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Azuruish STAR thread (putting "speed" where it belongs)

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Meh, imo it's silly to count total time by cutting off the hundredths anyway. Like a demo suddenly gets a lot better just because you were 0.07 faster. I think it's stupid. If I were programming prboom-plus, I would make it calculate the time correctly, without rounding off anything. Doom's method is especially annoying in -nomonsters movies (e.g. Scythe 2 episode 1) where you almost always get same times in most of the maps, so your performance doesn't really matter that much outside of the few crucial parts. I believe it would have been a much more interesting category if every little slip-up would matter.

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Memfis said:

Map24 look totally ridiculous on NM.

Maybe... More ridiculous it will be looks in NoMo because impossible avoid trap with red skull.
If you are talking about difficulty... Amm.. I'm not sure. In both skills there are 'hard as f###'. In end moment i died there more than 30 times before i got luck.

WH-Wilou84 said:

Appreciated the slight route differences between your demo and dew's.

Somewhere i have to Otherwise i can't survive. Best example are MAP02 and MAP06.
I must have some powerful weapon to make it quickly and avoid respawn in next maps.
In MAP26 i could take 'invulnerability' and survive but comparing time between 'with weapons' and 'pistol start' are same i decided beat it at least with 'death exit'.
About time. Comparing UV and NM time is something usual i guess here but for me it's like comparing UV-MAX and UV-FAST.
Purpose are same but again there are huge difference in difficulty and route.

GrumpyCat said:

Whats next?

I don't want work with NM skill now. it's too difficult. I must recover my patience before to go deeper again for new diamond XD.
I would like work with UV-FAST D2ALL on Doom2... There are i can cut whole hour.
Or some new stuff on others WADS. //WOS, Vile, Valiant
Or work with Heal Revealed 2...
But I'm sure in 146% that i don't know myself :).

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Looper said:

"I'm too lazy spend three (3) seconds of my life to save one (1) second"

I think it's pretty much a well known fact at this point.

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This is a niggle rather than an adequate critique. Таки...
Do you want i will make all work for you?
MAP01 - lose 1 sec.
MAP02 - lose 3 secs on imp, 4 secs on lift. //even worse if compare time with 'dew'
MAP03 - lose 2 secs on glide.
MAP04 - lose 2 secs on super shotgun + 2 secs on medkits.
MAP05 - lose 5 secs on infight + 2 secs on glide.
MAP06 - lose 4 secs on AV Jump + lose 7 secs on BFG9000.
MAP07 - lose 3 secs on chaingunner
MAP08 - skipped AV jump
MAP09 - lose 3 secs on killing pinkies
MAP10 - lose 2 secs on medkits
MAP11 - lose 1 sec on killing mancubus
MAP12 - lose 2 secs on Hell knight. Lose 2 secs on Super Armor, lose 2 secs on killing mancubus, lose 2 secs on second linedef skip lose 2 secs on BFG.
MAP13 - lose 2 secs on blue skull.
MAP14 - lose 7 secs in revenant crowd.
MAP15 - lose 2 secs on wallrun.
MAP16 - lose 3 secs on hellknigh.
MAP17 - skipped av jump and lose 11 secs.
MAP18 - Wrong route, lose 12 secs
MAP19 - lose 4 secs on glide + 4 secs on cyberdemon
MAP20 - lose 18 secs on Hell Knigh and Baron of Hell.
MAP21 - lose 6 secs on fighting
MAP22 - lose 6 secs on Av jump and 2 secs without death exit
MAP23 - lose 3 secs on playing
MAP24 - lose 9 secs on BFG, lose 6 secs in area with red skull, lose 8 sec in AV crowd with imps + lose 5 secs on CYBERDEMON.
MAP25 - lose 5 secs on killing cyberdemon + lose 7 secs on avoiding revenant's rockets (there are 15)
MAP26 - lose 7 secs on AV crowd
MAP27 - lose 10 secs because 'pistol start' + lose 7 secs on avoiding AV hits.
MAP28 - lose 9 secs on Hell knight crowd and 18 secs on Cacodemons + too slow in end
MAP29 - lose 6 secs on blue skull
MAP30 - too slow in begin... and stupid shoting from shotgun.
HOLYF@CK... Just watch how muuuuch..
Let's calculate...
AnnNNNNNNNDDDDD what we got? 238 secs... 4 minutes.
Final time could be 20:48 if it did professional. So. Who is that professional?
Do you Akse? or Do you Looper? Do you can at least finish map28 in NM? Lower than 2:44 or higher i don't care. Just impress me.
I was soooo lazy and there is worst optimization which i ever did.
For you guys no difference in skill (4 or 5) so it will not hard at all...
I'm waiting.....

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Hell, at least Akse and Looper acts more respectful then you. And NEVER question the ability or even challenge the master TAS runners.

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WHY not? Challenge is what DSDA based on otherwise i don't see any reason. I just want to see how it will look like by professional. I'm not professional.
I guess others wants watch it too... You can post your demos here or in 'Speed of Doom' thread.

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I know it very well... SO i want demo: SOD MAP28 NM-Speed by Looper, Akse, ClumsyDoomer or 4shockblast. Whatever...
There are so cool. There are don't see any difference in Nightmare so i just want:
WATCH! Also could be awesome if it lower than 2:44. XD
I'm not pretended to be 'professional'...
i repeat: i just want to watch how that map will be done by professional.
So it's like a duel in 'Doom Speed Demos'.

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Azuruish said:

I know it very well... SO i want demo: SOD MAP28 NM-Speed by Looper, Akse, ClumsyDoomer or 4shockblast. Whatever...

That's a good idea!

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Speed of Doom MAP28 UV-FAST in 8:13
Made for fun... Will be more on several (hardcore) maps. On Scythe2 too.
//to professionals: better post your NM-Speed on that map in TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2. Here are only mine demos :D


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Do i asked you? If no one want it to do - please. Just it was funny to see how that map was beaten by professional. By this you could really proof your master skill.
There are no glide, very hard to optimize because -skipsec doesn't work and there you count only on your luck not on your skill.
I just sure on 10000000% no one did this NM D2ALL ever except me. This is my goal. And this is my win. Yep.

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So... I decided what will be next:
Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment NM-Speed. //on next week
At least it will be more easier than SOD. There i can cut 20:00 ~ 30:00 of Zero-Master run i guess. //Huh,,, these stupid glides (X_X)

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Azuruish said:

SO i want demo: SOD MAP28 NM-Speed by Looper, Akse, ClumsyDoomer or 4shockblast.

I'm busy, so if you want it to be me you'll have to wait. AKA be (next word will probably hurt you, sorry) patient. Cheers.

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ammm. MD922
Interesting... Obviously you have much cooler skill than me in TAS (caring about time more) but why you didn't made something really interesting?
Do you so lazy? Make something interesting: for example beat my NM-Speed on Doom2.
are you working on it? or how tha... that... amm. Zone 300. Made 3 maps and that's all?

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Azuruish said:

ammm. MD922
Interesting... Obviously you have much cooler skill than me in TAS (caring about time more) but why you didn't made something really interesting?
Do you so lazy? Make something interesting

Аа, подъёбываем. Well, as the matter of fact he did already. He beat my time in sii1.

Azuruish said:

beat my NM-Speed on Doom2.

I have some plans for that.

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It's not insult. Thah... It's question and guessing after all. i admit that guy can be really busy but looks like he did something.... And that's all. Am i wrong?

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Please, relax. It's a friendly place.

MD922 said:

Zone300 is being worked on. Working hard on map06 glide.


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I'm not gonna shut up... I don't get it where did you helped me?
Helped me only Akse and ClumsyDoomer with MM2 and that's all.
That's what i typed in end in each of TXT: Thanks to... It's thanks for demos which i had watched and used same route or found some usefull secret. //otherwise i can find it in Doom Builder.
If there are not then I'm looking for new route by myself like it was in Doom 2 Reload. Quite simple isn't?
I don't know... Feels like every my words sounds like insulting even if it not.

Akse said:

Please, relax. It's a friendly place.

Угу, очь дружелюбное, все друзья лишь я тут как скотина с ленивыми ТАСАМИ :)

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Wait... wait wait wait...
by this

MD922 said:

for Plutonia NM I can do all the guided glides, though I can't make instant glides.

did you offered help? MM... Now i get why you are so angry. I'm sorry but in Plutonia
... There are all glides easy to do. I just hate to do it. Sometimes to make glide in 2 secs you must spend on it 2-7 minutes + -skipsec time. It's annoying.
I probably can't make glide HR in NM-Speed in map... Damn... I don't remember. One of map...
There is glide exactly near wall. Maybe in Scythe2 i could make that stupid glide in MAP29 if that stupid wall not pushed me away all time. I don't know.

MD922 said:

Also, I like how you type in a different language hoping only certain people understand.

XD. bad cipher

Memfis said:

I would be very interested in seeing a Whispers of Satan run. :) Hope you do it one day.

Do you want that i make D2ALL everyday? With 'at least' good optimization? Can't wait every week? Huh... Will be..
Anyway i made 9 D2ALL in two months //with not perfect optimization.

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No, I can wait for a long time, not trying to rush you or anything... Just wanted to say that I'm interested in seeing it.

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