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The blood of Imps is flammable. Its hands produce an invisible flame, and when they attack, they simply prick their hands with a claw to draw blood. The thrusting motion launches the fireball at the victim.

Inside a Cacodemon's mouth there are glands on the cheeks that produce electricity. They also have an organ that produces liquid metal. During their attacks, they vomit the liquid metal and as it passes they put in an electrical charge, making a lightning ball projectile.

Barons and Knights
Barons and Knights have cybronically enhanced arms that produce a nuclear energy from an energy cell imbedded in their chest. The simple thrusting motion of their arm causes the energy blast to fly out. The energy blast itself is interesting. The energy it produces could power a house for 25 years!

Pain Elementals
Pain Elementals are one of the most interesting of the demons. Inside their stomachs is a tiny teleporter, capable of teleporting a Lost Soul into its stomach. This of course causes irritation and the Pain Elemental vomits up the Lost Soul. Upon death, the Pain Elemental spawns 3 Lost Souls, causing the Pain Elemental to explode.

Archviles are another wonderous creature. Their fire attack is very effective. When it spots a target, it produces heat (up to 250 degrees F) that attaches itself to the intended victim. When the Archvile clasps its hands together, the heat energy expands then contracts, causing the explosion. They can also ressurect fallen demons. Doing this, they simply cause the dead beast's body to heal fast, as well as shocking them with an electrical charge to jumpstart the heart and brain.


Demons, by nature, protect their territory to the death. They live in packs to hunt and live, and outsiders are usually not welcome. In order for a new member to join the pack, they must defeat a current member in a brawl. These brawls are not to the death, but they are still brutal, some brawls that have been recorded have lasted for up to 3 days! The demons seem to despise their invisible cousins, the spectres. Spectres secrete a liquid, much like sweat, through the pores in their skin. This liquid bends light, causing them to be semi-invisible.

Imps are loners. They may be spotted together, but not usually in large groups. They usually kill one another when they are not needed for slaughtering humans. They are immune to their own fireballs, so they use their claws in battle.

Barons and Knights
Barons and Knights have a social order. Knights protect and defend their masters, the Barons, with their lives. Knights are also workers. They build temples and statues of important Barons. The social ladder of the Barons and Knights is interesting. The more kills a Baron gets, the more they are revered. Knights may turn into Barons. This takes place when they have killed enough. Each time they kill, a hormone is produced and stored in an organ in the stomach area. When this organ gets full, the Knights go through a form of puberty. Knights and Barons also seem to despise Cacodemons to the point that they consider Cacodemon corpses to be a trophy.

Cacodemons are usually found in pairs. Though they are found in pairs, all Cacodemons are asexual. They lay eggs, and the newborn Cacodemons are quick to grow up, they reach full maturity in about 5 hours! Cacodemons hate the Barons and Knights and they adorn the walls of their chambers with their ripped carcasses.

Mancubi live for themselves only. They consume a lot, mainly the corpses of their enemies, or the bodies produced by their enemies. They are vicious when hungry, for they have been known to kill other demons, even other Mancubi, just for a meal. The Mancubi's bones are as hard as steel, to support their weight. Upon death, the bones soften up, causing the massive damage to the body.

Arachnatrons and Spiderdemons
These things are attached to a metal body support system with their weapon. Their arms are the trigger to their weapon. When they attack, they thrust their arms down to start firing. The plasma produced by the Arachnatrons is hotter than the plasma that U.A.C. plasma rifles produce. Spiderdemons have a high speed gattling gun. Spiderdemons also command monsters, this command is given up to Baphomet, the Icon of Sin.

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Gah, another set of horrible attempts at pseudoscientific descriptions of the DOOM monsters!

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Fredrik said:

Gah, another set of horrible attempts at pseudoscientific descriptions of the DOOM monsters!

I think I did a good job...

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Fredrik said:

Gah, another set of horrible attempts at pseudoscientific descriptions of the DOOM monsters!

I second that, although you gotta admire those people for their scientific imagination :-)

It's kinda frightening so many people actually prefer such a set of explanations instead of simply seeing them as real demons from Hell with frightening magic abilities.
I wonder what all these "science" people will do when Doom 3 comes out - it's certainly clear that the imp in that game isn't "spitting a flammable material into it's hand" or "clawing itself in its hand to make it's flammable blood come out" - it's pretty damn clearly visible that all the critter does is raise its claw and it begins to glow.

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I think that looking too deeply into the lifestyles of these fantasy creatures detracts from the element of mystery that surrounds the myth of demons.
Besides, you've gotta admit that the idea of a teleporter within a Pain Elemental is a bit daft. Simply saying that they reproduce the flying skulls is enough for me.
Magic brings with it mystery, and that's what keeps people interested. Take away the magic, and you're left with technological nonsense.

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Spike said:

I think that looking too deeply into the lifestyles of these fantasy creatures detracts from the element of mystery that surrounds the myth of demons.
Besides, you've gotta admit that the idea of a teleporter within a Pain Elemental is a bit daft. Simply saying that they reproduce the flying skulls is enough for me.
Magic brings with it mystery, and that's what keeps people interested. Take away the magic, and you're left with technological nonsense.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

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demons cannot be explained, they're undead spirits, not some organic hydrophobic hemophilismic mutants.

doom's monsters are horrendous and apocalyptic creatures, when some are abominations somehow mutated.

the question is, why demons and spacealiens? what's the idea of having two types origins?? ALIENS, AND DEMONS FROM HELL...i don't know any spacealien in doom. they're all devilish creations.

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Fredrik said:

Gah, another set of horrible attempts at pseudoscientific descriptions of the DOOM monsters!

Well, I admire BBG's efforts, and it's a good reading.

The trouble is, this area is very grey, and each true Doomer likes to think they know the score. Hence when someone attempts to rationalise the stuff: resistance and rejection occurs!

For my part, I'd always assumed Caco's spat acid balls, not liguid metal electrified, and I thought Barons and Knights threw plasma bundles at you, which is more in keeping with the games plasma theme. Power a house for how long? Meh, if that were true I think Doomguy would be more than a little screwed. Remember he cannot be killed from one attack alone by a Baron/Knight.

I liked the social structure thing though, I thought that was nice. I'd think Knights would also be more respected though, don't forget Knight is an elevated rank too! I reckon they'd make Imps and Pinkies do the real work for them.

Imps as loners? Hmm, clashes with the Doom stats: they're so common and often found in large 'herds' within Doom and numerous pwads.

But hey, nice effort. If it's good enough for you, why try harder? :)

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It is a fine attempt. I think people should lay off him after all this is a fan fic section and callow quips like "You suck" may harm people's creativity.

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How the plasma/fireball/flame/whatever is prdouced would be of no concern to anyone who meets one of these demons in real-life face to face now, is it? :)

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Fredrik said:

I always thought the demons' projectiles were evil-energy-of-hell.

Spot on. Magic, evil hell energy, anything like that. The kinda thing that makes 'em more mysterious and therefore frightening.

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You'd be surprised how many people on these forums actually think that the 'Hell' in the Doom games is just a "Hell-like world" with "Hell-like aliens" - there was, for instance, this one guy who thought that Episode three took place on the surface of Mars, lol.

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Hell, in theory, is a great setting for a hero to fight thru - plenty of evil and weird beasts slaughtering and torturing humans, leaving the righteous guy to save the world from unspeakable evil.

In the alien scenario, it's more tangible, yet more boring in a been-done-a-million-times-before way.

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Spike said:

In the alien scenario, it's more tangible, yet more boring in a been-done-a-million-times-before way.

eeexactly my thoughts :-)
Hell, the "aliens vs. humans" theme has been done in games and movies alike since...how long? I think since sometime in the nineteenthirties or so - it's been done soo many times and it continues to be the preferred theme in any Doom-like fps even today.

Talk about an overused theme :-)

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I'm going to draw some fire, but I really like the idea that the Demons' domain is a "hell-like" planet. I just think that the whole "Humans against Hell" scenario, while original, seems more like it would fit better in an action movie. But that's just me.

I like the "Alien Invasion" scenario. You say it's been done a million times before, and I agree that alien invasion has been represented in countless movies, but not alien invasion of this kind. Personally, I subscribe to the notion that the "Demons" are genetically engineered to look like humankind's worst fears made into reality. This is taken from the Doom novels, which, unlike most normal people out there, I enjoyed immensely.

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I too enjoyed the first two novels - though i had my beefs about the demons being aliens.

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About the Knights' and Barons' "green fire" (main) attack: isn't that black magic that allows them to throw green fire, or plasma, or whatever, at you? They are Demons from Hell.
And about the Imps, I thought they just conjured up a fireball from their hands and threw at you? That's how it looks in-game anyway...

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DooMBoy said:

About the Knights' and Barons' "green fire" (main) attack: isn't that black magic that allows them to throw green fire, or plasma, or whatever, at you? They are Demons from Hell.
And about the Imps, I thought they just conjured up a fireball from their hands and threw at you? That's how it looks in-game anyway...

Yes you are right.

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BBG: VERY nice work dawg..... impressive as fuck, and ill too! I definately like some of them things dat you came up with. Although da Pain Elementals story sounds totally off to me... then again I SEE PE's and lost souls like dis:

Lost Soul: Just like it's name implies, a vengeful, angry, and hateful soul, which hates everything and everyone. These creatures are very angry at what they have become, and wish only to inflict the pain, sorrow, and suffering which they now constantly feel. Lost souls are manifested as flaming skulls, symbolic for the dead (hence skulls) who are meant to suffer eternaly (hence why they is on fire)

Pain Elemental (doom64 version): a creature of pure hatred and terror, these creatures exist only to spawn more pain and sorrow around them. An intensily evil creature, they contain thousands of ravaged souls and essences within their bodies which they release as lost souls each time they open their frightful jaws. These magical energies also have an explosive effect upon ANY creature who is within range to them when they are first produced, and have not become fully solid yet. When they are destroyed, some of the dark essences held within them are released, creating several lost souls in the area, and incinerating the PE's physical form in an excrutiatingly painful manner.

................ what do ya'll think of dat shit!

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If i had to plump for an explanation of the Pain Elemental's attack, i'd definitly go with Esco's.

The name 'Pain Elemental' suggests that it contains the very essence of suffering - hence, Lost Souls are spat in a glorious fashion.

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I totally agree with you on the lost soul topic. The lost souls are, in fact, so aggressive that they will turn on each other if they find no other suitable targets. If they are alone they will bang their heads against nearby walls hoping to kill themselves.

The demons aren't really in control of the spawning of lost souls. They just form spontaneously in the pits of hellfire (which is fuelled by damned souls). In fact the demons have special extermination squads to clear out bothersome lost soul infestations. Being drafted to one of those extermination squads is of course a veiled death sentence.

The lost souls are not really intelligent, you can't communicate with them and they got no social life at all. They exist only to cause suffering, on themselves and anything nearby.

The pain elemental is not a real demon. In fact it is no real creature at all. It is merely a hollow shell made to carry lumps of hellfire filled with anguished souls. They were made in the image of the ever so cocky cacodemons as a cruel joke. Now the cacodemons are forced to guard those mockeries of themselves, those non-creatures they despise as punishment for their insolence.

The pain elementals are fascinating creatures. Sometimes they will react peacefully to contact, simply following people seemingly looking for comfort. They seem childish, ever playful and willing to learn. Thay will ask questions about life in their cute voices while giving the biggest doe-eye look possible for a one-eyed demon. Sometimes they even sing songs or tell small stories with their cute voices.

All these stories and question are about the vilest and most painful subjects imaginable (or sometimes beyond the imaginable) expressed as through the mouth of an innocent child. They will cause tremendous emotional pain to anyone who care to listen to them.

Once, as an experiment, some researchers took such a friendly pain elemental to a psychiatrist trying to sort out it's numerous traumas. The experiment went amazingly well. The pain elemental showed immense signs of recovery (though the psychiatrist working with it were driven mad in the process). However, when it finally showed signs of full recovery it suddenly went berserk spawning lost souls everywhere trying hard to kill itself (and anyone around) in the process. No similar experiments have ever since been done.

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If you like this shit I will post a series on all demons in a similar fashion.

I will try to emphasise that demons does not conform with commonplace scientific knowledge. They are spiritual creature after all.

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Yo, glad ya'll liked da two I came up with.... here are some more for ya'll:

Former Marines/sargeant/chaingunner: these creatures are simply reanimated corpses which have been possessed by a lost soul, and have very little intelligence at all. They only have enough brain power to use basic weapons, hence why these use simple trigger weapons like rifles, chainguns, and shotguns. They are driven only by a jealous hatred and disgust for everything, ESPECIALLY the living, and will kill any person they come across without the slightest hesitation. The actual mind of the creature is not that of the person it once was, and is human in appearance only. The host body itself is still very weak due to the stress placed on it, can barely function as needed, and can be easily destroyed. The actual lost soul itself actually merges with the host body, so if it is destroyed, this basically causes it to die again, just as when it originally was killed in it's original life. These creatures still retain their violent and hateful nature which they had as lost souls, and will turn on their own in a heart beat, as well as other demons. The stronger humans, are possessed by the stronger lost souls, and vice versa.

Imp (doom64): Imp's are the "foot soldier" rank monsters in the demon's army, and are responsible for most of the basic invasions and attacks which hell performs. They possess slightly greater strength and endurance than a normal human, and a great amount of stamina. They generally run in groups to make up for their lack of strength when compared to larger monsters. These monsters are humanoid in appearance with sharp claws, spikes made of bone on their back and shoulders, glowing red eyes, and razor sharp talons. These creatures have the ability to focus the minor amount of magical energy stored within themselves, and produce a small fireball which they like to fling at their targets. These fireballs are relatively weak and slow moving, but can cause serious damage. Although they are fearless creatures, they are also not very intelligent, although more intelligent than several other monsters.

Nightmare Imp: a rarer species of Imp, which has more magical energy stored within itself. These creatures have the ability to fling fireballs made of negative energy which move very swiftly, as well as using their powers to blend in with their surroundings, thus rendering themselves somewhat transparent in appearance. These creatures are usually used in stealth attacks to surprise their adversaries, who usually don't see them until it is too late.

.......... more tomorrow!

EDIT: Imp information updated.

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This seems to be turning into a bit of friendly rivalry. I'll post more tomorrow (when I can be arsed, now im just too tired).

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I just got an idea! Ok guys, e-mail me at foxstang1@bluefrognet.net with your descriptions of individual monsters, be sure to include your Doomworld Forums nickname in the e-mail. I'll sort through my favorite monster descripions and post them here (with proper credit given)!

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I declare this thread officially gay.

Carry on.

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