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Getting to know you, part 3.

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If you're going to quote ancient history and hold it against an immaterial basis of faith that a good billion and a half people today subscribe to (in one way or another), you could at least try harder.

when you take a philosophy that is based off of hate, murder, rape, child sacrifice, crucifixion and martyrdom,

Which orifice did you pull this out of? Hasty generalization and unrepresentative sample.

Although it is generally accepted that Christians are good people

HAH! I know lots of Christian assholes. I also know a lot of Jews, Muslims, and other people who I trust and can call good friends and good people.

The fact that people can justify killing people through the Bible shows that it probably isn't the most stable philosophy.

Unrepresentative sample. A small percentage of Christians, while still a significant real number, is still a small percentage.

How many wars has Christianity waged that justified the execution of thousands of people? Answer: Quite a few actually. Crusades anyone?

Unrepresentative sample. Old news. It did happen... hundreds of years ago. You think the world doesn't change?

An entire society is prejudice against Aristotle and his teachings (which are now accepted and thought to be correct)... Why? Christianity and the Catholic Church.

No, because people were afraid of what Aristotle was teaching. The Church was, and is still, a tool used by scared people.

Seventeen people or so are executed because of a self-righteous mass of Christians and their proclamation of people being 'witches' without anything to back it up. Does Salem ring a bell?

Unrepresentative example. Salem, as well as most of the New World settlements, were small, isolated, and created for the express purpose of religious extremism. (The Pilgrims, anyone?)

Because anyone that thought on their own in that time period (or in opposition to Christianity I should say) was considered evil.

People have always resented the Church, and people have always spoken and thought against the Church. They just did so very quietly. They didn't have online message boards with which to bitch about things beyond their concern.

Hmm... I wonder.

I wa-wa-wa-wa-wonder...
I wa-wa-wa-wa-why, she ran away


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White said:

Christianity (and all of its versions) is the most oppressive religion.

Hmmm...I don't see women in veils bleeding to death after having a vaginal circumsision in this here Christian country, but whatever.

The bottom line is religion is dumb. All of them. We'd be a much better society if we learned to think for ourselves and act on what we know to be right instead of listening to mandates created by kings who have been dead for several Mellinia.

Thats all I have to say on this. This topic has been run into the ground long enough.

Post Christian Place of Eternal Torment

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Post Christian Place of Eternal Torment

Nah. We'll just keep it for the archives.

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I have forgotten my original point that I made in this thread...

Bah, I'll start a new arguement in another thread.

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