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On 1/27/2021 at 2:48 PM, Thorogrimm said:

Here is a spritesheet of Guts-themed mugshots I made and completely forgot about. I was originally planning on making a fully Berserk themed WAD with a new arsenal and mechanics but I have zero experience with that!


I managed to Use your sprite sheet into a working wad (not perfect tbh)
And I have been using it for myself only, some people asked me about it
but I didnt release it since I am not the author of these.
I am asking for permission, if not, Ill keep to myself.
These are Awesome BTW!

Edited by BerserkerNoir

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6 minutes ago, Wiplashz said:

Como hago mis propios sprites y soy nuevo



Puedes usar un software de edición de imágenes como Photoshop, Aseprite o GIMP (que es gratuito). Puedes usar otros sprites como base para tus ediciones para aprender más sobre cómo hacer formas, efectos de sombreado e iluminación. Lo siento si este mensaje no está bien traducido, utilicé Perplexity AI para traducirlo al español.

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11 hours ago, Wiplashz said:

Como hago mis propios sprites y soy nuevo


con el paint punto net ahi tienes. tambien le puedes descargar plugins para tener mas efectos para usar. si quieres mermar los olores, usa la herramienta cuantizar

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12 hours ago, Lippeth said:

I got fed up with blue and green blood and decided to remove them from the equation.

Now we just need the opposite - green blood for everything!  Full GBA censorship! 

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12 hours ago, Lippeth said:

I got fed up with blue and green blood and decided to remove them from the equation.


redblood_deathframes.zip [MediaFire Link]


Even though this looks really good and I admire your efforts, why does it feel so cursed?

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47 minutes ago, jo2ukegappy said:

Even though this looks really good and I admire your efforts, why does it feel so cursed?

Brown Caco:


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17 hours ago, Crankywankynarancia said:

AMLO pistol 

Без названия90_20230823002618.png

Lo on ammo

Mo on amlo

O on Mamlo


Need more mlammlamlaamlamllam

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Made the alt fire of my Blood chalice weapon.
So the mine fire will be the previously posted blood slash, with this splash will throw out the 'bloody hand' projectile.

Main question is if I need to use the players health as ammo.


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9 minutes ago, Desfar said:

Made the alt fire of my Blood chalice weapon.
So the mine fire will be the previously posted blood slash, with this splash will throw out the 'bloody hand' projectile.

Main question is if I need to use the players health as ammo.


Man I love this concept so much.


Are you still using the ragu frames?  Those were dope too

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On 8/24/2023 at 12:35 PM, Burgish_Nilwert said:

Man I love this concept so much.


Are you still using the ragu frames?  Those were dope too

Not sure if I will, the dainty finger dipping felt a little too tame.
The blood pull and swipe will remain as main firing.
I gotta make the code, and figure how exactly I want this to work.

Project gushing


Will bring my mods weapons to
Pickaxe, basic melee attack. breaks bodies into ammo and health.
The Bone Breaker (Reference to Hedon) which acts as the shotgun and blasts bone shards/ alt fire being a corpse explosion.
Grave Chill, which is a frost thrower which turns enemies into frozen durable obstacles/alt fire being a snap which breaks all frozen bodies around into bouncing jagged ice shards.

And this Goblet, which will be a series of smaller homing projectiles making up the 'slash' shape/ with the alt being a full RIP ground projectile.

The bodies as well will remain the primary form of resources, ammo, armor, health etc.
Though I'm trying to make the certain monsters utilize the bodies as well, through modified revival codes and commands.

Eventually I will also make a NecroMecha constructed from bones and sinew that the player can use in some segments, though sadly the concept of it is still close to picklerick for me to showcase.

The more conventional necromancy summons haven't been touched yet, though they will likely be more along the veins of Hexen artifacts, being consumables to spawn certain monsters.

Making a major conversion project like this was likely not very smart given how new I am to this modding scene.
The level creation and ACS work have been kicking my butt, and the audio is a whole other nightmare.


Edited by Desfar

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7 hours ago, ShallowB said:






Speaking of pinkies, I saw an edit a long while back that put pig/boar faces on the pinky and mancubus sprites.  Does anyone know who made those/where to get them?

-ptsd flashback about the movie-

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Voting question for ya!

When it comes to NPC size, what do people prefer?

1921948629_sizecomp.png.36040a6b9b20bbddb4d71d0a47dab304.png- Quick frankensprite of an example piece using some of the above elements

My strife female is just barely 6o pixels, though the others are all about 85, though that can be likely moved down to 75ish by getting the feet more flat on the ground.
Is there merit to making people higher quality and just scaling them down slightly?

Blue-No care

red- small

Edited by Desfar

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12 hours ago, ShallowB said:

Speaking of pinkies, I saw an edit a long while back that put pig/boar faces on the pinky and mancubus sprites.  Does anyone know who made those/where to get them?

Would you be thinking of the "mutant pig cop" or "boss hog" sprites for Duke 3D that used the Doom 64 pinky?



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59 minutes ago, Desfar said:

Voting question for ya!

When it comes to NPC size, what do people prefer?

1921948629_sizecomp.png.36040a6b9b20bbddb4d71d0a47dab304.png- Quick frankensprite of an example piece using some of the above elements

My strife female is just barely 6o pixels, though the others are all about 85, though that can be likely moved down to 75ish by getting the feet more flat on the ground.
Is there merit to making people higher quality and just scaling them down slightly?

Blue-No care

red- small

I honestly don't care but I'm also not knowledgable about enemy sprite sizing conventions so don't put too much weight into your decision based on this response... ANYWAY, I usually down-size or up-size sprites anyway if I find a kewl monster I wanna add to my WAD anyway so size doesn't matter much to me (That's what she said)

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1 hour ago, Desfar said:

Voting question for ya!

When it comes to NPC size, what do people prefer?



My strife female is just barely 6o pixels, though the others are all about 85, though that can be likely moved down to 75ish by getting the feet more flat on the ground.
Is there merit to making people higher quality and just scaling them down slightly?

Blue-No care

red- small


A lot of build engine games, such as duke nukem, used slightly mismatched sprite scaling then used  the engine's scaling to match them up.


So as long as your custom sprites aren't over twice as large they shouldn't stick out from the smaller scale ones. So I say stick with high quality ones.

Edited by MObreck

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I've seen an assassin droid recently in the Ashoka Tv. It's a cool concept to mix in my mod, so, i'm starting a new one sprite


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3 hours ago, ETTiNGRiNDER said:

Would you be thinking of the "mutant pig cop" or "boss hog" sprites for Duke 3D that used the Doom 64 pinky?


No, that's not it, but it's very close. Maybe someone made a version of that based on the Doom 2 pinky.  Or maybe I really am just misremembering the boss hog sprite...

On 4/21/2022 at 9:06 AM, Ganbare-Lucifer said:

Edited 00_Zombie_00's Cryocubus to add him a boar face so it matches Other Mancubus Edit Variants



I did find the Mancubus, though... sort of.  I can't seem to find the regular Mancubus version of this anywhere.  And the Pinky edit I remember either used the same or a very similar face.


EDIT: Found the Pinky! It's @Craneo's Butcher Demon


Found here, along with a bunch of other great stuff: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=65146

Edited by ShallowB

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On 8/25/2023 at 6:30 PM, ShallowB said:

Found here, along with a bunch of other great stuff: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=65146

I really need to "port" that thread and the NuDoom sprites one here someday lol

edit to not doublepost, a new render thingy, thanks to Millenia for the model

Edited by Craneo
updated credits, added some more frames and stuff

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