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Seeing in the dark?


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Anyone else wondering how we'll be able to see in the dark in Doom3?

A flashlight would be very effective in terms of atmosphere and lighting, but it's the 23rd century after all, seems a little obsolete.

IMO, there should be a flashlight, weapon or helmet mounted, along with say IR goggles. In order to make the goggles less effective in the dark, there should be "ghost" infra-red signatures around the station- interference from the lost souls perhaps?.

The signatures could appear randomly and some of them could resemble profiles of demons, but when you go to check visually, there's nothing there. But of course, you wouldn't know whether its a "ghost" or the real thing...add in randomly spawned monsters, you've got one scared player.

Either that or some demons are invisible on IR and there's machinery giving off heat that messes the goggles up.


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sounds great. now you have to find someone who passes your superb idea to id software...

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Fredrik said:

Predator-style vision would be awesome. For spotting monsters.

Yeah, instead of that lame light amp visor effect in the old Dooms.

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I highly doubt that there will be 'Predator-vision' as the player is supposed to be hunted.

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I agree with GS-1719 about the predator vision.. it wouldent give a scary feeling that you are demon lunch.

I think a flaslight would be the best.. but that you need to charge it or something.. so that it dimms or go off and out when the batteries are almost dead.. it would increase the scariness facter when you are in a very dark room with only the light of the flashlight and it suddenly goes off when the batteries are dead..

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Whatever it is, make sure there's a kind of deamon that likes to eat batteries. Can't have lots of batteries lying around the base when you have a flashlight ;)

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DiSTuRBeD said:

Whatever it is, make sure there's a kind of deamon that likes to eat batteries. Can't have lots of batteries lying around the base when you have a flashlight ;)

Hmm... now you're getting lame ideas =P

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Fredrik said:

Hmm... now you're getting lame ideas =P

No, it's just your primitive swedish brain that's uable to comprehend the genious that is me.

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Flamethrowers would make excellent lighting-effects in the dark.. Especially with this engine.

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DiSTuRBeD said:

No, it's just your primitive swedish brain that's uable to comprehend the genious that is me.

Clearly you did not correctly understand my statement.

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flashlight duct-taped to the old helmet...

actually, a light mounted on your weapon might be cool.

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Disorder said:

Flamethrowers would make excellent lighting-effects in the dark.. Especially with this engine.

Fuck yes...but still, you'd imagine in the future, a flamethrower would become obsolete, but then again, maybe you could rig one up in the game...heh heh heh, right when the demons least expect it <flame in the face> face melts </flame in the face>.

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I happen to know that in about a hundred years from now, All soldiers (like ourselves) will have standard equipment including cat-like nightvision and bat-like sonar based vision in one tool (night glasses). There is no longer dark en light there is only optimal vision. So from that perspective pacman is more sophisticated in terms of future vision simulation than doom3 ;-)

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mmnpsrsoskl said:

Fuck yes...but still, you'd imagine in the future, a flamethrower would become obsolete

I doubt that.

Zoost said:

I happen to know that in about a hundred years from now, All soldiers (like ourselves) will have standard equipment including cat-like nightvision and bat-like sonar based vision in one tool (night glasses). There is no longer dark en light there is only optimal vision.

Maybe the doomguy got his broken and/or the darkness is being radiated by the hellspawn and is of a kind that technology cannot handle :P

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Fredrik said:

I doubt that.
Maybe the doomguy got his broken and/or the darkness is being radiated by the hellspawn and is of a kind that technology cannot handle :P

Yeah right! You are not very constructive here F.

1. doomguy got his broken.

A: He will use his spare.

2. the darkness is being radiated by the hellspawn and is of a kind that technology cannot handle.

A: It is obvious that you don't know what you are talking about. Off course the technology can handle this. Because it uses the AL-12 option, silly!

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Don't forget that it's just a game - having light amplifying abilities from the start would suck, because it'd take away the wonderful scare factor of darkened rooms.

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