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What are the worst level packs?


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Darkness Falls by Starscream.
This is a classic example of what happens when you learn all of GZDoom's funky effects before you learn how to map. Looks stunning, but has completely illogical progression and some really stupid/cheap encounters. And plasma traps everywhere. But, seriously, this guy went on to make Winter's fucking Fury, people, one of my favourite mods of all time. I suppose we all have to start somewhere.

SPAWN by Dave Billing.
This is the mod that gave me my custom DW title. Another GZDoom "masterpiece". First up, it only works properly with a very specific version of GZDoom, secondly, it's another one of those mods that bitches at you if your rendering settings aren't exactly as the author intended. Thirdly, it disables cheats via MAPINFO. This wouldn't be an issue if the maps worked properly, but they don't, unless you have the aforementioned exact version of GZDoom, and even that doesn't seem to be a guarantee. Fourthly, forget everything you know about standard Doom level progression. Nothing opens the way you'd expect and every time you think you're making progress in this five-map hub, you'll be greeted with the message to the left of your screen as you read this. The best example that comes to mind is a door refusing to open because you haven't yet tried to (unsuccessfully) open one of the locked doors in another part of the hub. Seriously, I ran around like a blue-arsed fly for an hour, finally discovered a new door only to get the "this door is unlocked elsewhere" for the infinitieth time, only for one of the previous doors to inexplicably unlock! Oh, by the way, did I mention that cheats are disabled mod-side?

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Really, shouldn't the answer be UAC Military Nightmare or something?

Mock 2 is also pretty damn awful, but it's funny-awful so I can kinda give it a pass.

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Shadow Hog said:

Really, shouldn't the answer be UAC Military Nightmare or something?

I would have said yes but I believe that in order for something to be the worst it has to be practically unplayable and really shit in the visuals department, unfortunately, it is beatable legitimately. I would classify it as one of the worst with Gothic 99 but the latter is relatively decent looking. They're both still heaps of shit, though.

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