Deleted_Account Posted June 18, 2015 GoatLord said:I've now seen complaints about the futuristic detailing on both enemies and weapons. What the fuck, guys? The weapons and enemies in Doom have always been futuristic, to an extent. It's just that, in 1994, the cyberpunk aesthetic was different than it is now, not to mention, those guys were all young, probably in their 20s, and had a frequently less mature (and more goofy) artistic approach. This particular Doom looks like it takes place in the far flung future, I got that vibe right away in the demo when the marine first steps through the doors into the smelting plant after gearing up. So I would expect the equipment to reflect the time they exist in, the weapons look awesome and fits right in with the aesthetic. Besides, the super shotgun seems to retain a more archaic design to it. And guess what, how many posts did I spot about people complaining about the super shotgun looking too old fashioned by the very same people complaining about the regular shotgun not being old fashioned? These are the same folks who complain the weapons are not strong enough, and than complain the monsters die too easily. I don't think any new DOOM game will ever please the schizophrenic fanbase. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted June 18, 2015 Far flung future? Considering that the computer overlays for soldiers have been in development for years, that smelting plants are decades old, that the computers still use 2D displays (despite recent experiments with holographic computing), that the marine's uniform is exoskeletal instead of genetically a part of him, that several of the weapons still fire traditional bullets, and that Mars is clearly not terraformed in this Doom, I'm not sure I'd say it's super futuristic. A bit, yeah. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deleted_Account Posted June 18, 2015 GoatLord said:Far flung future? Considering that the computer overlays for soldiers have been in development for years, that smelting plants are decades old, that the computers still use 2D displays (despite recent experiments with holographic computing), that the marine's uniform is exoskeletal instead of genetically a part of him, that several of the weapons still fire traditional bullets, and that Mars is clearly not terraformed in this Doom, I'm not sure I'd say it's super futuristic. A bit, yeah. So I'm wrong than and space shotguns require wooden stocks? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted June 18, 2015 No, you're not wrong. It's more like, the original Doom was a very bizarre clash of industrial, gothic, archaic, futuristic, retro-futuristic and militant. I think the new Doom is doing a pretty good job of trying to maintain that odd mix of styles. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
id.dav Posted June 18, 2015 GoatLord said:I've now seen complaints about the futuristic detailing on both enemies and weapons. What the fuck, guys? The weapons and enemies in Doom have always been futuristic, to an extent. It's just that, in 1994, the cyberpunk aesthetic was different than it is now, not to mention, those guys were all young, probably in their 20s, and had a frequently less mature (and more goofy) artistic approach. I'm sorry but there's nothing goofy about art in original doom...well may be exept for some enemies....but iconography is fucking awesome...nothing like that ever existed everafter...does icon of sin look goofy? Do any of the evil icons in game look any goofy? Does arch-vile look goofy? I don't think so..Adrian and Kevin made fantastic work with satanic-evil aesthetics goaty-human like deformed creatures...they are not dragons..dinosaurus or other generic BS...they are human-like and that makes them fucking scary and not goofy. Enemies created by Hugo Martin in new Doom are FUCKING GOOFY indeed! And I'm sorry i'm not hating the game but this is what we have... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
id.dav Posted June 18, 2015 GoatLord said:It's more like, the original Doom was a very bizarre clash of industrial, gothic, archaic, futuristic, retro-futuristic and militant. Yeah that's more like it! But not goofy! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deleted_Account Posted June 18, 2015 I disagree, the original monster designs are goofy as well. They're straight up comic book cheese. They're cartoons. That doesn't mean it's bad design or anything. Cacodemons are giant red tomatoes that bleed blue and spit purple, minotaurs with rocket launchers. It is a videogame after all lol. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
id.dav Posted June 18, 2015 Piper Maru said:I disagree, the original monster designs are goofy as well. They're straight up comic book cheese. They're cartoons. That doesn't mean it's bad design or anything. Cacodemons are giant red tomatoes that bleed blue and spit purple, minotaurs with rocket launchers. It is a videogame after all lol. And how come new mancubus looks less goofy than original one? Original Mancuby was a deformed human with hatred agony on his fase...blood coming out of his mouth and that green glowing Mancu - a FUCKING CHINPOKOMON! He should have been a character in a morning kids TV show))) But yes with Cyberdemon Hugo failed horribly! He didn't realised that demons of doom are not fucking Kaijus. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deleted_Account Posted June 18, 2015 id.dav said:And how come new mancubus looks less goofy than original one? Original Mancuby was a deformed human with hatred agony on his fase...blood coming out of his mouth and that green glowing Mancu - a FUCKING CHINPOKOMON! He should have been a character in a morning kids TV show))) But yes with Cyberdemon Hugo failed horribly! He didn't realised that demons of doom are not fucking Kaidjus or whoever those were in Pacific Rim. I think discussing designs with an autistic sack of potatoes would be much more thrilling than reading more of your posts. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
id.dav Posted June 19, 2015 Piper Maru said:I think discussing designs with an autistic sack of potatoes would be much more thrilling than reading more of your posts. this how our amasing doom community reacts to somebody who trying to express a different opinion? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deleted_Account Posted June 19, 2015 id.dav this how our amasing doom community reacts to somebody who trying to express a different opinion? Yes because whining about Hugo Martin over, and over, and over, and over, and so fourth and so on is totally necessary? We get it, you disagree with the works of Hugo Martin, that...that big meanie! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
id.dav Posted June 19, 2015 Piper Maru said:Yes because whining about Hugo Martin over, and over, and over, and over, and so fourth and so on is totally necessary? We get it, you disagree with the works of Hugo Martin, that...that big meanie! No...I'm not whining about Martin's art I already said that his design of environments is amasing and I can see his vision in new UAC design approach...I just wanted to say that if we call old demon design goofy then so is new one and in this case - yes new demons are true to their predeccesors.. we came to an agreement) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xaero_Four Posted June 19, 2015 To be fair it's really hard to get a good solid look at some of them and actually take in some of the details. The player was so busy busting skulls that we didn't really get a chance to examine them further, say for the Rev, Cyber and Mancubus. Thus far I'm liking what I'm seeing. Wasn't quite sure about Mancubus and Cyber at first but they've grown on me and I'm liking them now. Hell some of the new aspects of the game like item drops and weapon mods is growing on me too. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ed Posted June 19, 2015 I think it's a good mix of old and new. They hit the nail on the head with the Manc, Revenant, Cyb (and for a brief moment, Pinky). I'm not entirely enthused about the Baron or zombies. The original Imp probably doesn't have enough character to translate to the quasi-realistic aesthetic of the new game, but to be perfectly honest, the Doom 3 imp was a much more interesting enemy to me. Doom 3 is part of Id's repertoire and canonized into the Doom macrocosm, whether the classic fans choose to acknowledge that or not. I was hoping for a tongue and cheek, cartoony explosion of violence that tickled every nostalgic bone in my body, but I do have some appreciation for Id sticking to their guns and owning the image of Doom they realized back in 2004. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted June 19, 2015 I'm liking the cyberdemon more. The 4k screenshot of it looks good. I don't know why, but it somehow looks less effective when it's roaring at the player in the demo. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jaxxoon R Posted June 19, 2015 Uuuuh fuck this game it's shitty and amazing. There, I covered both possible opinions. I just want to believe everyone shares them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fulgrim Posted June 19, 2015 The more I look at the Cyberdemon, the more I think it would look better with more cybernetic parts. I also really miss the red wires running through the Cyberdemons abdomen. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deleted_Account Posted June 19, 2015 At the end of the hell section, did the Cyberdemon aim a rocket launcher or was he armed with a BFG 9000? I thought I saw a green light glowing from his arm. Maybe I'm misremembering, I'll have to watch it again. I know the Doomguy equipped the BFG. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
RUSH Posted June 19, 2015 The Cyberdemon looked unbelievably badass in the very first teaser. Seeing it again in the actual demo was a little underwhelming though. Looked a lot more like something from World of Warcraft. Not hellish enough. RUSH demands more EVIL! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gryregaest Posted June 19, 2015 Mixed feelings on them, really. The cacodemon is great, as is the revenant. It is kind of hard to tell size from the trailer, but I'm hoping the revenant is still really tall. I always liked that it wasn't just a skeleton, but a weird huge skeleton. I get the feeling from the teaser featuring it and it apparently being part of multiplayer, that someone there has some real love for the revenant. I do like that they're basing the hell knights after the Doom 3 design. Say what you will about Doom 3, it had, with a few exceptions, pretty solid monster design. If a bit lacking in color. I mean, the cacodemon was ugly, the hands on the arch-vile were weird, and I don't know why the cyberdemon's tail sprouted from the middle of its back, but overall the design was quite good. And the hell knight was one of the best ones. I'm sort of ambivalent on the mancubus. Reminds me more of the Doom 64 design. I don't know that like it as much as the original or Doom 3 versions, but it's not bad either. The imps, I'm going to be honest, I could not tell them apart from the zombies until they started throwing fireballs. Maybe it was the coloring and lighting or the resolution on the videos. They just didn't pop out, they didn't seem distinct at all. Sitting here writing this, I'm actually struggling to remember what they look like. Kind of hard to say how I feel on the cyberdemon. The design itself isn't bad, though it makes me think more of something done by Blizzard than Id. Not sure that it fills my expectations of a cyberdemon, though. It's a bit wider than I would have preferred, which gives it a different feel than the other variants. Though I do like that it's back to a reasonable size. While I liked the Doom 3 design (weird tail positioning notwithstanding), I felt like it's ridiculous size detracted from it. The color palette on all of them is a bit bland, and so is the environment. I was expecting that though. I'm not sure how much to expect though. The original Doom used sprites and didn't have fancy lighting systems, so colors stood out more. I'm sure making things colorful and contrasting is a lot harder now. I did find everything to be sort of yellow, though. Which, admittedly, is better than being pitch black like in Doom 3, but it still seems washed out. This might be caused partly by the lighting in the specific levels chosen for the trailers. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ed Posted June 19, 2015 Id software making games with bland color pallets is the norm, rarely the exception. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deleted_Account Posted June 19, 2015 I get the impression the Revenants and the Knights are taller than the marine, in the hell section the player was swarmed by them, you could seem them towering over him. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted June 19, 2015 Hell knights are clearly taller. They at first almost look like carbon copies of the D3 designs, but they look shit tons better, especially the weird exposed fleshy heads. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Buckshot Posted June 19, 2015 Piper Maru said:lol :) Ahhh. They're taking serious leaps back to original DOOM inspiration with Evil Dead modelling. Happy to see that :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DF88 Posted June 19, 2015 Cyberdemon looks weak, cartoonish, WOW design. The CGI trailer of it looked alright. It might have to do with the engine not modeling flesh that well although the cybernetic human/zombies were somewhat fleshy so I do not think that's the issue. Mancubus looks good, but alien-like not demonic. The Doom 3 Mancubus looked badass. Revenant is the best looking. Best sounding. Weird twitching in slow-mo. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DF88 Posted June 19, 2015 Also, in the Hell sequence were the orange-lit monsters supposed to be Archviles? Those were not the greatest looking. I didnt see them summoning hellfire so perhaps just a new design. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
"JL" was too short Posted June 19, 2015 The new Cyberdemon might be a fine Doom demon, but it's not a good Cyberdemon. That's how I think of it. If you told me that the Cyberdemon we've seen was some other mid-boss monster and there was a proper Cyberdemon still to come, I'd be perfectly okay with it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LANEGRACABRA Posted June 19, 2015 The guys with orange lights on their back were probably regular shock troops like the former humans, just tougher. The hell knight from Doom3 was my favourite enemy in the game. If Doom3 was all about hell knight encounters, I wouldn't have minded it. Think Alien: Isolation style Doom3 with trying to get away from a hell knight. Those guys are IMO scarier than xenomorph. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gamul312 Posted June 19, 2015 Fulgrim said:The more I look at the Cyberdemon, the more I think it would look better with more cybernetic parts. I also really miss the red wires running through the Cyberdemons abdomen. I agree - he's not the "cyber"-demon without more metal like that - metal horns, hooves, etc. He's supposed to be some kind of super cyborg, really, isn't he? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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