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Where's the pistol?

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There might have been one in the 2014 reveal, I can't recall now. But we sure as hell didn't see any in the public reveal. Maybe it doesn't matter?

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Didn't see one on the weapon reel. However, the Sniper Rifle wasn't there either. It could be in multiplayer, a SnapMap addition, or something that can be replaced entirely in the game. It might also not even exist, and the game could start you off like Quake by just giving you the Shotgun to start your adventure with.

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If they left it out, I'm not really complaining. It wasn't particularly fun or useful in original Doom, Doom 64, or Doom 3, so it wouldn't surprise me if they just decided to drop it. That's not to say they couldn't make a good one, obviously it's been done before in other games, but since the previous Doom pistols weren't interesting, I don't find it's missing anything if they don't have one.

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I think they're going to go "Brutal Doom" style on this one. That assault rifle with the scope might be the pistol replacement. I'm just not seeing a satisfying use for a pistol in this new Doom unless it's like an enormous Desert Eagle that literally takes limbs right off the monsters. We'll see I guess.

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They're usually at the end of a person's arms, in the extreme end where they don't connect with the rest of the body.

I would post the piece of text they wrote for Doom 3 but I lost it

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RUSH said:

I think they're going to go "Brutal Doom" style on this one. That assault rifle with the scope might be the pistol replacement. I'm just not seeing a satisfying use for a pistol in this new Doom unless it's like an enormous Desert Eagle that literally takes limbs right off the monsters. We'll see I guess.

What about the pistol in Duke 3D? That was actually pretty useful even after you acquire better weapons.

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In Doom, the pistol exists to encourage you to push forward, explore, and find something better, and it allows the designer much more freedom to explore gameplay possibilities from the onset. Together with the automated item spillage, its absence in Doom 4 is another hint that exploration isn't going to play a big part in the game.

I wonder how many moments there will be where you are made to move past a threat in order to gain an advantage. I would wager probably 0, and that you're given what you need for the situation at hand at all times. Hopefully I'm wrong, but there might also be some compensatory gains to the gameplay that I'm not thinking of.

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I'm kind of embarrassed to say I initially thought the pistol was pulled out as a sidearm around 3:38-3:39 of the E3 video. Later, I realized it wasn't a machine pistol, but some sort of shotgun choke or modification allowing for what appears to be burst fire.

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Also keep in mind that id had to contrive a story as of why you start only with a pistol (read the Doom 1 "story so far"). I think you're supposed to be prepared with better weapons if no outside factors are depriving you from them.

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It's pretty obvious they want things to go boom, and messily, so they gave the Pistol the boot and probably did what RUSH said. Which sucks, because i'd rather go for Doom 3 pistol headshots than the questionable effectiveness of the Shotgun in the demos they've shown us so far.

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Because it's useless. I love the Quake 1 approach of having no pistols and going straight for the Shotgun.

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GoatLord said:

And for the record, I don't miss the pistol either. It sucked pretty hard in every Doom game.

I actually liked the Doom 3 Pistol. It was useful for picking off the low level zombies and Trites without wasting bigger ammo. Of course, now I can't remember if the Pistol and MG shared ammo or not, as one makes the other redundant anyways if that's the case.

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If there's no pistol start, then we won't get to see a shotgun right in front of the entrance of every single map in the game.

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