Antroid Posted July 2, 2015 GoatLord said:Since you asked, these are examples of metal that feel, to me, appropriate for a new Doom game. Jesus Christ, I wouldn't want ANY of this kind of, um... music? Sure let's go with that, any of this kind of music to play in the game... Then again it makes sense because I'm usually not a fan of metal in general. Doom music never sounded anything like these tracks to me. Maybe only some fan remixes. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
qdash Posted July 2, 2015 Death and Black metal is outdated stuff, nothing new for years and hard to listen if you never heard music like that. Times are changed. Meshuggah is perfectly classic band as Metallica or Black Sabbath. ALREADY. Music taste can be changed from time to time, but classic is classic, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Meshuggah. Mick Gordon is also good composer - new Killer Instinct has one of the best soundtrack for last years without any damage to classic atmosphere of this series. Cinder's theme from KI is simply best example for how music must be in new Doom. IMHO. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Obzen Posted July 2, 2015 Antroid said:Jesus Christ, I wouldn't want ANY of this kind of, um... music? Sure let's go with that, any of this kind of music to play in the game... Then again it makes sense because I'm usually not a fan of metal in general. Doom music never sounded anything like these tracks to me. Maybe only some fan remixes. No need to blast someone's musical tastes. that said, I can't really say I would enjoy most of those choices for Doom. I'd prefer technical death metal like Decapitated, but I know realistically that would never happen in a video game. I'm not too worried about the soundtrack, the OST for Killer Instinct and Wolfie:TNO are fantastic. I am partial to Meshuggah, if you guys couldn't tell by my handle heh. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
larrypotter Posted July 2, 2015 I think that young people just are not that into heavier stuff these days. People who are into metal have become a niche market. Back in the old days, teenagers would listen to death, thrash, black metal etcetera to be rebellious or to identify with metal subculture. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DooM_RO Posted July 2, 2015 NoisM said:Love Mick Gordon's stuff. This is great stuff! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted July 2, 2015 I came of age listening to what is clearly a very different realm of the heavy metal universe than most. I identify with the frequently demonic, Neanderthalic, horrifying and nihilistic extreme metal of the 80s and 90s, and on occasion the 00s. A lot of the more recent metal is too serious and cleaned up to me; it lacks balls and tries too hard to be serious. The boneheaded nastiness of the old school always felt Doom-y to me. Meshuggah and others are extraordinarily skilled, but I feel that in the absence of the old aesthetic, it feels hollow. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
larrypotter Posted July 2, 2015 I would like the metal in Doom to be like this: It sounds real satanic, it would fit hell levels well. But that's just my opinion, maybe the game has too much of an sci-fi aesthetic for this kind of music... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AlektorophobiA Posted July 2, 2015 ITT: TRVE METALHEADS lml, FUCK MALLCORE XDDD 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ChickenOrBeef Posted July 2, 2015 NoisM said:Pretty satanic: :D hahahahaha 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted July 2, 2015 I dunno man, I can't tell the difference between that and post-nu metal. I think maybe I just can't get into screaming and stomp riffs, at least not of the modern variety. I "get" it, though, I understand its appeal. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted July 2, 2015 You know what, I'm going to try to quite bitching about this music versus that. I'm overall okay with what Gordon is doing with the soundtrack. It might grow on me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ChickenOrBeef Posted July 2, 2015 Imagine you're in a dark UAC facility with strobing lights and hordes of demons to slay... ...and then music like this comes on: I'd be amped as fuck. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
qdash Posted July 2, 2015 If you want something creepy: Enough? OK, or Wolfenstein - Herr Faust: Yes, djent is here...and this track sounds awesome! I can't imagine better duet than Thordendal/Gordon for new Doom. Absolutely. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LANEGRACABRA Posted July 2, 2015 I don't want the music to make me feel like I'm in ozzfest surrounded by juggalos or whatever the crowd there is. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Panteruh Posted July 2, 2015 Why the hell would juggalos be at an Ozzy concert? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LANEGRACABRA Posted July 2, 2015 I dont know but clearly hearing Meshuggah derivative music in DOOM would be just as out of place in comparison then? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted July 2, 2015 Metal in general is just too aggressive and upfront to work as soundtrack music. The ambient/industrial/rock approach we heard in the E3 demo seems to be working okay. I'm hoping there will be some slightly heavier stuff that isn't distracting. I remember hearing a rendition of E1M1 at one point and that was cool. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Obzen Posted July 2, 2015 I'm being completely honest here, and I'll probably get ripped for this.... but I really dislike Doom and Doom II's OST. It's a hodgepodge of cheesy midi covers of popular heavy music at the time. It doesn't even work thematically as a whole. There is a very good probability that the new Doom OST will be much better than any other doom (besides maybe the PSX version) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted July 2, 2015 No, you're right. It's not blasphemy to admit that. They are pretty damn cheesy. I would not want to hear a bunch of Doom 1/2 OST covers for the new game, although, like I said, there's an industrial version of E1M1 in the E3 demo that worked. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
GuyMcBrofist Posted July 2, 2015 Obzen said:I'm being completely honest here, and I'll probably get ripped for this.... but I really dislike Doom and Doom II's OST. It's a hodgepodge of cheesy midi covers of popular heavy music at the time. Agreed. I just put on dark ambient while I play. The music doesn't need to match the pace of the action for it to feel right. Some good ambient music can really add to the effect the environments have on you, an effect that's totally compatible with the changing flow of exploring and being attacked. IMO. Doom 1 and 2 had a mixture of metal tracks and quiet ambient ones, I'm guessing id is doing the same for the new Doom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted July 2, 2015 Yeah, I often put on Aubrey Hodges' music when I play. I hope there's some creepy stuff like that in neo-Doom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
RUSH Posted July 2, 2015 GoatLord said:Since you asked, these are examples of metal that feel, to me, appropriate for a new Doom game These were very strong picks GoatLord! I'm familiar with all those artists and I think those are some solid choices that would work well for intense action (or in the case of Sunn) moody atmospheric moments. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
quakke Posted July 3, 2015 GoatLord said:Maybe I'm just cynical, but it sounded like literally every chug riff from every nu metal band from the late 90s. It's really bad, like Doom 3's theme. There are certain rhythms in metal that just suck, that have no balls and elicit eye rolls, and this is definitely one of them. I've been a musician for 11 years, so I know a crappy rhythm when I hear it! Man, nu-metal's hella alot better than todays justin bieber pop crap, or that fucking autotune junk. Loved the doom 3 theme also. The kinda music i also make. NoisM said:Yes, djent is here...and this track sounds awesome! This sounds alot of like that todays dubstep rock/metal thing. Don't really like it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ChickenOrBeef Posted July 3, 2015 The opinions on the music are all over the place in here. lol This discussion is a good example of how Doom means different things to different people. id Software definitely won't be able to please everyone. Personally, I like the original music, I like the ambient Aubrey Hodges music, and I like what I'm hearing from Mick Gordon as well. So I'll be happy either way. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
qdash Posted July 3, 2015 At least Doom 1,2 OST is midi music, ok? This discussion is a good example of how Doom means different things to different people. id Software definitely won't be able to please everyone. This. Definitely not too much variants how new Doom can be sounds. Personally, I hate orchestral bullshit in every fucking game. Worst type of OST ever. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
rgerber Posted October 4, 2015 Hello there. Shameless self-promoting the Vintage Doom Music project again. Before you rip it apart and judge by the first few tracks. Let me say that this music project/pack for Doom 1/2 has got nothing to do with Doom Metal music. It's a project that's trying to reimagine the Doom midi music using sampled orchestra instruments. As opposition to pure metal chugging and thrash metal, it's going the way of acoustic music only. Everything could be played by acoustic instruments. This is the first music-project going this way I know of. To tribute the way of the Doom Midi music. Those are actual tunes, and not soundscapes. Each track is trying to re-capture the emotional content of an actual Doom Level-Track. Each is an original composition with new melodies and harmonic structures. Tributing the 12-Bar progression, Metallica/Pantera/Motörhead. To give it a new look at familiar old things. Before you misjudge it. Give it a try I dare. It's the kind of music that's going back to the basics I'd expect from a new Doom. Not the typical modern Ambient/Industrial/Chugging/Thrash. Thank you. I compose each track from the memories of each Level-Music. I played Doom so much that I can hum each tune. So please give it a try. If you really love Doom and can't hear that in my music. I'm really sorry for you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted October 4, 2015 Man, the music is the icing on the cake of DOOM, not the other way around. Truly, it doesn't have to be the next Mozart.. I've been playing guitar, piano and drums for 10 years so I'm pretty versed in metal myself, but... Yeah, the Doom soundtrack is like 1/6th metal, I'm hoping it will be strictly reserved for intro maps and boss battles and such. People forget this but even on PC Doom v1.2 most of the soundtrack was ambient and creepy, not "in your face" metal riffage like e1m1 (e1m3, e1m7, etc are prime examples of PC doom's focus on ambiance.) As long as it has a memorable melody, good tone and mixing/mastering it's gonna be fine. I hope it isn't Nu Metal if I'm being honest - I do agree with GoatLord that most of that stuff is kinda "teen angsty" but by that some token I think the links he provided are equally unfitting. There are opinions, then there are facts. The fact is the metal MIDIs featured in Doom were based on Alice in Chains, Metallica and Pantera riffs. Take the lyrics out of the better half of each ones discography and you're left with the intended "heavy" sound for Doom. This isn't speculation as it's literally what they did. I'm not saying "HOORAY, MORE OF THE SAME" is necessarily what I want, just stating the facts of Doom music history. For the record, I thought Doom 3's theme featured a very memorable melody, just as much so as most of the Doom1 soundtrack. That said, such a riff doesn't really seem to mesh as a "during gameplay" riff like something just a tad faster and more aggressive does. It was opening credits music, not gameplay music, and it did that just fine. NoisM said:Personally, I hate orchestral bullshit in every fucking game. Worst type of OST ever. ^99.99999999999999% of shooting game music in the last 10 years. I too am ready for a change. It doesn't have to be the next "top metal charts" hit. I just want something with a decent melody and tone - I'm really hoping they won't go over the top. Either way, I'm far more focused on the gameplay! I know I've written a wall, but really it's gonna be like 1/10th of the DOOM4 pie, far as I'm concerned. EDIT: Maybe they should just scrap the metal altogether and go with Piper Maru's suggestion of using the Taco Bell theme featured on Underhalls/Circle of Death. Just have that song play the instant the game boots up in an unending loop, like what Hong Kong '97 does. PERFECT PLAN 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DF88 Posted October 9, 2015 The teaser has a decent mix. Sounds airy and industrial. The riff sounds pretty weak though. For action oriented parts they need to go with Herr Faust from Wolfenstein For slower sequences they would need some ambient guitar with a lighter drum beat. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted October 10, 2015 Video game music hasn't been memorable for awhile now. Whenever I hear newschool OSTs, it feels more like the composer is going through the motions than trying to establish something unique. "I want it to sound like X, so I'll use notes A, B, and C in this order at this tempo." It's very mechanical and soulless. I don't know how they ran so low on ideas in such a short amount of time. Neo-Doom's music sounds good, but it doesn't have a lot of balls. It's not particularly heavy, scary or intense. It's good, but it's not conveying the atmosphere properly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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