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Mutiny [Community Project]

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"It's 2028 AD. You're an elite cyborg marine. The UAC has risen as the most powerful megacorporation in the galaxy, and has commissioned you along with its army of crooked super soldiers to maintain order on Earth. You were sent on a mission to New Orleans to defend the city from the recurring invasion of the cybernetic mutants. When your helicopter is shot down over the bay by friendly fire from renegade UAC marines, you and your squad mates crash land in the harbor and are presumably dead. At least until the shockwave from a nearby EMP missile explosion shocks you back to life. You swim to a nearby submarine deployment station and begin your rogue mission to crush the UAC, destroying anything and anyone that crosses your path." [/campystory]

is a 16-level, Limit Removing Community Project Episode for Doom 2 intended to be the spiritual successor of late 90's cyberpunk themed wads such as STRAIN, Hacx, Nimrod, Dystopia 3, and Perdition's Gate. It features new colorful, high contrast, (intentionally retro) textures inspired by the works of Iika Keranen and Anthony Czerwonka, complete with plenty radioactive signs, warning stripes, computers, slime, and rust. Special thanks to Gothic, Jmickle666666666, and nxGangrel for their contributions!

MUTINY NEEDS YOUR HELP! Mutiny needs the help of many doomworld community members! If you are interested in participating and helping with Project Mutiny, please do so by posting in this thread, stating the position you are interested in helping with. Mutiny needs playtesters, mappers, graphic artists, and musicians.


Mutiny online IRC Chatroom!

By request, I set up a chat room for team members to discuss their maps at a more appropriate speed. You can chat live with me or other team members by joining the IRC channel with your own IRC client, or connecting to it with the web-based IRC Client Kiwiirc directly from your web browser with the instructions below:

Chat Live with the Mutiny team now!

Server: irc.oftc.net:6667
Channel: #mutiny


Getsu Fune



MAP11: The Firewall by AD_79 + Breezeep (Pending Changes) #
MAPxx: Breaching The Unknown by KevinHEZ + _dt (Pending Changes) #
MAP14: Laboratory by Archi (Abandoned)
MAP04: Downtown by ChaingunnerX + joe-ilya (Pending Changes) # # #
MAP07: (untitled) by Fonze + nxGangrel (Pending Changes) #
MAP06: (untitled) by Angry Saint + Corsair + _dt (Pending Changes) # #
MAP08: Compactor by jmickle66666666 + Pavera (Pending Changes) # #
MAP10: Generator by NoneeLlama + dt_ (Pending Changes) # #
MAP01: Surface by 40oz + Fonze + Jimmy (Work in Progress)
MAP02: Shipyard by Pinchy + Tarnsman (Work in Progress) #
MAP15: The Brain by 40oz + nxGangrel (Work in Progress)
MAPxx: Wildcard by purist + traversd (Pending Changes) # #
MAPxx: (untitled) by franckFrag + JCD (Work in Progress)
MAPxx: (untitled) by Doomkid + Impboy4 + dt_ (Pending Changes) #
MAP03: Slums by nxGangrel + TraceOfSpades + Pinchy (Pending Changes) # # #
MAP05: Warzone by 40oz + joe-ilya + AD_79 (Work in Progress)
MAP13: (untitled) by nxGangrel + scifista42 (Work in Progress)
MAPxx: (untitled) by Impboy4 + Pavera + KevinHEZ (Work in Progress)
MAPxx: (untitled) by Obsidian + Springy + Xaser (Work in Progress)
MAPxx: (untitled) by scifista42 + SuperCupcakeTactics (Work in Progress)


MAP01: Surface by Fonze, Jimmy, and 40oz
MAP02: Shipyard by Pinchy
MAP03: Gravity Well by 40oz
MAP04: Warzone by joe-ilya, AD_79, and 40oz
MAP05: Downtown by dt_
MAP06: Faceless Corporation by Angry Saint, Corsair, and dt_
MAP07: Bunker Base by 40oz
MAP08: Compactor by Krispavera and jmickle66666666
MAP09: Construction Site by Impboy4, Doomkid, and dt_
MAP10: Generator by scifista42, Noonellama, and dt_
MAP11: The Furnaces by AD_79 and 40oz
MAP12: Wildcard by purist and traversd
MAP13: Laboratory by Egregor and 40oz
MAP14: The Firewall by AD_79 and Breezeep
MAP15: Breaching The Unknown by KevinHEZ and dt_
MAP16: The Brain AD_79 and an_mutt

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=== RULES: ===

1. For quality assurance purposes, ALL SUBMITTED MAPS MUST BE A COLLABORATION. Maps will not be accepted to review unless a minimum of two people have worked on each map. (Further details below.)

2. Maps should be submitted on MAP01 in a .zip file and hosted with a reliable file hosting service, such as Mediafire, or Dropbox. Submitted maps should follow the following naming conventions:
MUTxxVy_mapper1_mapper2.wad - where "xx" is the number mapslot, "Vy" is the version number, and "mapper1," and "mapper2" are the mappers' names. For example, if I were to make my first submission map for MAP01: Surface with StinkyDoomer, the filename will read MUT01V1_40oz_StinkyDoomer.wad. If there are three or more mappers, append the file name with their names seperated by underscores.

3. All submitted maps must be made in standard Doom 2 format. NOT BOOM, NOT UDMF, NOT SKULLTAG IN HEXEN FORMAT. Maps are limit removing, meaning that it's basically vanilla except that crashes such as visplane overflows, segmentation violations, etc. are ignored.

4. All submitted maps must contain all four player starts, deathmatch starts, and an exit. Include weapons, ammo, health, powerups, monsters, and at least one secret area. Make sure the map can be maxed, as in, exited with 100% Kills, Items, and Secrets. The map should also include multiplayer only items for cooperative and deathmatch fun. Even though maps include deathmatch starts, the maps are primarily single-player and cooperative. So don't get too fussed about making the map a good deathmatch map unless youre into that thing. At least make sure the starts are there. The quality of deathmatch in your map will not impact its consideration for inclusion in the project.

5. Communicate often, check the OP for updates on your maps' status or project rule changes, check your private message inbox often, and cooperate with the other team members! When you submit a map, your map will be playtested and the review will be posted in this thread, in which the tester will indicate issues that need to be corrected by you or your partner(s) and resubmitted for review. Check the OP frequently for information regarding the status of your submitted map. If there is nothing that needs to be changed, the tester will OK the map for inclusion in the project. Your participation is extremely important. I reserve the right to pull your contributions from the project should you dissappear for a considerable duration of time without notice, or get in a tiff with other team members. We're a family here :)


This means no mapslot will be reserved for one individual person to work on independently. This is to maintain a respectful level of quality assurance before accepting maps in the project, and to encourage teamwork in the community. Each submitted collab must have a minimum of two people working on it. A collab may be a 50/50 split between the two mappers, or it can be as little as 90/10. It doesn't matter, so long as at least two people have worked on it, and both agreed it was good enough to be submitted to the project.

In order to participate in mapping for Mutiny, you must meet the following expectations:

1. Pick a partner of whom you can trust and rely on, OR you may begin working on a map on your own, post screenshots in this thread, and let a partner pick you.

2. Decide what you're doing early on. Make sure between you and your partner, you both know what you are going to be doing. Communicate often, exchange Private Messages or other contact info if you prefer (to reduce posting traffic in this thread) explain what you prefer to do in maps with your partner, and choose your roles ahead of time before getting deep into your maps. There are many ways to approach this. One person may do the layout and thing placement, while the other may do the detailing, texturing, and lighting. One could build the start room, and middle, the other could finish the middle and exit room. You can map until you get bored and pass the map back and forth between your partner until its finished. There are many other ways to go about this.

3. Be open minded! When picking a partner, its possible for a partner to reject your request. More than likely, it's nothing personal. The person may be busy with other things or real life commitments that might make them not a good fit for you. If you do have a partner, talk to them about what your expectations are for your map, and trust that they are doing what they feel will best improve the map. Keep backups of your maps often, should anything critical happen (a handy way to do this is to save backups in the same wad under a different map slot). DO NOT passive-aggressively erase or mutilate their work without consulting them about it first. If you have any issues with your partner, please take it up with me, and I will mediate the situation. Don't hesitate to ask for my help if you feel uncomfortable with your working situation. I'm here to help you.

4. Don't overwhelm yourself. If you're popular on the internet, don't say yes to every collab request you get, or you'll find yourself having to work on too many maps at the same time, and possibly lose track of who you're working with. If you feel you have strong networking abilities and can multitask mapping with many people at once though, by all means, help as many mappers as you like.

=== MAPPING: ===

Mutiny is planned to feature primarily techbase and some futuristic urban map themes. The monsters in Mutiny are mutants and zombies are renegade UAC marines, so there is no adventure into hell. However, maps that use hell elements such as candelabras, evil symbols, and skin are permitted if used tastefully. For continuity purposes, some of the maps in the maplist are already named. For these slots, design a map that fits the description. For the "wildcard" maps in the maplist, these maps are not named and can be designed and named at the mappers' discretion, so long as it is tasteful and descriptive (preferably not something like "Poop Processing," or "Big Chief Chinese Restaurant") Choose music only from Doom 1, Doom 2, or TNT IWADs. This may change over time should someone volunteer to write custom music for Mutiny. Untile then for the time being, only use music from the IWADs in your map. Mutiny will will feature a max of 16 maps. No more, no less.

Design your map primarily for Single Player and cooperative. Implement skill settings in a fair and sensible way. Add extra multiplayer-only monsters to make the gameplay extra grindy for multiple players. Include deathmatch starts and multiplayer only weapons. Keep you maps short. If it takes you over 10 minutes to complete your map on -nomonsters, your map may be stretching too long.

Mutiny features textures from a variety of themes. The best looking maps should emphasize contrast where the dark grays and browns are in the dark, while the vivid colors are under bright light. This will make the colors pop and strengthen the old-school style of the wad. You may use stock Doom 2 textures with your maps. And of course, be creative, be friendly, and have fun!

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Aww yeah. I'll take a portion of MAP11, please, I have... ideas. I'll look for someone to work with after I get some sleep tomorrow.

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I'm always on hand for DeHackEd work if you need it. Can't make too many promises on the mapping front, although it isn't completely out of the question.

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Finally, someone made a collaboration community project.

If someone wants to collaborate with me, tell me. I'd like to make huge complex map with obvious ways to complete it and semi-slaughterish gameplay with enough ammo and fast enough battles.

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Once the texture pack gets fixed, I would like to try collaborating with someone who makes either visual or gameplay oriented maps or just "normal" maps, but not slaughtermaps and not atmospheric / experimental ones. If someone is willing, contact me. I don't want to contact anyone myself until I know that he also seeks a mapping partner, but if I knew that he did, I would.

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AD_79 said:

Aww yeah. I'll take a portion of MAP11, please, I have... ideas. I'll look for someone to work with after I get some sleep tomorrow.

Arch-vile ideas? :D

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Interested in mapping, sort of. I like doing thing placement and tweaking encounters until it feels right, perhaps moving a few vertices here and there. If you enjoy building the whole map but don't care for the aforementioned parts, we could work together.

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Just had a look through the resource pack and I'm really digging some of the stuff going on! I've committed to a number of projects lately though (including a seperate 40oz project~), so I'm going to just keep an eye on this for the time being. I will absolutely be down for exchanging ideas with folks though if they wish to!

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40oz said:

Keep you maps short. If it takes you over 10 minutes to complete your map on a casual playthrough, your map may be stretching too long.

Don't you think this is too much a restriction for collaborative effort? Estimated max time for a map like that would be twice as short, is it really worth bothering with then? It's a work for one person, not two, and even then this person's ought to be Erik Alm to make such maps memorable, no less.

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To rephrase my post, how is he going to ensure that 2 mappers worked anyway? Dem, you can just make a map by yourself and say that Memfis contributed too, I don't mind. xd

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yo 40 ya don't mind if I help out with this one do ya? probably won't map or design for this, since whenever I do so I get the urge to delete what I just created nowadays. same deal as with playtesting pl1024.

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Memfis said:

To rephrase my post, how is he going to ensure that 2 mappers worked anyway? Dem, you can just make a map by yourself and say that Memfis contributed too, I don't mind. xd

lol xd wgaf about rules right??

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I'm thrilled to see so many interested mappers! I'm excited to see who chooses to be partnered with whom. I think it will be a lot of fun for everyone :)

Obsidian said:

I'm always on hand for DeHackEd work if you need it.

Thanks Obsidian! Automap names could be handy. Also if you think of a potential solution to this question, id love to make some custom thing decorations without removing existing ones.

scifista42 said:

negative vertical offsets,

That's the first time I heard of that. Wish someone would have warned me. Quite a few of the textures have negative offsets. Did you find any textures that display incorrectly? Some of the textures in the first screenshot use negative vertical offsets and they look okay. They were taken with prboom plus cl2. Is that bug limited to two sided middle textures?

Demonologist said:

too much a restriction

I felt it would reduce the workload for playtesters who will have to play and replay maps over and over across multiple skill settings, and write a bug report for. I think the phrasing I probably should have said is if it takes longer than 10 minutes to beat on -nomonsters then its probably going on too long. However I sincerely doubt i would reject an otherwise good map because it took me 11 minutes instead of 10. I should probably amend that.

Memfis said:

2 mappers. xd

Yep, I'm mostly going by the honors system. I'm hoping that if someone posts their map stating "I made this map with stinkydoomer" as they should, that stinkydoomer would show up to the thread to say "i never touched that map." If you have a seriously suspicious partner like Malcolm Sailor or John Romero then ill probably go out of my way to get confirmation. But for the most part I'm trusting that people here have better judgment than that. The rule is only supposed to make mapping less time consuming and more enjoyable for both the mappers and the players. But even if the maps are great and only 75% of the mappers truthfully collaborated with someone I don't think ill throw a fit.

Getsu Fune said:


Excellent! Thank you!

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40oz said:

That's the first time I heard of that. Wish someone would have warned me. Quite a few of the textures have negative offsets. Did you find any textures that display incorrectly? Some of the textures in the first screenshot use negative vertical offsets and they look okay. They were taken with prboom plus cl2. Is that bug limited to two sided middle textures?

It applies to all textures with negative Y offset patches AND/OR transparent (middle) textures with non-zero Y offset patches. But the glitch is NOT as simple as the offsets being ignored. They are ignored when drawing the patch, but not when determining which pixel of the texture will be masked by which patch. So, the patches will appear in "correct positions", but they will be misaligned anyway. It might be hard to comprehend until you see it. METAL95, TEKBRIK4 and TEKWALL7 in your texture pack demonstrate it perfectly. At least in my version of PrBoom-plus.

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esselfortium said:

lol xd wgaf about rules right??

Well, for social retards like me collaboration is always a major pain, plus there is always the problem that your partner has worse taste than you and you want to just delete all his stuff. So I won't be surprised if many mappers attempt to cheat the system to avoid all that hassle. That's why I'm bringing this up. Maybe most people don't have such problems...

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Memfis said:

social retards

Maybe you could try tertiary mapping then. Find a map that's already close enough to being done and do some fine tweaks, moving vertices around, changing some thing placement, texture themes, etc. That way you wont feel like someone has compromised your vision.

The best way for everyone to go about this is to try not to do too much on your own. There's a wealth of mappers here so focusing on one step of mapping at a time instead of doing everything at once as you go would really be beneficial for everyone participating.

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Was this the thing you mentioned earlier 40?

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Ooooh, I'd love to get in on this, I've been wanting to give collaborative map design a shot.

No promises yet, but if I can free up some time soon, I'll see if I can get something started.

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Memfis said:

Well, for social retards like me collaboration is always a major pain, plus there is always the problem that your partner has worse taste than you and you want to just delete all his stuff. So I won't be surprised if many mappers attempt to cheat the system to avoid all that hassle. That's why I'm bringing this up. Maybe most people don't have such problems...

You are right, most people don't have these problems. Don't generalize like that just because you might want to feel like cheating "the system". Believe it or not, there are in fact people out there, who do not see the world as gloomy and negative as you.

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Now this is some tempting shit. I am a bit put off about the co-op mapping bit but as they say don't knock it until you've tried it. I am only free weekends and one Thursday every fortnight, though so that may be problematic.

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The resource wad also contains barrel sprite replacements, but they are not within S_ markers and therefore don't display ingame. Put S_END after them.

EDIT: Now I've realized that you most probably know this, and that they weren't put within markers because they're work in progress or not necessary to be used yet.

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I would like to collaborate!

CorSair, do you want to map with me?

Otherwise I can start mapping and then post the map for someone else to complete...

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@Angry Saint

Sure thing, if you have an idea for map right now, go for it. And if you have any other ideas and notes, whip up PM and I'll read it in the morning.

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