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Google destroys DoomWiki.org's page rank

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Obsidian said:

Pretty sure it's the ads that made everyone leave as well, so it's a double dick move.

Changing the default page layout to favour hand-held devices didn't help either.

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One also has to mind the filter bubble.
Next to Google only wanting to show the corporate style, clean, and so called safe pages first,
it also shows the pages based upon your search behavior. (unless they changed it after 2013.)

Click or open in a new tab for the full sized image ;

The third result humors me ;

1 - Wikipedia.org
2 - doom.wikia.org
3 - Doomworld - we have to figure out what the rusians are doing.
4 - Doomwiki.org
5 - Wolfenstein.com

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In my main browser doomwiki is 3rd (after wiki and the wikia shit) when searching for "Doom4". In Internet Explorer, where I am not logged into Google, it's the 5th result. Not bad.

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playerlin said:

I got it's on 8th result on my end. 1st is Wikipedia's DooM 4 page and 2nd...of course, you know "that monster"...4th one is the official site.

Google sometimes tends acting weird and looks like they just for money or accepting SEO shit. :p

Try to mess with my Google language setting...

(Set my google Account to English)

(Set my google Account as my default lang.: T-Chinese[zhTW])

Extra one of IGN's DOOM 4(XBOX One) for no reason...

I guess in outside of US, doomwiki.org would be get lower of result...

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Yeah, it seems to have recovered very rapidly. It also seems that Doom 4 was the "worst case example" of article for the impact our downtime had, as on average across all pages, there was virtually no effect.

The problem with Doom 4 is that the E3 announce happened on the exact day we had to lock the database for safety in case the server went down, so for those couple of days, there *were* indeed about 20 far more interesting pages on the new game than our stale non-updated one. So it took a bad hit for average ranking for a bit.

Call it worst possible luck I guess.

BTW, regarding "Doom (2015)", let me know when 2015 is actually officially announced as a release date, if it's not done so at E3 in a week - because until that happens, there's no encyclopedic justification for having the phrase on our wiki.

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