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What keyboard layout does everyone use?

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I pretty much use both the original controls and the modern WASD controls, but only for Brutal Doom. I usually give my friend crap because he doesnt like the controls that Doom is meant to be played with. "Oh, Nathan, I play COD and GMod and I only know how to use the WASD controls, But I am a die hard Doomer"

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Coolkids said:

use both the original controls and the modern WASD controls, ...

How do you switch between them?

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scifista42 said:

How do you switch between them?

I have two configs, and I switch between them. I move one to a folder I made (unusedconfigs) and the other is at the .EXE directory.

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I've discovered a way to quickly and easily change key bindings during runtime of the game, by pressing only a single button (after you set everything up), you might find the method useful: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/source-ports/72702-easy-and-fast-config-swap/

On topic, I personally prefer to play Doom with keyboard only, but I'm probably in the minority even among Doom players. There were threads on the same topic in the past, and most people admitted to play with WASD + mouse, which also appears to be an objectively superior way of playing in terms of skill - playing challenging maps, deathmatching, speedrunning etc is easier with keyboard+mouse than with keyboard only.

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I dislike WASD, I prefer ESDF if I have to use typewriter keys.

But generally I use 8456 with a small numpad that I put on the left of the keyboard.

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W = forward A = strafe left D = strafe right S = down
right click = use
left click = fire
I use mouselook, but usually without full control as in no looking up or down
e / middle mouse = alternative fire
space = jump
c / left ctrl = crouch

I guess that covers it and I always have always run on

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Up arrow = Up
Down arrow = Down
Left/Right arrows = Turn Left/Right
Mouse = Mouse look
Number pad 8 = look up
Number pad 2 = look down
Number pad 5 = center view
Number pad 4/6 = Next/Previous weapon
A = Strafe left
S = Strafe right

Z = Run
X = Fire
E = Alt. fire
Ctrl = Use
C = Jump
Space = crouch.

I don't know why, but I'm really comfortable with this layout.

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I've always played Doom and related games only with the keyboard and I don't expressed interest in playing with the mouse+keyboard. As far my Doom configurations are:

•Up arrow/down arrow: Forward/backward
•Left arrow/right arrow: Turn left/turn right
•A/D: Strafe left/ strafe right
•Left shift: Run
•Left ctrl: Attack
•Space: Use

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W - Forward
S - Backwards
A - Strafe left
D - Strafe right
Left Arrow - Turn left
Right Arrow - Turn right
Up Arrow - Attack
Space - Use
Shift - Run

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gaspe said:

I have to use TFGH atm since my "d" key is currently broke on my laptop.

How the hell did you type the letter "d" then?

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The Civ said:

How the hell did you type the letter "d" then?

Alt + 100, 68 for the capital one :>

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Pretty much the modern "standard": LMB to fire, RMB to jump if allowed (mapped to strafe, but largely unused, if not), WASD for keyboard movement, space to use. The one interesting addition I have is that I use ZXC for inventory left, inventory use, inventory right in games that have that. I've also experimented with giving Q for look down, E for look up, and R for look center.

I've tried using mouse wheel for inventory scrolling or weapon switching, but I find it gets bumped too easily when I don't actually want to, so I leave it unmapped these days.

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Mouse: look (only left and right)
WASD: movement
E: usw
Space: jump (if needed)
C: crouch (if needed)

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I prefer playing with mouse and keyboard, but sometimes I like to play with the keyboard only.

WASD = Movement
Left/Right Arrows = Turning
Up/Down Arrows = Change Weapons
Spacebar = Attack
Shift = Run
Q = Automap
E = Use

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These days I use the typical WASD layout that's been standard for so long now. I used to use the classic Doom layout with no mouse. 2001 or sometime around then was the first time I considered using a mouse, mostly for deathmatch. I came up with a layout that felt comfortable at the time, and well,

Forward: Right click
Strafe: A D
Backwards: Middle click
Use: Space
Fire: Left click

When relevant,
Jump: S
Crouch: F
Alt-fire: Z
Scroll inventory: C V
Use inventory item: B

I still keep the inventory keys, but nothing else. It worked for Doom and Quake, but for newer, slower games, it felt weird. I guess I was treating right click like an accelerator more than anything.

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From 1996-2006 when I was playing Doom on my Dads Macintosh computer I would use his control scheme

Forward: i
Backward: k
Turning: j & l
Strafe: u & o
Fire : d
Use: Space
Run: Shift

When I got Doom on my own in 2006 I simply used the default control scheme

Forward: Up arrow
Backward: Down Arrow
Turning: Left & Right Arrow
Strafe: , & .
Fire : Ctrl
Use: Space
Run: Shift

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Move: arrow keys
Use: Space bar
Shoot - Alt
Strafe - Ctrl

Yeah, I still use the arrow keys... which could be the reason why they are in such poor condition.

There is one peculiar idiosyncrasy - I use Alt for shooting and Ctrl for strafing (by default it's the other way around), not only for Doom, but also for other old shooters. This could be a remnant from my earliest gaming days, though I don't remember how exactly this switch happened.

I can play newer shooters with the mouse and WASD, but not Doom (or its contemporaries) - it just feels wrong.

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With every game if I can, I will change the controls. I'm left handed, and have an awkward space layout so adopting to WASD is difficult for me with my mouse on the left, my hands are clumped together then.

My set up is just I and K for forwards and backwards, and J and L for strafing.

; = Sprint
U = Use
O = Reload (If the Wad or Mod has this)
H = Crouch
Middle Mouse = Jump
Left Click = Shoot
P = Map

And if required by other mods and wads I will find some use for the surrounding keys.

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Keyboard master race:
Move and Turn:Arrow keys
Strafe Left and Right:Q and W
Inventory use:Enter
Inventory left and right:D and G
Aiming up and down:C and V
I do however rarely use mouse for ajusting my aim.

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The arrows for the movements: thumb on left, ring finger on right, middle finger on up/down.
Left thumb on left Ctrl, index finger on Alt (and space), ring finger on Tab.

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ducon said:

The arrows for the movements: thumb on left, ring finger on right, middle finger on up/down.

Really not index finger?

ducon said:

Left thumb on left Ctrl, index finger on Alt (and space), ring finger on Tab.

How does your keyboard look like? Mine has Ctrl on the left from Alt, and Tab high up on the left from both. Going by your description, my hand ended up in an awkward position with thumb bent under palm. Is this how you play, really?

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I use a crab format.

Forward is Q
Backward is ]
Strafe Left is Z
Strafe Right is /
Turn Left is W
Turn Right is [
Fire is D and L
Use is Space

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