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17 hours ago, RastaManGames said:

I am currently making "Black Hawk Down" weapons mod and I need some sprites of various boxes with bullets, like 9mm PB, .45 ACP, 5.56x45mm NATO, 7.62x51mm NATO, .50 BMG and .300 Winchester Magnum along with 40mm grenades (for M203 underbarrel grenade launcher) and AT4 missiles.
Is there anything already done by someone or can someone, please, made them? Even vanilla-like is good too.
Of course this dude/dudette gonna be in credits!

BigDaveHadSomeToo over on the Zdoom forum has made a huge number of bullet/magazine/ammo box pickups of various flavors. While I can't

be sure any of them will fit exactly what you need, you should be able to find one that can be modified to your needs.

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I got tired of frankenspriting, so I'm 3d printing a skeleton with a bear head to make my own bone golem in the same vein as the original doom sprites.

I'm also gonna consider putting clay flesh and organs onto the PLA skeleton frame.

Edit: Printer decided to end itself rather than work. I can sympathize, though its a hassle. So now I'm just flailing about with frankensprites till Friday when the new 3d printer arrives.
There is definitely something to using elements of Tcherno, though the legs are stumping me.

Edited by Desfar

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3 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Why does their crotch explode when they die..? 😅

Pretty sure that would be their weapon exploding. I think awhile ago we all decided that BFG-tier zombies all have their guns explode on death.

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Looks cool.

I also remember Doom Eternal having concept art of ARC vehicles that i don't recall seeing ingame.

Could be useful for inspiration.


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On 11/9/2022 at 1:39 PM, Desfar said:

Finished up the rough outline for the TchernaGolem.
Had to make mostly custom legs as i think the feet for the tcherna sprites aren't phenomenal.
The gore of the revenant chest makes a good solid look, and the kneecaps are something i really like.
A full sprite page will be very painful.


Paintful & supershotgunworthy...

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I made some bugs...
best used scaled down as flat sprites, build engine style...


its based off of the pillbug from animal crossing but with a lot of work done to get it as small and generic as possible to look ok in doom.
its still pretty huge so scale him as you see fit...



got inspired to do this after a recent super metroid re-playthrough... 

the little bugs that flee when you get near when first entering crateria from the rain.

god that game had epic atmosphere...

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4 minutes ago, horselessheadsman said:

Anyone whose played Doom for longer then half-an-hour has probably had an encounter with the series mascot and their
lightning-spewing maw. However, in Ultimate Doom and Doom 2, the animation and sprites for cacos firing ball-lighting is
also used for their bite attack, which can look can a little odd. So...





Free to use if appropriate credit is given.

Oh, yeah, I'm stealing this alright. Now we only need one for Doom 64's Cacos. 

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On 11/11/2022 at 7:50 AM, ViolentBeetle said:

Interesting sprite. Are you envisioning it as a sort of double-out arachnotron?

Based on the name, it's meant to function as the Nightcrawler enemy from the Doom 64 TC Outcast levels - a grenade-launching Arachnotron with more hit points.

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Niche question, but has anyone taken the BFG sprite apart and made it into a bunch of smaller sprites? I'm working on a map called "BFG Factory", and while I don't NEED this, it might be neat to have bits of the full weapon going into an assembly line to eventually become the finished product.


EDIT: Oh! I was unclear! These sprites would be purely decorative, they would not be pickups. This would literally be parts for it to be manufactured.


If I want to do it myself, what tools do people recommend to create and edit sprites? (I have some tools, I want to know what people recommend for the process.)

Edited by Stabbey

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