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The story behind your custom avatar

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It's a vector image of the design of a trinket from a now defunct Multiplayer FPS game called Dirty Bomb, specifically, the "Totally Awesome Chicken" trinket released to commemorate Splash Damage's partnership with a chicken manufacturing company. (I'm not making that up.)


The game was flawed but a lot of fun, somewhere between Counter-Strike and Overwatch, but not outshining either game. Sunk over 1000 hours into it and don't regret it - it was a very fast game that spoke to my preferred pace.

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// It was a Brutal Chicago winter... 2012.... i was in the Parkin Lot for an Edgewater Condominium... went out into the Chiberian Gail for a smoke... was wearing the Ushanka I got in Kiev in the year 2000, 300 meters from the Great Gate. Put a Ukrainian Cap Badge on it.... took a photo with my at the time andriod kyocera phone... used predator vision filer on it,...


// 2014//

Edited by LoatharMDPhD

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Mine is the helmet of a shore trooper sprite i did (sw) I put all my efforts on that sprite thinking it could be the last one for my mod... but it was not :P 

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An edit I did in aseprite, mainly inspired by OpenRift's avatar.

It's a mock of the censorship in Doom I for the GBA, mainly just representing how it feels to most about censorship. (I'm cool with it though)


I originally planned to make a D64 derivative of Rift's avatar, but I had to gain interest in other console ports... silly.

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59 minutes ago, ValveMercenary said:

An edit I did in aseprite, mainly inspired by OpenRift's avatar.

It's a mock of the censorship in Doom I for the GBA, mainly just representing how it feels to most about censorship. (I'm cool with it though)


I originally planned to make a D64 derivative of Rift's avatar, but I had to gain interest in other console ports... silly.

// the journey is only silly if you consider yourself to be the fool...

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I was originally hoping to go with something from one of the Need for Speed games, specifically one of the "European exotics, scenic roads" types like Criterion's Hot Pursuit 2010 or one of the classic pre-Underground installments, but couldn't get one that would work.

However, I found this little number on Know Your Meme; this trailer and its associated music made me want to do this even more.

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I just love Bryan Ferry music and his art style, I was quite surprised that he's a son of regular English farmer, I thought he was born in rich family because of his traits, lol.
As for Lil Peep, which is often seen on my avatar... well, you know... he's a freaking handsome and cute guy, and I always loved that kind of guys, I also love his music and style (especially pink hair), and he's the only hip-hop artist who I can listen to.

Edited by Vanilla+Unicorn

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One of our cats laying right next to a toy gun which looked like she was holding it, so I made her a Plutonya.
and yes, I DID turn the toy gun into a sprite!

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Paz, the narrator of Metal Hellsinger, and also a weapon as a skull in order to keep the rythm of the BPM tracks in this Doom Like Rythm FPS.


Here is Paz with the Unknown, to be or not to be.



Paz begins the story describing the Unknown, and how he aided in helping her escape by breaking the Anguish gates that held her back. The tutorial level opens with Paz recounting the memory of their meeting with fondness. He can feel the atmosphere shifting as the Unknown makes her way towards him. They make their way through Voke together, with Paz remembering his powers as they go. He explains that with each fallen Aspect, Unknown regains some of her voice, and he regains power and old memories. He sees a flash of something from long ago, but can't quite recall what it means to him.

Paz continues about his memory, starting to piece together fragments of his past. He states that the actions of the Unknown will draw the attention of the All, as things were becoming unstable. As the Angels come down from the Heavens, Paz makes his distaste for them very clear. With the arrival of the Angels, Paz's memories begin to return to him. He sees a memory of the Red Judge, taking the Unknowns voice and silencing her. The Unknown watches on in terror, unable to do anything.

Paz is suddenly torn away from the Unknown by the curse of Disposession. While the spell is underway, he recalls his past as an Archangel. His true form is revealed as he explains his duties as the Instrument of the All, though he hated his time spent in Heaven until singing the Unknown's song. Through unexplained means, he got himself cast down to Hell, landing outside of Voke to wait for the Unknown. In this time, his body decayed as did his memory, leaving only his skull. He is retrieved,though he told the Judge everything he knew.

Paz, now human, as seen in the post-credits cutscene.

As the story comes to an end, he goes through the barrier between Heaven and Hell with the Unknown. The setting changes to the Prime, a cityscape at night with empty streets. Down an alley covered in Hell-themed graffiti, there is a bar called The Outsiders. Inside is a now-human Paz, sitting at a table with a drink in hand, recounting the story to another patron at the bar. As he finishes his tale, the doors behind him open, and he turns to see the silhouette of a woman resembling the Unknown. He gives the person a knowing wink as the screen fades.

Edited by P_A_Z

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The occasional temporary change. Two days ago I officially entered my thirties.

Finally settled for something else instead. Cannot undo the dreaded three X'es though. I'm afraid of growing old.

Edited by The_MártonJános

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I made her with picrew, which I simultaneously forgot (I used the peeking around the corner variant like three or four years ago) and then remembered when I was trying to figure out where baja blast rd.'s pfp was from. She's based on a character in a story I'm writing.

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I got bored of my previous two avatars (which were Jersey Devil and Kunihiko Maeda) and I didn't really know what to use next, so I just picked the cartoon character from this band I used to like a lot as a preteen.

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  • 1 month later...

This is Himo. I once saw her in a dream in 2020.  When I woke up I felt like I needed to keep this image on paper.

Since then, she came to me several times in my dreams and I decided that she was some kind of.... well,  let's say "guardian-demon", lmao.

And she is the main character of one of my projects

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Small relic from the 'old' days. Well, my old days anyway.


Back when the forum provided a set of avatars to choose from, and you had to have a certain number of posts before you were able to have a custom avatar.


I'm also a MASSIVE dork.

Edited by MDevlin

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