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BOXART (kill time topic)


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How do you think the doom III boxart would look like??

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Damn you are boring.. is your life also so bland and empty

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I would like to see the Doom3 logo at the top of the Box and a (real) picture of the Mars and its two moons Deimos & Phobos below it.
In addition there should be a fitting sentence (somthing about fear, darkness, hell, doom or whatever).
Hmm, the face of the Doomguy in one corner of the cover could round it up....

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hmm.. maby the Logo and under it the crusified guy on the glowing pentagram type thingy in the gameplay vid.. and the cover is bumped (feeling the picture on the cover) dont know how to explain.. I hope you know what I mean.

And it would be cool if they released an collectors boxcover version.. like the steel one cover from quake3

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hmm.. maby the Logo and under it the crusified guy on the glowing pentagram type thingy in the gameplay vid.. and the cover is bumped (feeling the picture on the cover) dont know how to explain.. I hope you know what I mean.

Yeah, that pentagram would also be cool....
And I like the bumped cover idea, in my opinion that looks much cooler that a normal flat cover !

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Probably the doom 3 logo supported by an endless tower of imps standing on each others shoulders descending into a bottomless red pit, representing the futility and endless suffering of hell.

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fraggle` said:

Probably the doom 3 logo supported by an endless tower of imps standing on each others shoulders descending into a bottomless red pit, representing the futility and endless suffering of hell.


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I think id's time of doing fancy pictures for their box art is over - all id games since (and including) Quake 1 had a plain symbol on a background - even RtCW.

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Ya, this isn't supposed to be a flashy box with big text written all over it, this is THE game that started it all we are talking about, I think id will make it very professional looking which it should for a game of this caliber.

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I suggest something that looks like the Necronomicon et mortis.
Flesh made cover with some metalic touch, blood stained.

Well, maybe for a Collectors Edition. That way a manual could be the actual Necronomicon.

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Alboroto said:

Flesh made cover with some metalic touch, blood stained.

I liked my idea better.

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Fraggle's avatar

Oh God, Fraggle's turned into fredrik!!!

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dsm said:


Oh God, Fraggle's turned into fredrik!!!

Mwahahha, it's teh conspiracy!

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I think fredrik is right, but I do hope it's more like DOOM I or II's box art.

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Shaviro said:

I think fredrik is right, but I do hope it's more like DOOM I or II's box art.

When I've played through Doom 3 a couple times, I'll try and "remake" the Ultimate Doom title pic, with the new looks of the Doom marine and replacing these "mini-BoHs" with imps as they look in the new game :-)

I must confess, that I liked id's old style of doing an interesting pic, depicting the hero in some situation, but I somehow don't think it matches the new game.
Heh, maybe they'll do something similar to what they did with RtCW: In RtCW they made a startup screen depicting BJ standing with an MP40 in a pose similar to the old Wolf3d titlepic, hiding behind a wall (pillar in the new pic) and peeking around the corner.
What if they made a similar startup screen for Doom 3: A photo-realistic picture, showing the Doom marine shooting into a small crowd of demons, somewhere in Hell - similar to the UDoom titlepic.

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