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Reveal thread from EE forum (split)


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Adam sessler feels like the only adults doing YouTube video and not manboys.

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"We can confirm that the super shotgun is back. This game would not be Doom without the super shotgun!"


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Wow it was bullshit fluff we already knew. Now to elder scrolls online.

Now for the showcase.

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Looked more like a Doom 3 remake than a classic Doom remake. Not sure what else I was expecting visually though.

The combat looks a bit better than Doom 3's, but the focus on Brutal Doom-style 1:1 combat looks like it'll get boring pretty quickly.

The "Snapmap" feature looks really, really interesting though. Ability to make new custom levels and game modes is really cool. That was one of the original Doom's strengths and it's great to see that acknowledged.

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Well I'm sold. Hell looks a lil yellow but sulfer is.

And yes its doom 3 with broader maps.

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-I like the chainsaw
-I like the fact that it seems faster than Doom 3
-I like Snapmap, looks interesting
-I like the Cybie and the Manc
-I don't like the Revenant (was that a jetpack!?!?)
-Not sure about "fatalities"
-Multiplayer looks good, but I need to see more to make a judgement

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This is a much better modernization of Doom than Doom 3 was. It understands that the core gameplay must be fast and fun. Doom 3 was a mediocre Half-Life clone that was centered around stunted movement, narrow geometry, linearity and scripted sequences. Instead, this focuses on hectic combat while using agility to your advantage.

  On 6/15/2015 at 2:22 AM, fraggle said:

The combat looks a bit better than Doom 3's, but the focus on Brutal Doom-style 1:1 combat looks like it'll get boring pretty quickly.


I hated the way it sounded, but it looks like it was pretty tastefully designed. I also don't think they really are focusing on pure 1:1 combat. There was lots of room to move around and many enemies to manage at once.

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I doubt we'll see "monster hordes" as we are used to with the classic ones.

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  On 6/15/2015 at 2:40 AM, Linguica said:

How many enemies were ever onscreen at once? 4? 5?


Agreed. I rarely tell the difference between enemies even on my 72" screen... is that an imp or a zombie? Oh it slashes and throws fireballs, its an imp. Then in Hell I could see the difference due to the size of each monster.

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  On 6/15/2015 at 2:22 AM, fraggle said:

Looked more like a Doom 3 remake than a classic Doom remake. Not sure what else I was expecting visually though.

The combat looks a bit better than Doom 3's, but the focus on Brutal Doom-style 1:1 combat looks like it'll get boring pretty quickly.

The "Snapmap" feature looks really, really interesting though. Ability to make new custom levels and game modes is really cool. That was one of the original Doom's strengths and it's great to see that acknowledged.


You could tell because in Hell no one cheered for the fatilities, until the Mancubus fatality. The chainsaw seems time consuming too.

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  On 6/15/2015 at 2:55 AM, geo said:

You could tell because in Hell no one cheered for the fatilities, until the Mancubus fatality. The chainsaw seems time consuming too.


The live audience noise did not do the reveal any favors. It started out pumped, and then got noticeably quiet. And not, like, "in awe" quiet.

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I wonder how taxing Doom 4 is on computers processor-wise. I think it's a neat idea that someday we could have an "average" priced CPU capable of tackling masses of monsters in a game like Doom 4, similar to how we currently can with Doom 2 with nuts wad.

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  On 6/15/2015 at 2:36 AM, Sodaholic said:

I hated the way it sounded, but it looks like it was pretty tastefully designed. I also don't think they really are focusing on pure 1:1 combat. There was lots of room to move around and many enemies to manage at once.


I agree, though when they got to the chainsaw part, after about the ~4th time of seeing a monster chainsawed in half with what looked like the exact same animation I was already kind of bored.

My overall reaction to this is "meh" but the thing is, I can't really think how I'd make it any different. They've obviously tried their best to do justice to the original.

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The more I'm thinking about it, the more I'm completely unsatisfied with what I saw. Fatalities were a worn-out concept years ago, the constant emphasis on speed was undone by constantly slowing shit down, and for the love god, afterwards the guy mention "a lot of color" in what was the brownest hell caught on screen this side of a deuce in south park.

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I pretty much like almost everything about it from the fast pace movement to the ingame level editor(glad to see Id Software acknowledging the Doom community before they announce the editor). Spring of next year will be a new level of awesome Dooming to me :D

The only things that I was somewhat disappointed was the lack of a date set for that Doom 4 beta that was mention last year when the new Wolfenstein game came out...that and the brutal doom type fatalities which I'm not a fan of.

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