemon will at least have some clearly visible mechanical implants.

Where the Hell did you get that downright silly idea (no offence directed at you) that this shambler-esque monster would be the potential new cybie?

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Crix said:

What's that fantasy movie with Tom Cruise? The one with the huge devil looking monster. That monster rules! I would love to see an exact model of him in DooM III. :D

That was "Legend" if i'm not mistaken.

And yes, that monster rocked!!

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Crix said:

I hope they don't forget to make the monsters look Hellish, as in a relative of Satan and his classic red skin and horns.

The really classic skin colour of Satan is black, not red. Almost all medieval, renaissance and later images of Satan show him with black skin. I´m not sure when the red skin thing started, but it´s a quite modern concept as far as I know.

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Satan with red skin is cheesy - black is the colour all the way :-]
I admit that I like regular demons with red skin though.

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I don't want satan to make an appearance. I don't see hell in doom as hell in the bible.

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Shaviro said:

I don't want satan to make an appearance. I don't see hell in doom as hell in the bible.

I agree with that. A living, walking, Baphomet would be enough for the final boss :)

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