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DooM (4) Pictures


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DMGUYDZ64 said:

That thing in the 2nd pick doesn't look like a spectre .

It is.
Watch the E3 gameplay.
There's a point where he runs around the Spectre and kills it.
As it dies, and becomes visible, it's in the exact same stance, and has that same brown pattern running down his back, unlike the Pinky Demon which appears to be mainly a bright pink, and a bit smaller.

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Marnetmar said:

If that's the spectre, it's fucking terrifying.

I know right? The Pinky looks a THOUSAND times more terrifying than It did In the originals, It makes the one In DOOM 3 look like a mutated Dog-Man.

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Wow, those are some pretty decent pics. The Baron's head still is a bit hard to see, but it doesn't look like three heads anymore. That Pinky is scary looking. I like it.

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Clonehunter said:

Wow, those are some pretty decent pics. The Baron's head still is a bit hard to see, but it doesn't look like three heads anymore. That Pinky is scary looking. I like it.

The Baron would've been ruined for me If It had three heads, I'd just flat out say "What the fuck Is this shit?", but hey, at least we got a closer look with the Pinky and Baron. I wanna know about the Archvile though.

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I love how closely several of the monsters are to their original versions. The Pinky looks like it might be spot on - like the revenant. Still not a fan of the Cyberdemon or Mancubus though.

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Shaviro said:

Still not a fan of the Cyberdemon or Mancubus though.

I think the Cyberdemon and Mancubus look exactly like something out of Dungeons and Dragons, I think they're pretty cool designs.

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Those are the multiplayer marines. If you look closely their gloves and helmets are very different from what we've seen of the singleplayer character.

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Netherstorm said:

They're kinda ugly and I hope you won't be stuck with that boring white color. I'd also prefer if you could play with the single player armor in multiplayer, as well.

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

I Only disliked their Helmets .

Those are the Multiplayer models, Doomguy In the Single-Player game resembles the original Doomguy very well.

Sort of has more personality In him, honestly. All I can guess Is the marines here are robotic kinda things or just like anyother deathmatch would be. Also, noting I think I can see a face In the reflection as well. Though, It could just be me seeing It.

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Tritnew said:

Doomguy In the Single-Player game resembles the original Doomguy very well.

Yea, i clearly saw that in the beginning of the gameplay , I Was confused about how different the helmets look like .

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

Yea, i clearly saw that in the beginning of the gameplay , I Was confused about how different the helmets look like .

I'm confused as well, It's probably just a multiplayer thing. But I hope they give you a chance to make a custom color for your marine.

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I snatched some QuakeCon 2015 screenshots they released for DOOM 2016.

Just thought I'd put them here In case nobody hasn't seen them yet. They look so beautiful and colorful.

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

First 3 Pics really fit my screen size for a Wallpaper :) .

Nice! xD; But just Imagine the PSX DOOM theme playing at the first Image, It'll be amazing If they remake It (just not very Industrial like though, I love the Military feel It gives off). I dunno, they could still stick with the Ambient soundtrack for the game, but I guess Industrial will fit the mood for the new DOOM.

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AD_79 said:

You know, I really like the visual design of Hell shown there.

As much as I like Hell In DOOM 3, I think the visuals In DOOM 2016's Hell are better. And also the fact It's a hell of alot more colorful than DOOM 3.

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Doom 3 hell has it's own charm. Lots of Red, demonic horns and lava throughout. Perhaps they will have some of that later.

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Zemini said:

Doom 3 hell has it's own charm. Lots of Red, demonic horns and lava throughout. Perhaps they will have some of that later.

Possibly. There'd be parts of Hell where'd there be skies of brimstone, than red skies as you go deeper Into Hell.

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Megamur said:

With the new BFG, I can't get over the feeling that DoomGuy has captured the Vic Viper ship from Gradius and is toting it around as a handheld weapon:


I can't unsee it.

Oh lordy. It might be a alt fire for the BFG, It'll probably be like the one from the DOOM 1 beta, that one ridiculous choice to have It shoot a thousand plasma shots, I suppose that's a good sign since the game might be taking notes from the DOOM bible.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Civ said:

Here's a better Baron pic, AND a Spectre I snagged from a lossless version of the E3 Trailer



Thank you for these shots! Haven't really had time to do too much digging into the footage until today. This game is really shaping up to be quite the reboot. Really hoping for some spidies and lost souls. Or maybe even a Pain Elemental? Ughh! Sooooo excited for this! :D

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MrDeAD1313 said:

Really hoping for some spidies and lost souls. Or maybe even a Pain Elemental? Ughh! Sooooo excited for this! :D

Totally want the Spider Mastermind and the other spiders to join, as for the Lost Soul... Not really, I like them but It'd be annoying trying to aim at a flamming skull while running lighting fast, unless they make the skulls a little bigger, as for the Pain Elemental. It needs to be It's own thing now other then spitting out more of those flying little bastards.

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