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Your Opinion on the Newest Doom (Straw Poll)


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I thought it looked awesome, but with a few minor concerns:


-Relatively fast-paced and not cover-based. The simple fact that we'll mainly be dodging projectiles while shooting/tearing rather than taking cover from machine guns is the most important factor for me
-Visually stunning
-I like the slick, neon visor UI
-Melee finishers are a cool option
-Verticality looks fun
-Very little cinematics getting in your way (and some were probably just for the demo)
-SnapMap should give a lot of life to the game


-Emphasis on finishers is the most likely reason why the Super Shotty isn't as powerful as before. I hope they beef it up a bit
-Would like to see more exploration, but obviously they wouldn't really show that in a short demo meant to wow audiences
-I hope the competitive multiplayer is more than 4 players, but that's what it seems like right now. That's pretty underwhelming for a AAA shooter

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That was a 4 player mode made using SnapMap. You can make new modes using it which is AWESOME.

I forsee a Demons vs Marines mod.

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ChickenOrBeef said:

-Would like to see more exploration, but obviously they wouldn't really show that in a short demo meant to wow audiences

They didn't show it, but there's evidence that it's there; there's at least three paths and a Soulsphere secret that the player didn't bother with in the Hell level, and in the techbase level, there was a path with an imp down it that even threw a fireball at the player that the player completely ignored.

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DooM_RO said:

That was a 4 player mode made using SnapMap. You can make new modes using it which is AWESOME.

Yeah, but the multiplayer footage they showed never had more than four players showing at a time. So there's no evidence of a higher player count as of now. Surely they can support more, since it's not split-screen or something. Unless they feel the smaller player count is more fun. So we'll see.

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So I actually just saw the second play-through of the Hell level (missed it, and just saw the tech base) , and I have to say I like what I see. I'm feeling a lot better about this game.

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Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

Not exactly what I was expecting, but I'm still interested on it.

They actually tried to copy some aspects of brutal doom. And I still think original doom with brutal doom has way better violence and graphics.

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Way better violence and graphics? The aesthetics in Brutal Doom are very uneven compared to classic Doom, even if there's more detail.

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Lycaon said:

They actually tried to copy some aspects of brutal doom. And I still think original doom with brutal doom has way better violence and graphics.

"copy" lolno

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At least id Software is one of the pioneers of brutality in games and DooM is their flagship.

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NoisM said:

At least id Software is one of the pioneers of brutality in games and DooM is their flagship.

I wonder what would happen if they decided at the last minute to rename it to "Brutal Doom"?

Would Sgt Mark IV sue id Software if there wasn't enough blood and gore in the game?

I think just calling it "Doom"... it doesn't quite feel right. When people say "Doom" I always assume they are referring to Ultimate Doom and/or Doom 2.

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I am feeling casually optimistic. Voted "it's flawed but I'm optimistic". I should not have even been hoping for them to truly bring back the doom 1&2 sensibilities without distilling those games to "you kill lots of demons SUPER SHOTGUN GORE YEAH".

The biggest flaw for me is the motherfucking cyberdemon.
And the pickups that scatter when you kill shit.

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The reveal wasn't what I was expecting, but I liked it and I'm remaining optimistic. I don't know if anyone else shares this thought but the pace and flow of the gameplay put me in mind of Quake III Arena.

Heck if they use this id Tech 6 engine (id Tech 666 lol) on the next Quake game, presuming there will be one, I think it'll make a lot of people happy.

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I'd like to share a few pros and cons myself.


- Looks incredible. I've seen clips from other upcoming games and a lot of them fail to compare.
- Not only does it look good, but I liked much of the art direction. There's a sincere effort to make it feel like a Doom game. Most of the enemy designs are excellent and the levels are very moody.
- Looks much more open than D3, like you'll be able to explore a fair bit, something intrinsic to a quality Doom experience.
- Weapons look and sound better than D3 and it looks like there's some additional firing modes, which is cool.
- Music is pretty good and you can definitely hear an industrial version of E1M1 in some of the footage, so the soundtrack may have a chance of being memorable!
- Customizable multiplayer experiences and custom maps for console sound very promising, even if SnapMap is designed to be constrained.
- Violence is very visceral and hell especially has a lot of ghoulish, dark imagery. Enemies' bloody corpses stay behind after being decimated.
- The acrobatic nature of movement looks very fun. I really like the idea of double jumping and mantling.
- Speaking of hell, it looks pretty big and expansive; clearly it's going to play a much larger role in the game than in D3.
- Pretty much all our favorite demons are back!


- Maybe the melee finishers were emphasized just for the demo--and they were pretty awesome, by the way--but I'm not going to want to do that every 15 seconds. Combat should be based on the player's style, which will hopefully be the case.
- The layouts looked good, but I'm worried about areas looking repetitive. I hope each area looks unique and exciting.
- The palette is pretty diverse, but there are sections that are caked with brown and yellow. This is a bit ugly and I hope there's more going on in the final version.
- I keep having trouble telling imps from zombies. This is not good. Most of the enemies look distinct, but a few look too similar.
- Shotgun seems a bit weak, a low blow considering that D3's shotty was god awful, while the original is remembered for being accurate at a distance and overall one of the most important icons in the series. Don't screw with our shotguns, id!
- Is there going to be a plot at all? D3's wasn't great, but some of the cutscenes were...kinda interesting. I wouldn't mind seeing a tiny bit of exposition here and there. I don't think I want to just go to the exit and magically teleport to the next facility. It would be interesting to get some backstory.
- Archvile, spider mastermind, pain elemental, arachnotron...will we see them? Are they being saved for a possible Doom 5?
- I hope the secret levels aren't just rehashes of E1M1. That has been done before, plus it would feel too much like Doom 2's secret levels.

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I was kind of disappointed by what I saw but it looks like a good game.

I've heard people calling the soundtrack dubstep though.


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This game has consolitus.

- weapon wheel (flow breaking!)
- low enemy count,
- in 3dview icons,
- slower turn and movement speed,
- enemies drop item, no need to plan and search,
- no secrets?
- large(easy)double jump time margin, it feels like a jet pack.
- made for IQ 75 people, no need for strategy/thinking/imagination.


Engine looks ok, able.
Animations are good.
Physics are good.
Colours look washed out,possibly partly due to video compression.

Art style:

I like to see more colour-contrast, the world and monsters look grey, very bland and generic!
I also miss monster soul; no eyes, no identifiable,traceable sounds.
Weapons look overly designed and cartoony, not rugged, practical and utilitarian.

Level design:

Base/foundry: looked bland; like put together with 90 degree blocks, very boring and cheap.
Hell level looked much better, with more environmental storytelling, and organic design.
All suffer from a lack of range colours, all are very pastel muddied by too much coloured lighting.
It looks like a very easy linear level design.

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Not the most excited I've ever been but pretty damn excited and optimistic. Can't be any worse than DNF.

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I want to hear Cats On Mars playing while the marine rips and tears, and blasts his way through hordes of demons and the undead. Somehow this feels like it fits right in!

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lol, there is no any Slipknot track but I think it should because we can't listen only 30-40 years old metal tracks in this game. It's not 1993 :\

+1 for Cats On Mars

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Jaxxoon R said:

I was kind of disappointed by what I saw but it looks like a good game.

I've heard people calling the soundtrack dubstep though.


I've noticed some people--probably younger or just plain uninformed folks--regarding industrial and dubstep as synonymous, which is ridiculous because it's almost as if they can't tell the difference between overkill oscillating bass and the noise-driven post-punk leanings of industrial.

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