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E3 discussion [outdated]


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TheGamePhilosophe said:

They mean the same thing actually. Aesthetic judgments are always subjective. Not all of us want to take the time to spell out the obvious for certain individuals who have taken it upon themselves to police people's opinions on Doom 4.

Yes you're right, but not in this case, I think OP is actually trying to convince us that "the colors sucks" or the trend or whatever. And I wasn't referring only to colors, it was a bad example and i used it because it was closer to the topic. I was referring more to things like "the game is slow" vs "the game looks slow to me". But you shouldn't be lazy when expressing yourself, not everything is obvious, say what you mean and mean what you say just to avoid unnecessary confusion.

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How is it we're arguing so much about fucking colors, anyway? Were someone to make a neo-Doom collage, you'd see a wealth of hues. C'mon, guys.

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GoatLord said:

How is it we're arguing so much about fucking colors, anyway? Were someone to make a neo-Doom collage, you'd see a wealth of hues. C'mon, guys.

What? No it's all teal and orange. It doesn't matter if it's not really (at all) teal and orange. It uses yellows and blues. For some reason that's enough to make it teal and orange.

In all seriousness, I have yet to see a single frame of the new Doom that qualifies for "teal and orange". A shot having blue and yellow or even orange and teal in it is NOT the same as the entire frame or sequence looking like this.

Also, Wolf TNO and HL2 being teal and orange? Holy crap. Please provide image documentation. I can't find a single screenshot from those games either that qualifies for teal and orange. I can find screens that include one OR both colors, but that really is not the same.

I can certainly understand why anyone would argue that the monsters have too dull colors or that Hell looks piss stained. As a whole though, we're talking about a game that sports all kinds of colors, even pinks and purples ffs.

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Shaviro said:

It uses yellows and blues. For some reason that's enough to make it teal and orange.

Yellow and cyan basically comes from the same source. You can analyze any color shading from the orange\teal trend, and you will find them because they are almost from the same family of colors. Just have a look at this combo:

And here some exemples of both colors:

This can be more or less saturated. More inclined to orange or to yellow. To cyan\blue or teal greenish. Now take a look at this:

HL2 I will not judge, because I do not know it too much, so I might be wrong... but I saw some videos and until then I only saw shades of cyan, orange and yellow everywhere (very saturated in this case):


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That is a shot set against a dark navy sky with grey/brown surroundings, steel weapon and walker, bright yellow explosion, electric blue electricity. When and where did they go all TEAL AND ORANGE in this shot? Try again.

If that (and apparently also bright yellow and green) qualifies for Teal and Orange, then it's a completely worthless term. You are talking about more than half of the color wheel.

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So how should explosions, skies, steel and electricity look?
If it's impossible to use half of the color wheel without being teal & orange, how do you display a sky, explosions, electricity, rock, steel? Should you completely avoid those things because you say so or?
What are your examples of excellent color design that isn't teal & orange other than the monochromatic Doom64 screenshots?

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Noiser said:

I'm only saying that they use explosions\fire because they want to make a bland cyan\orange scheme.


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Wow this thread reminds me of Star Trek fans looking to far into the the content of the show. I really don't care about the color scheme of Doom 4 or any other game but I'm definitely getting some knowledge from u guys. Never really noticed these things about map design till now. But back on topic, I think the Doom 4 color scheme is fine. Yeah the Hell map could be darker and a little more red in color, but the game isn't coming out till next year. What we saw is not final at all.

Exhibit A: Prey

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I don't like those at all. Sorry.

If Doom is as colorful as the new Wolfenstein games, I'll be happy.

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SavageCorona said:

Half Life 2's art style does start to wear on the eyes after a while. I used to like it back when it came out but now I think it's ugly and lacking colour going too much for the dystopia future aesthetic.

I think Half Life 2 is the most overrated game of all time.

P.S Doom 3 was better.

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It is very overrated. Valve's fans actually ruined the games for me if anything. Playing them more recently makes me realize how much of a dumbass I was for falling for "Valve can do no wrong in their games" tropes. All of the Half Life games are extremely boring *(I don't know how I spent so much time in Half Life 2 just getting lost), Left 4 Dead has very boring shooting mechanics with paper-thin zombies that feel like you're shooting nothing and the specials have very bad hit [word for telling you you hit something] and Portal is just fucking boring after the first playthrough with no replayability whatsoever.


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I have to admit, I played L4D2 a lot after its initial release, and in some ways it reminded me of Doom (lots of gore, hordes of enemies, big expansive environments, cool weapons). But after a couple years, I played less and less and completely stopped after awhile. Ultimately, the hordes are just kind of a clumsy clusterfuck that is little more than a gimmick, and the locations are frankly kind of boring and feel more like slick looking set pieces than truly enjoyable layouts.

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GoatLord said:

I have to admit, I played L4D2 a lot after its initial release, and in some ways it reminded me of Doom (lots of gore, hordes of enemies, big expansive environments, cool weapons). But after a couple years, I played less and less and completely stopped after awhile. Ultimately, the hordes are just kind of a clumsy clusterfuck that is little more than a gimmick, and the locations are frankly kind of boring and feel more like slick looking set pieces than truly enjoyable layouts.

I did the same thing. But lately I've gotten back into it because my son has started playing it and all those great memories came back to me. I love L4D2 and can't wait for a third. I want a leveling system incorporated.

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OP is absolutely right! This Orange/Teal seems really forced. THere's simply no other shade/colors layouts anymore, teal/orange scheme overused for sure. And new doom screens does not make it any better. Doom looks great so far, but teal/orange issue is for sure a legitimate one.

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