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Create Custom WADs

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If you're using a .wad format, create empty lumps named "S_START" and "S_END" (sprite markers) and put all your sprite graphics between these lumps.

If you're using a .pk3 (.zip) format, create a folder named "sprites" and put all your sprite graphics into this folder.

More info here: http://zdoom.org/wiki/Namespaces

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Some of wolfenstein sound files are in *.imp or *.imf extensions.
How to use them ?
And , you didn't give me any answer about my first question in my last post.

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.LMP is a generic file extension for Doom lumps.

In a .wad, put them wherever, just not between any special markers. In a .pk3, put them to "sounds" folder.

Your former question didn't make any sense to me.

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scifista42 said:

Your former question didn't make any sense to me.

I read that link that i send via the whole question and didn't got where to define the sprite name.
lump ?
if it is , which lump ?

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That page describes naming conventions for naming sprite graphics themselves when you are making them. You don't need to care about this, because you're not making sprites, you're just taking existing sprite sets and putting them to your wad.

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scifista42 said:

You don't need to care about this, because you're not making sprites, you're just taking existing sprite sets and putting them to your wad.

So , how to know the name of those sprites ?
For example :
I'm adding some wolfenstein sprites to my wad , if i don't need to set a name for them , what to do then ?

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If you have a sprite graphic named "ABCDE0", then the sprite name is "ABCDE0". Sprite names = how the lumps (files) are named. That's it.

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scifista42 said:

If you have a sprite graphic named "ABCDE0", then the sprite name is "ABCDE0". Sprite names = how the lumps (files) are named. That's it.

I have a problem here ...
I renamed Wolfenstein Guard sprite graphics to CHASE , DEATH & SPAWN...
Do you mean i should change them ??
If that is true , by what scale
Directions , states , etc...

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In that case, rename them in accordance to the naming conventions described on the wiki page about creating new sprite graphics.

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scifista42 said:

In that case, rename them in accordance to the naming conventions described on the wiki page about creating new sprite graphics.

OK , thanks

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And how am I supposed to know it when I don't even know which exact sprites are you talking about? Your expressions are vague.

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scifista42 said:

And how am I supposed to know it when I don't even know which exact sprites are you talking about? Your expressions are vague.

You're right
For example wolfenstein guard

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"Sprites" are the graphics, only the graphics.
"States" are sprite animation + behavior definitions in DECORATE.
"Actors" are in-game objects like monsters, projectiles and weapons. Each of them has its own properties and states.

I'm getting an impression that when you say "sprites", you don't always mean sprites as the graphics themselves. Please use proper terminology, or there will be misunderstandings.

Now please explain your problem again, and this time really exactly.


The Doommer said:

I didn't find syringe projectile throwing sound.
Do you know it's filename or download link?


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The Doommer said:

Can i use the gif animated sprites ?

You can't .

The Doommer said:

Can i have the mac version sprites ?
Those look better.

Probably .

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As mentioned in that other thread you need to take the .gif and split it up into its individual frames. Can't just plop a .gif into a wad and expect a doom port to read it as an animation.

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To be pedantic, the mac version itself doesn't even include all wolfenstein sprites.

The mac sprites are only a partial set: they only exist for the front frames of each enemy. None of the enemies in Mac Wolf3D have rotations like they do in the 'real' game.

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Mithran Denizen said:

To be pedantic, the mac version itself doesn't even include all wolfenstein sprites.

The mac sprites are only a partial set: they only exist for the front frames of each enemy. None of the enemies in Mac Wolf3D have rotations like they do in the 'real' game.

The regular ones are so low-graphic.
And also the bosses of the regular ones have only front side too.
What can i do ?
For example , in the multiplayer games , how other players are going to see the sprite ?

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The Doommer said:

For example , in the multiplayer games , how other players are going to see the sprite ?

If all that's available is the front graphic, it will be handled like Doom's static sprites and appear to be facing every player at once.

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