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TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

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SWDude said:

Crumpets Map 7 UV-Speed in 0:13.40

This might be possible non-TAS but it would require more luck. Also includes a demo showing a triple Arch-vile jump but it is a bit slower.

watched it on your YT, cool :) how about playing this map in NM ?

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Surely, if its TAS anything can be done. But i doubt it will make any difference though because getting the right timing for avj's is more challenging in UV than it is in NM.

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4shockblast said:

Yes, in fact, 0.23 is possible.

Good. Didn't know that instant glide is possible (my glide is "half-instant" only because I had 0 X and Y momentum on tic 2).

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Newgothic - movement 1 (NGmvmt1.wad) MAP04 UV Speed in 0:41.94 (and not very optimized 0:42.49).

EDIT: added MAP05 UV Speed in 0:29.71.


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(may be off-topic)
Been working on a plutonia movie improvement last month, and here's a small question: how the hell do the tag 666 platforms work? In 30pl1241, I kill the last map07's mancubus on 7'69 and the platforms start to lower on 7'71 (I remember that if I would kill it a tic later, the platforms will keep waiting for another second), but in the current case I kill the last one on 7'20 and the platforms stay ice cold till 8'71~8'91. Does it depend on RNG?

EDIT: lol, am I a green marine again?
EDIT: not anymore, it's just a 420th post thing

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No. It depends on the moment when you kill mancubi. Killing both at the same time is slower than killing both with a difference of 1 tic. Watch manc0tic and manc1tic with manctest.wad (I know that the proof isn't very good).


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I've killed the map07 mancubi in a shit ton of different ways and the result didn't change at all, just by a couple tics (while I'm trying to achieve a second).
PS: Total tic count?! It will hurt if's correct.

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I can't say I fully understand it, but here is an explanation by Adam Hegyi.

edit: or maybe I do understand... Basically, you can gain time by killing the last mancubus while the previous mancubus is still falling to the ground?

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kuchitsu said:

I can't say I fully understand it, but here is an explanation by Adam Hegyi.

edit: or maybe I do understand... Basically, you can gain time by killing the last mancubus while the previous mancubus is still falling to the ground?

Thanks a lot, but damn, I've scraped the luckiest attempt I could work on further. Very good.
EDIT: no, not thanks. The question is still open.

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How to build a grab? I could build two grabs on SihR2 MAP12, but I can't build blue key grab on MAP20.
(The demo shouldn't be uploaded to the DSDA.)
EDIT: now I built it.


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Would be great to see D2All (map1-16) on Newgothic. For me it would be such a mega nostalgia. (eeehhh... Year ago...)

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^ cool as heck! all the vile travel and ledge-running makes this a really fun TAS to watch

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yakfak said:

^ cool as heck! all the vile travel and ledge-running makes this a really fun TAS to watch

Thanks. That vile travel in the beginning was quite unintentional but later i realized that was the fastest way out.

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SWDude said:

nochance.wad UV-Pacifist in 1:50

Nice demo. I feel like you could have sped up the ending by doing an archvile jump/death slide over all the revenants at the end since it's Boom compatible and your corpse can go over/under monsters.

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Yousuf Anik said:

@SWDude hey buddy, that's a very nice demo. won't you make nm-speed demo of nochance.wad? :D

Thanks. NM-Speed is my next stop but i cant imagine this map on NM. Especially the blue key area.

4shockblast said:

Nice demo. I feel like you could have sped up the ending by doing an archvile jump/death slide over all the revenants at the end since it's Boom compatible and your corpse can go over/under monsters.

Thanks. I was stupid enough to miss that. Anyways i redid the ending and took 2 seconds off.

UV-Speed in 1:44
Pacifist in 1:48


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Final Doom - TNT: Evilution MAP18 "Mill" UV Speed in 1:01.77. I think that this map is possible in less than a minute only in D2ALL/D2EP2.


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