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People actually liked Plutonia?

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I prefer TNT because it has more interesting themes and concepts; Plutonia has some too, but from that perspective TNT it's better imo. The challenge was fun, though a little frustrating sometimes, and the levels are suited more on the combat/gameplay side. Beating it on UV was really satisfying, only few wads gave me the same feel. I'm sure it helped me to get better at the game.
On continuous play the first 3 levels are harder than the next because you dont have a good arsenal, just hold on.
I wonder if it's beatable on pistol start, I recall that especially the first levels are very poor of ammo... But maybe it just me...

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Xaser said:

I strongly suggest for anyone who's had trouble getting into Plut to start again from Caged (MAP04) -- that's when the wad really begins, IMO.

Yeah I got through map03 and it became more fun. Playing on and off, stopping after a death and waiting before trying again (UV no saves of course) seems to work for me. Just finished Caughtyard, it was fun figuring it out after being forced to start it with around ten health.
Maybe I do like Plutonia after all.

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I wonder if people's impressions of Plutonia would be drastically different if maps 01-03 were placed in later map slots.

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Curiously, on Nightmare MAP04 "Caged" is the watershed that separates Doomgods from mere mortals. Try that map on NM, pistol start, no saves, and see if you suddenly don't develop nostalgia for the first three maps.

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I've mentioned it before as well Xaser that the biggest weakness in plutonia is those first few map slots. The number of brown comments to me kind of stems from the opening 1-3 slots as everything from 4-9 doesn't give off a brown feeling at all.

The bridge section in map 2 for a newer player is brutal, the invisible crossing is confusing while you have little space to deal with a rev/caco swarm.

I still don't think they're bad, but they have issues.

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The playstyle I seem to be developing for Plutonia is turning out to be based entirely on abusing level geometry and poor enemy AI to cheese as much as I can. I usually enjoy approaching games this way so it's no problem, but I kinda wanna get good enough to be able to do the "agressive rush in and kill everyone just like that" approach, that some people earlier suggested works surprisingly well. Any tips? Or is it just a matter of getting better at everything like spatial awareness, reacting quickly, aiming, etc... Or maybe it only works when you know the traps, ambushes and general enemy placement?

On a side note, I don't mind how even the first maps of Plutonia look at all. In fact, the visuals are it's strongest point for me. Definitely vastly better than TNT, and heck, more tidy than a lot of Doom 2. Although some of the levels seem to be generic brick bunkers of no import, and those are too boring even for me.

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I like both megawads in Final Doom, though I'll say that Plutonia is the most craftful and innovative wad to TNT. While TNT offered maps that are slightly more semi-realistic and are a bit challenging than Doom 2, Plutonia was more unique with its level design, theme, and overall gameplay experience. Fast, furious, wild, brutal, chaotic, and sadistic, but thankfully not too slaughterish for most part. Plutonia is also a forerunner to Hell Revealed in terms of the difficulty, and both set the standard for the type of gameplay in succeeding wads like Alien Vendetta, Scythe, and Kama Sutra.

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So I just finished Plutonia and its the last IWAD I hadn't played yet, including Master Levels and Doom 64.

This was hard. I'm a big baby and played everything else on Hurt Me Plenty but I had to do this one on I'm to Young to Die. So... much... chaingun. And Revenant.

The map design was mostly good I think, but I think I preferred the Evilution half of Final Doom, even with Evilutions huge sprawling levels. The later levels of Plutonia were really cool though.

I played it with the plutmidi.wad from the Plutonia Music project. The music was really good and it fit all of the levels, so kudos to those guys!

But yeah, Plutonia is not one I'd likely replay in the future.

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I can only hope that one day after Doom 4 comes out, that id software creates "The Plutonia Experiment" as a standalone game. All traditional recognizable Doom monsters in a half UAC base, half magical jungle, but super hard adventure.

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I haven't been able to finish Plutonia, unfortunately. I lost my old save games in a computer crash that was unrecoverable. I think I only got to MAP10 or MAP09. I just haven't really had the time to go back to it. Nowadays I just sorta quit at MAP05. I save, but I rarely revisit save games in Doom anymore.

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Obsidian said:

Which is actually kind of funny considering the prevailing brownness. It's like Quake outdoors!

yeah, it's a bit the same everywhere. not surprising when it was made by 2 people. TNT is more varied, of course, but in terms of gameplay, i prefer plutonia.

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Love Plutonia, but for some reason TNT has individual maps that stuck with me more over the years. The Mill, Steel Works, Wormhole, Hanger, Shipping-Respawning.

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Personally, I never cared for Plutonia, partly because of the difficulty, but mostly because of the amount of brown everywhere. One of my favorite things about Doom is the amount of color everywhere, especially in comparison to a lot of modern games, but Plutonia took that element away from Doom, and it really bummed me out.

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This thread may or may not have inspired me to go back and work on Plutonia TWID maps.

Even though that project is currently in a deep sleep because of the projects.

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Plutonia's awesome, influential, and just rocks my socks in general. It isn't without its faults (the aforementioned difficulty level issue, the occasionally-drab visuals, etc.), but the amount of good times to be had from the gameplay overshadow those for me. It's also the wad that made me actually want to be good at Doom instead of just enjoy it, so that's cool too.

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Plutonia always reminds me of the super mario lost levels, it wasn't designed to be enjoyed, rather it was designed to kick your arse. I was inspired to play it again after seeing this thread, and while it has a lot of harsh traps it plays a lot better knowing them in advance, and I suspect thats the general idea. Having said that, I had to skip Hunted as its just so tedious to navigate and I can't be arsed to memorise the route through that maze. And those skinny corridors on map03 are the worst.

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After downloading Brutal Doom v20, I discovered it meshed perfectly with Plutonia's gameplay and balanced things out. It's a shame Brutal Doom wasn't available when Plutonia was first released.

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Guest Unregistered account

I don't get all these posts saying Plutonia is too brown. It's almost the opposite of brown! And what do you call Evolution's E1 sky?

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One positive thing I'll say about Plutonia is it has, in my opinion, the most competent demos out of all of them. Honestly, in most of the others, it looks like they were trying to get killed on purpose. On Plutonia, they're more legit, especially the third one where he gets blindsided by a Cyberdemon and it makes sense because the Cyberdemon was distracted a second prior to that so he probably thought he could make it through.

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Joe667 said:

I don't get all these posts saying Plutonia is too brown. It's almost the opposite of brown!

Maybe because it's not enough blue, red, or yellow, compared to amounts of brown. Certain textures are generally considered as typical for Plunonia, and these are brown wood, brown stone, and bricks (half of which are brown).

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Honestly, watching the speedrun made me realize just how friggin' much of the latter two episodes of Plutonia stuck out in my mind. I guess I liked the WAD a lot more than I'd thought.

The only weird thing is that while I remembered the maps pretty clearly, I hadn't associated them with Plutonia itself, and thought they were from some free MegaWAD on /idgames or something.

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SavageCorona said:

What you mean revenants in every level like this?


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SavageCorona said:

What you mean revenants in every level like this?

Amazing. Much Skeleton. Very Revenant. Wow. Such monster.

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MetroidJunkie said:

A Pain Elemental that spits out Revanants? Holy crap, only thing that would be worse is if they spat out Archvi.... no, don't even think about it.

Sounds like it's to late. You already gave them the idea.

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