40oz Posted July 12, 2015 scifista42 said:Still not BRONZE8 I had it noted but I tested it in a map and one of the patches I layered on top (the top bronze frame) covers the part of the patch that repeats, so even though its there, creating a new patch that would make sure that there are no patches that have negative vertical offsets would make no visible change, so I just left it in. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
scifista42 Posted July 12, 2015 On a different note, could you change the thread title to Mutiny [Commutiny Project]? :D Maybe not. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NinjaLiquidator Posted July 13, 2015 Hello, I have nice idea for a map but: 1) Can I have some custom textures and texture packs? (ALLBLACK,ALLBLAKF,some from cc4tex, some stock floors used as walls and stock walls used as floors, but map will use 80-90% of stock textures) 2) Can I have custom music different from Doom1/2 if it will be my own? It will be on skyscraper rooftops (something like Morpheus from Unreal Tournament), but shinier and a bit bigger. All around will be a lot of neon skyscrapers in the night. It would make even nice deathmatch arena. And thats where go 3). 3) I can make jump between skyscrapers by teleport to keep it Vanilla. But thats cheap. It would be a lot better with Quake 3 Arena - like jumping pads. I know that with Boom-compatible it would go, but I dont know how to make them in Vanilla without action 253 - Scroll according to line vector. Answer "you can't" means I will have to make that map only with that boring teleports :D. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted July 13, 2015 NinjaLiquidator said:I have nice idea for a map but: That's great! But keep in mind that the requirements for making it into this project are that you must work with a partner. Do you have someone who agrees your ideas would be a good fit for Mutiny? I'm open to creating new textures to assist you if you feel you might need them, but you're probably going to need to have something to show first that demonstrates that the textures in the resource wad already can't effectively be used in the map you're making already. Mutiny resources already has an all black texture and flat (you can see it being used in AD_79s screenshots) as well as plenty recolors and variants not far off from some of the stuff you might see in cc4tex Also its a bit late to change the mapping format from limit removing to something that supports jump pads considering how many mappers have already started on their maps. I'd like to help you the best i can but you'll have to understand that I have a lot of people to consider and what might be good for you can be harmful for another. scifista42 said:Mutiny [Commutiny Project]? :D I was thinking something more along the lines of Mutinya1024 :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
nxGangrel Posted July 13, 2015 40oz we're getting more maps than the wad requires, are you gonna add extra slots or will you and the testers just pick and choose? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted July 13, 2015 All the slots in the final maplist are currently open. Its not unusual for mappers to come and go in community projects so I don't want to dismiss any newcomers just because they didn't get here fast enough, especially if they may be more determined to finish a map than someone else who already posted here. I suspect some mappers here might find that their partner is not a good fit for them, or they may simply have other real life obligations or dont have enough inspiration to continue with their map, and I understand. I want to reinforce that there is no commitment here. You are not locked in and obligated to get a finished map for Mutiny if you stated that you'd like to make a map once before, because that can put stress on everyone and stretch the development time much longer than it needs to be. During the testing stage, mappers who submit a map will have their map tested, and if it looks and plays well and is free from errors, it'll secure its position in the final maplist. If not, you'll be referred to a written review by one of the testers stating the things that need to be changed/added/removed to the map to get its final approval. Then you'll just have to make those changes and submit an updated version of your map. If you're making a map for one of the prenamed mapslots, you're probably more likely to secure your place in the maplist than a wildcard map would. Likewise you can make changes to your map to make it better fit the description of one of the prenamed mapslots. In the event that the open slots in the final maplist become limited, any other works in progress will have to be rejected, and may instead be released independently or combine the best parts of your map with another map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xaser Posted July 13, 2015 This is probably a bridge that only really needs to be crossed if we reach it, but I'm wary about the way the (lack of) slot lock-in is described. I really hope it wouldn't be possible for a great map to be bumped by a not-so-great one just because the former has a day's worth of trivial bugfixes to make. I'd really feel a lot more comfortable if it'd be possible for maps to "lock in" a slot when it hits playable beta stage and is pretty clear it's gonna get done. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 13, 2015 Tbh, me too xaser. I'm not a speedmapper in the least bit and with more people doing work on each map it's gonna get hairy with only/less than a month to go. I'd personally like to avoid working on a map at the same time as a partner because then everything one of us does will have to be redone. And Murphy's Law is that it'll be the day one of us puts in a lot of work, but the other puts in just a bit more/does things that take more time to reproduce/changes the level's layout. Having said that, communication is key. Especially for those of us who want to bounce the maps around more frequently. By my calculations, we should have a little less than a week now to get each level's basic layout complete with a little texturing done. *Edit* spell check >.< 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 13, 2015 I'm currently working on thing placement, hopefully I can have the map posted sometime tomorrow. Also, I'm curious to see how other people's maps are progressing. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 14, 2015 Ok, this is version 1 of MAP11 by Breezeep and I. Here's the link to The Firewall (Probably not the final name, we haven't decided as of yet). It's a sort of cyberspace map. Doomguy is inside the UAC networks for whatever story reason(s). Difficulty settings are not implemented as of yet. Also, deathmatch starts exist but are terrible, and I may end up making a separate deathmatch area. One more thing, we're looking for a midi for this map. If anyone would be willing to compose a fitting track for this map, please do :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pinchy Posted July 14, 2015 Is it possible to set up the IRC channel #Mutiny for this? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SleepyVelvet Posted July 14, 2015 AD_79 said:Ok, this is version 1 of MAP11 by Breezeep and I. Good stuff, I love this style of map. i played it once without textures and the map was good enough to convince me to play it a second time with the intended textures instead of checkerboards. Spoiler there are lots of interwoven layered paths of varying heights that are bridged with platforms. i'm a sucker for this. the structure is interesting enough: it is architecturally symmetrical around the focal point to make the whole map feel like a cool place with "structural identity" instead of being a generic blob with good gameplay. Spoiler I assume that secret is limited. i often go through the map after i'm done killing stuff to see how many secrets i can find, so i usually complain about 1 time secrets, but this one was obvious so after raging for a couple seconds i decided that atleast it looked obvious that it's 1-time; i realized that i missed it very quickly which prevented me from wandering for an hour just to find a secret. I think this is my favorite Breezeep/AD map yet; Don't stop improving 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted July 14, 2015 The Firewall (Probably not the final name, we haven't decided as of yet). so far not bad. the layout works rather well without feeling too cramped, and there's no truly annoying stitches in the design. Although difficulties weren't implemented, I actually didn't have too much problems with playing. the stuff that should be made for easier difficulty would probably be the revenant wave that came with the cyberdemon (this was my hardest part) as well as the chaingunner grouplings later on. both of those, you can soften things up for easier difficulties there. Keep the cyber though, he might have his uses (although not for me since I'm the most defensive Doomer in the world). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Angry Saint Posted July 14, 2015 I've sent what I've done up to now to CorsAir, so he can work on our map. In the meanwhile, if you need testing, comments or even some mapping, consider me available. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tracer Posted July 14, 2015 Are there any things you specifically do not want to see in our maps? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted July 14, 2015 Mutiny online IRC Chatroom! By request, I set up a chat room for team members to discuss their maps at a more appropriate speed. You can chat live with me or other team members by joining the IRC channel with your own IRC client, or connecting to it with the web-based IRC Client Kiwiirc directly from your web browser with the instructions below: Chat Live with the Mutiny team now! Kiwi IRC Instructions Server: irc.oftc.net:6667 Channel: #mutiny 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted July 14, 2015 Updated the resource pack to v1.4 - Download EDIT: Hotfix resource pack to v1.4a Download - Mostly added textures by request. - Updated Status Bar (green text, less contrast around the outline of doomguy's head) - Fixed the 24-width textures Pinchy found (thanks Pinchy!) EDIT: - A few duplicate entries I made by mistake. Corrected in this version - WERDWAL8 fixed 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 14, 2015 The Firewall (we've decided, that's the official name) has been updated, I did difficulty settings and automap cleanup. EDIT: Fixed something, same link. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 15, 2015 Just a note, I am now available to help out with various things. PM me if you'd like me to assist with your maps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tracer Posted July 15, 2015 On the opening map (CORRECTION: Map 11), the floor is completely black everywhere. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but I felt that it made the entire area visually unappealing. Also, when you hit the switch to lower the red key, it just turns into a low brow version of nuts.wad. I feel as though it is entirely too difficult for an opening level. Most notably, I heard a cyberdemon straight away, there were way too many revenants and hell knights...it's really too bad. I thought it looked wonderful (save for the floor) when I started. EDIT: Just an idea that I had that would even the score here...maybe since Doomguy is a cyborg in this project, his health and/or armor should be doubled at the start. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 15, 2015 Um... It's not an opening map... It's for the MAP11 slot. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tracer Posted July 15, 2015 AD_79 said:Um... It's not an opening map... It's for the MAP11 slot. Oh, alright. I wasn't aware. Thank you for clearing that up. Even so, I felt that the horde that you are faced against after lowering the red key was a little much. Mostly due to the number of revenants and hell knights. Unless of course you would have procured a B.F.G. at some point prior to Map11. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 15, 2015 TraceOfSpades said:Oh, alright. I wasn't aware. Thank you for clearing that up. Even so, I felt that the horde that you are faced against after lowering the red key was a little much. Mostly due to the number of revenants and hell knights. Unless of course you would have procured a B.F.G. at some point prior to Map11. There is a BFG in the map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tracer Posted July 15, 2015 AD_79 said:There is a BFG in the map. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106557511/mut11_bfg.png Ah. I assume that having the jump feature turned on breaks the map then. Because I just saw the red key and jumped to it. Disregard. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Marcaek Posted July 15, 2015 Unless otherwise specified, you won't find many boom maps that don't break when you jump. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dt_ Posted July 15, 2015 Hi, I'd love to be a part of this if anyone needs someone to team up with. Love the look of the textures and enjoyed playing through 'UAC ultra'. Let me know if I can help 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 15, 2015 We always need play testers, especially those who will give detailed reviews. ^.^ If you're up for mapping then I'm sure a team out there could use an extra partner. You might be best off pm'ing people, though. If you want, get with 40Oz on our map01. The more the merrier with the first impression map. After I get its general layout done we will be bouncing it all around. Also, I think I remember some people not having a teammate yet, you could pm them as well. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
molten_ Posted July 15, 2015 **edit** my apologies, when I was writing this I forgot that maps were a group effort ... didn't mean to exclude you in this Breezeep. both of you did an excellent job as far as I can tell (still haven't beaten it though :P ) hey AD, working on testing your map. still haven't beaten it yet because I was trying to get a demo recorded and I apparently suck at FDA's w/ no saves, so I'll jump back in again later today and beat it the nerd way :) I'd say difficulty is fine for a wad of this style, tough as nails but still fair. makes replaying fun. Spoiler I made it to just after the section where you drop down into the pit with chaingunners and revenants (after crossing the "bridge") first impressions: I like the look of the start, usage of barrels to force the player to awaken the cyber was neat even if I've seen it before. excellent pacing as usual, teleporting enemies in at all the right times to put pressure on the player. I like how the first revenant trap (after hitting the switch near the rockets) only activates once the player makes their way halfway across the ledge overlooking the cyber. issues: blocking enemies crossing over sections you have to jump is a pet peeve of mine. after crossing the switch raised bridge I had some issues reaching the final section because some revenants were in the way. not sure how to fix this, not even sure if it's fixable at all without ruining the nature of the map. perhaps raising the floor they walk on so they're more visible before dashing all the way across? honestly the most annoying part about it was that I couldn't see the revenants until it was too late. I also ran into an issue where an imp prevented me from dropping down after the lift in the pit with chaingunners and revenants, this could be fixed with a small monster blocking line or something. as I said I didn't finish so I'll test more later and have more detailed feedback for you :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dt_ Posted July 15, 2015 Collaborating on maps sounds very interesting, great way to learn from each other and bounce ideas off each other. Have seen the IRC link earlier on in the thread, is this open to everyone? Might pop by a bit later on and see if I can get stuck in. If you need anything play testing and some creative opinion ill happily offer that up aswell 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SuperCupcakeTactics Posted July 15, 2015 Help, this map is getting bigger and bigger the more I build on to it D: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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