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1 hour ago, ViolentBeetle said:

They react weird to being shot mid-attack, which isn't a problem for the lost souls themselves, but it is a problem for someone ground-based.


Why do they do that? I think I saw a decino video that explained it but I don't remember.

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44 minutes ago, Desfar said:

This good?
if not, what to fix?
(Cape will be corrected in final touches, and will have its own page for people who want it)

You're doing the Lord's work. Great effort! :)

A suggestion you can readily dismiss but I was thinking maybe add a shockwave at the start of the animation for clear readability that "Yes, he's dead." from the view of the player. Not needed, but maybe it could make it... pop, pun intended :>

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5 hours ago, aloysiusfreeman said:

I'm just looking for any feedback since this is my first time doing something like this! 


Incredibly good start, wouldn't have thought it was a first-time effort had you not said so.


There's a handful of issues at present but you implied you were going to do some "touch ups". Most of my feedback has to do with anti aliasing - those "fuzzy pixels" around the edges of the sprite that blend between the sprite itself and the background cyan, example below: 



Unless you're targetting GZDoom or some other hardware rendering sourceport that supports PNG with alpha transparency, you need your edges to be hard, solid pixels, demonstration edit below:


In a similar vein, the hands could do with some work. They suffer the same anti-aliasing issue as most of the sprites overall outlines, but also seem to have different thickness for the fingers between rotations, where in some sprites you can see between the gaps of the fingers, but in others you cannot - see below for example:



I'd try to come up with a consistent thickness, whichever you choose, and stick to that.

Lastly, colour palette - I don't know what tool it is you're using but it might not be too easy to work with given it's on an iPad (whaa!?), so I'd advise taking the sprites to a computer and using SLADE, or a graphics program like Photoshop to export them into Doom's 256 colour palette, known as the PLAYPAL. Below is an example of the 1st sprite in it's original form (left), then after being palettised (right) ((Plus some edge cleanup :D ))



Hope this helps!

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@aloysiusfreeman looks great!


16 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Below is an example of the 1st sprite in it's original form (left), then after being palettised (right) ((Plus some edge cleanup :D ))


Also once you get into palettizing images you should be aware that there are multiple algorithms to do it. I think the one @Dragonfly did was RGB with maybe some dithering on the front leg? SLADE has some interesting options including an algorithm called CIEDE 2000 which is slooooooow but usually gives good results. (no cleanup on that one from me though :p) The GIMP, if you happen to use it, is usually quite bad. (edit for clarity: The GIMP is an excellent program overall, just bad at a few specific tasks, palettizing images being one of them)


(oops i can't spell original)



In this case with CIEDE2000 you lose some of the depth on his back leg and hood, but don't get much of the brown that happens with dark reds and somewhat more depth in the body.


In general if you can work with Doom's palette directly, or at least keep it in mind when making images, you'll get better end results.


(I post about CIEDE2000 a lot because not many people seem to know about it and it's highly useful for converting images.)

Edited by plums

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@plums @Dragonfly thank you both so much for the feedback! I appreciate it so much 


With the anti-aliasing, tbh my gut was to do that with all the sprites. Thanks for letting me know why


As for palette, I was winging it (bad habit, I know). Though with this being done in Procreate on my iPad, the way I was approaching these were to block out the sprite with 3-5 colors, then use the smudge tool with a pixel brush. Still not sure how to feel about this method - going to keep working on it and see how it goes.  

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@Dragonfly and @plums, since you both brought up palettes and you know your stuff; 


I never knew of the PLAYPAL palette and now I plan to save that palette in Procreate. Though with how I've been trying this smudge/blending of blocked out pixels, it will inevitably pull in colors outside of the palette. Is palettizing a fairly common tool for brushing up images? I really want to stick with this technique but don't want to create too much problems down the road. 

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3 hours ago, aloysiusfreeman said:

@Dragonfly and @plums, since you both brought up palettes and you know your stuff; 


I never knew of the PLAYPAL palette and now I plan to save that palette in Procreate. Though with how I've been trying this smudge/blending of blocked out pixels, it will inevitably pull in colors outside of the palette. Is palettizing a fairly common tool for brushing up images? I really want to stick with this technique but don't want to create too much problems down the road. 

Yeah that's no problem, it's not like you're doing anything wrong if you have to palettize things, I'd say that's the way the majority of people work. You just want to be aware that you'll lose some colour depth in the process, and depending on how they come out, you might want to touch up the images after. It's also good to keep in mind some of the limits of the Doom palette: no very dark reds, a single hue of blue, minimal purple, etc.; and that even if you make images that conform well to the palette, you're seeing them as if they're in full brightness, so in lower light they might look a bit different.


Dragonfly or other people might have more insight, I don't consider myself a particularly good "artist," I just like screwing around with graphics programs :)

Edited by plums

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A Radio Backpack! great for Hideous destructor or any lowtech themed mod! Credits Id Software, DavidRaven for the air strike computer sprite (edited by Beansguy)


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17 hours ago, plums said:

Dragonfly or other people might have more insight, I don't consider myself a particularly good "artist," I just like screwing around with graphics programs :)


I've got nothing to add, great explanation! @aloysiusfreeman, as Plums advised, try to become familiar with what colours are present in the PLAYPAL so you don't make art that converts poorly. 👍


EDIT: I will add that having a copy of the PLAYPAL lump as a graphic on hand is useful, if you drop it into your project you can use the eyedropper tool to take the colours directly from here, so that way you know that even if you are manipulating it (using smudge tool or whatever other blending methods you try), the base colour is close enough that it should convert pretty cleanly.

To help, here's a copy of it in PNG format:



Edited by Dragonfly

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17 hours ago, jo2ukegappy said:

I just made myself in doom with a bit of franken spriting. The eyes still bug me a bit, tho. 

Hah that's awesome.


If you look at the original Doomguy face, the moving eyebrows and slightly changed expression as he looks left or right help to take the focus away from the one-pixel eyeball movement. It might help if you nudged the muscles above the eyes a bit on your (sprited) face, right now you look overly stoic.


quick edit:


Edited by plums

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13 minutes ago, plums said:

Hah that's awesome.


If you look at the original Doomguy face, the moving eyebrows and slightly changed expression as he looks left or right help to take the focus away from the one-pixel eyeball movement. It might help if you nudged the muscles above the eyes a bit on your (sprited) face, right now you look overly stoic.


quick edit:



Damn, plums. Thank you. That looks amazing! I will definitely use this and try to make some more sprites if possible. I'm thinking of starting streaming and also making videos about doom, this will come in handy.

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@jo2ukegappy Welcome! IMO it could do with a little bit more touching up, moving a pixel or two on the shading of the side of his (your) head as he looks around. But I'll leave you to do that if you want it, it's your face after all ;)

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5 hours ago, plums said:

@jo2ukegappy Welcome! IMO it could do with a little bit more touching up, moving a pixel or two on the shading of the side of his (your) head as he looks around. But I'll leave you to do that if you want it, it's your face after all ;)


I think I'll go with this. It loops around a bunch so that it can look "Organic" on stream and not really a pattern. Thanks a lot for the eyebrows, I would be completely deadpan otherwise.



Edited by jo2ukegappy

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2 hours ago, Crankywankynarancia said:

I made revolver for , as I name him "Vladislav the Biker"

  Hide contents


Also I don't know the credits, the edit is mine ☠️


I like it! Thanks, Narancia.

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