Pinchy Posted July 17, 2015 MAP02 - Shipyard - Pinchy + Tarnsman Currently work in progress version 1. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pinchy Posted July 18, 2015 The problem is nothing in this map is set in stone, it's over to Tarns at the moment and he has permission to alter anything to accommodate progression and monsters. I set the current start here: Looking directly towards the nukage pit at 45 degrees. A simple lift like this could be added: Which is an easy exit to build. There is an entire city area just over the wall right near the start that could be used if needed, almost anything could be built in that space. Currently it's only function is an out of shot view from windows and various places. I put it there so the shipyard felt like it was connected to land right next to a city. Considering that MAP03 is the slums, the exit to our map may need to be moved to that area, it would make more sense. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 18, 2015 Yeah man, I think most maps aren't set in stone yet. I dont even have map01 right now, 40's got it I think. But it would be a quick, easy, and interesting feature to add to this mapset. It would also make the differences between map styles a bit less, since it would affect the players first impression of each map. I mostly just want a heads up of what's to come after the level we're working on, so I can map accordingly, even if it is a rough draft. The pics all look sweet though, pinchy. *Edit* Oh, and thanks for providing the pics as well. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demonologist Posted July 19, 2015 I quit this project due to lack of motivation, so Archi is free for teaming up again. Good luck and devilspeed to y'all. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tracer Posted July 19, 2015 I don't really like the way the waterfall texture looks. It doesn't look like the water is actually falling, it looks more like it's glistening. Mortres texture pack had a great waterfall texture. Do you think we can use textures from Mortres in our maps? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
scifista42 Posted July 19, 2015 Which one do you mean, TraceOfSpades? Mortres has several waterfall textures. One is the same as the standard cc4-tex one. One is a nearly pitch blue wall that's truly glistening instead of falling. One is transparent and consists of single water drops edited out of the cc4-tex-like waterfall. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Angry Saint Posted July 19, 2015 Pinchy said:MAP02 - Shipyard - Pinchy + Tarnsman Currently work in progress version 1. Is it a ship? It seems to be very large... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 19, 2015 Oh Hell yeah that's a ship. Looks sweet too 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pinchy Posted July 19, 2015 Angry Saint said:Is it a ship? It seems to be very large... Specifically a freighter. There are small boats around as well, also there may be more yet as the map is still under construction. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Angry Saint Posted July 20, 2015 I have played with the "curve linedef" tool: What do you suggest me to put in the "?" circular areas? The other 3 circular areas are going to have connections with other parts of the level. Here some general views (no details yet): 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
scifista42 Posted July 20, 2015 Angry Saint said:What do you suggest me to put in the "?" circular areas? Nukage. Circles look good! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 21, 2015 Hi, I'm back, and I see things are going fairly slowly in here. I do have to finish MAP11, but I'm still interested in helping out with other maps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tracer Posted July 21, 2015 Pinchy said:The problem is nothing in this map is set in stone, it's over to Tarns at the moment and he has permission to alter anything to accommodate progression and monsters. I set the current start here: Looking directly towards the nukage pit at 45 degrees. A simple lift like this could be added: Which is an easy exit to build. There is an entire city area just over the wall right near the start that could be used if needed, almost anything could be built in that space. Currently it's only function is an out of shot view from windows and various places. I put it there so the shipyard felt like it was connected to land right next to a city. The start of The Slums Considering that MAP03 is the slums, the exit to our map may need to be moved to that area, it would make more sense. EDIT: I thought Gangrel and I were making the slums. That being said... The start of my The Slums at this point is a brick road going through the woods. You start at the edge of the woods on the other side of a fallen pillar, making backtracking impossible. If you can make a linedef action that ends the level when you enter a wooded area, that would transition perfectly into slums. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
nxGangrel Posted July 21, 2015 I feel like I should comment about it, What I was working on for map 03 started in a small rustic room, which leads into a small area with looks kinda like a check point (it's a small road with two large doors), that lead into a shanty town. Full of wood and stuff. You can see some screen shots earlier in the thread. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
nxGangrel Posted July 21, 2015 TraceOfSpades said:I thought Gangrel and I were making the slums. We are, but any one can work on the same map. They just have to be picked by play testers. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted July 21, 2015 That Shipyard map looks amazing! Everything so far looks pretty badass in fact. Impboy4 and whoever else would like to collab, feel free to join me in #dmstuff. I'm almost always there :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 21, 2015 Alright, I played "The Firewall," wow, what a Hell of a map! Gameplay: This map features like 130-something enemies. Took about 15 minutes to complete, excluding deaths, but I took time to adjust myself, scratch my... nose, marvel at the architecture, and contemplate buying diapers, or at least a change of underwear. I liked the look of the starting room, which started the gameplay off on the right foot (same with the enemy count). On my first attempt I made it through the first encounter with only about 27% damage taken off. After dying due to using a plasma gun against a cyberdemon while using a fixed cover (I couldn't see the rocket, no idea when it was even launched [aside from a second before it killed me O.o]), the first encounter messed me up pretty bad, taking me down to 50-something%. But it was because I wasn't sure on the ammo situation and with the berserk pack I figured monster in-fighting was the goal. I love monster in-fighting. It's my favorite part of Doom, ever since I was 7 or 8 and played it for the first time. Anyway, after that, I went for the green armor... Bit of a let down, imo. I expected a trap. But I suppose that's good because it messes with the player's head. Unless the trap was the revenant; but noticing the hallway there was easy for me, so I was already looking at him when he scared me silly. Going up the stairs, I killed the chaingunners to the left and faced off against the cyberdemon and friends. I found no issues with the barrels in the beginning in relation to the cyberdemon, or anything, for that matter (but I did want to punch them). The second time around the cyber preferred walking in circles to actually firing, at first, so I managed to get him to hit a rev and take one of them off my back. After dealing with the revs and (Murphy's Law) shooting the cyberdemon, I noticed a sweet touch. The arachnotron was helping me kill the cyber :) as long as I stood in a small area. That made that fight really easy. After that, I saved, lol. Glad I started doing that because I died many more times. Upon reaching the room with the switch, I kinda saw those first couple guys coming, even though who they were and the numbers suprised me. I liked the choice, though, because the HK screwed up and pissed off one of his former buddies and they fought it out while I killed the other rev. I laughed when both revs dropped together; like me and the HK were now bonded for life. Then my new buddy attacked me and ended our friendship. That first switch was a mixed bag of evil. I expected for it to do something. Instead, I was suprised to find that a line I had crossed before was now a major trap. The revs that came out made me understand why a rocket launcher had been provided. I immediately ran back to where the rocket launcher was. Unfortunately I was suprised by a well-placed mancubus and had to quickly switch to the plasma gun to account for the revs having time to advance. After killing the first wave of revs the rest was easy, the other revs wound up fighting the manc at the far end long enough for me to kill the first manc, contemplate life, admire the detail-work, casually walk around, then consider what gun to use, settle on the rocket launcher, and give the manc (how the Hell was he still alive?) a hand that he later thanked me for with attempted murder. I really liked how the level changed to give the player a new path in an old environment. I also really liked how after I found the secret and made my way back up there was a revenant wandering around at ground-level who shot me as I ran over him. I wondered what that sound was... The next part where you jump down and face off against all those enemies was a b*tch times two. I died in a matter of seconds because I tried to kill the mancubus first instead of looking around. The second attempt was fairly easy, but the unpredictable nature of when that one enemy you want to fire actually does makes stuff like that tricky, in a fun way :) At this point in the map, ammo had never been a problem, though I was prolly low on shotgun shells and bullets were close to 100. Idr cells, but rockets were plentiful. The next part killed me prolly 4 or 5 times. Now, idk how you're supposed to beat this part, but given my more careful nature I made a plan after death #1. You can tell it totally worked because of deaths #'s 2-4(or 5). When I succeeded, I killed the imps first because you can see most of them from the far left before bringing the pain. Afterwards, I went full plasma on the revs and thought I was ok. Then the cacos came. All good still, except before I could kill them the PE comes out to play. Then the HK's and cacos from the other side decide to crash our little block party. Well, long story just as long, there goes all my ammo. Now I'm down to rockets and my trusty fist. The enemies from there were pretty easy, and health was only a problem til I killed the arachnotrons. Also, ammo! Yay! Next up, the bfg. I hated this part. Y'all really could have done better here. I absolutely loved this entire map, every single small detail of it, but this one part. The chaingunners were fine. The let-down that came from picking up the bfg... Extreme. I know it's going to be MAP11 and all, but with the dinky little switch, that was cool in and of itself (just not for the best gun in the game), y'all would have been better off in my book to just put it on the ground with no explanation as to why it's there. The switch was right there. There was no trap. It was the biggest let down since I found out "OCD Doom" only involved one obsession (which was a fun wad). Peraps you could put in an arch-vile on the other side, with a few other monsters in-between to coax the player back, in addition to just a bit more ammo to cover the new monsters. But that's just my opinion. Anyway, I really liked the next trap with the soulsphere area. I died there once. Fun little trap. After that getting to the red key was a nice break in difficulty; good chance to catch my breath after that last encounter. Matter of fact, a lot of good breaks in the action here, the map was very suspenseful; calm also at times, yet action-packed. Upon grabbing the red key, the AV hit me once before I killed him. Then his friends overwhelmed me with shear numbers as I realized that the red key room sucked for cover. On my second attempt I bfg'd everything. Let me say this, I hate the bfg, it's the cheapest gun in the game and it makes everything too easy. Having said that, I had fun using it here. It was just the right scenario to make me not only want to use it, but enjoy using it. Starting with the AV, and then the massive numbers of rev's, followed by the chaingunners and HK's made it make perfect sense. Also the lack of space and cover. After that the chaingunners on the ledge suprised me, as I was looking at the HK's and arach. The exit was easy to find. Gameplay Rating: 9/10 for that damned BFG. Level Design: Perfect level design. Small map, big gameplay. Revisiting old areas, depopulation, and traps out the yin-yang. I really liked how certain sectors raised, then later lowered to make/take away paths for the player. I was heavily confused by switches that appeared to do nothing and skipped the one before the bfg for a little while before returning. Due to the nature of some of the traps used it was possible to see enemies before they "appeared." Level Design Rating: 10/10 Monster Placement: I loved monster placement. The beginning was done just right with a perfect balance of hitscanners, bull-meat-shields, and projectile-based enemies. Matter of fact, so was the entire thing. I really like the placement of literally every single monster on UV. Every one had a purpose. I could write an entire dissertation on monster placement here, which is why I'm stopping here. Monster Placement Rating: 10/10 Item Placement: Item placement was another of those things that was perfect. I ran out of ammo (excluding rockets) during the part where the rev's teleport behind you... Wait a minute, that was multiple times, lol. It was the first time you see a PE. Health was more than plentiful, considering that most situations are do-or-die. Rockets so plentiful I could practice rocket-jumping from ledge to ledge. I really liked the use of decorations, the candles in particular. Used well in many places, the ones on the rising platforms were an awesome touch. Item Placement Rating: 10/10 Aesthetics: The map just looked awesome. What can't I say about it. Yet another category of a shining example for others (myself included) to strive for. I'm going to stop here on this, otherwise I'd be complementing every single small detail. Aesthetics Rating: 10/10 Over-All: This map was so much fun to play. I thoroughly enjoyed every single small detail about it, except that damned BFG. At 15 minutes for a non-speedrunner to complete 100%, it's a perfect score on time as well. Even with all the deaths, I experienced no frustration playing this map. Over-All Rating: 9.5/10 for that damned BFG! And I hate it when people put decimals in their scores, just make em bigger numbers! Lol. So 19/20. 95% awesome. Y'all need to make more maps together. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Angry Saint Posted July 21, 2015 scifista42 said:Nukage. Approved. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted July 21, 2015 Sorry for the limited activity everyone. I've been working for 10 days in a row, and I stil have 3 more to go before I get a day off! But I did manage to squeeze in some time to do some stuff for the project. For now, I figured it would help let everyone know what's going on so I'll go full disclosure and dump everything I know to help circulate communication and get things moving along :D Status Update - Jmickle6666666 + Pavera's map "The Compactor" Is moving along swimmingly. I suspect it won't be long before their map is ready for testing. - I've seen some progress updates on scifista42 + SuperCupcakeTactics untitled map which indicates they will be able to share their map soon as well. - Doomhuntress, jdagenet, and Jimmy have each agreed to be the official music composers for Mutiny. Jmickle6666666, and KevinHEZ have also been granted to write music for their own maps. Jdagenet and Jimmy have been discussing working on one or more collaboration pieces together. - Obsidian has agreed to construct a custom dehacked boss monster replacing SS Nazi and Commander Keen for the final map. No other official progress has been made on MAP 31: Confrontation as of yet where the boss monster will be used. - Purist and traversd are working on a map that Purist describes is themed as a waste dump. That's all the information on it that I have. - KevinHEZ and dt_ are working on a map that is themed as they describe is like an ancient alien burial ground that has been usurped by the UAC. I've seen a few screenshots and an unfinished build which shows that the map shouldnt take much longer I suppose. - nxGangrel and I are close to finished with MAP14: The Brain, but it still may be some time before it is ready for testing. - I heard through the grapevine that Vorpal and NaturalTvventy are working on a map together, but I haven't yet seen anything that demonstrates any progress or have gotten other direct confirmation that this is certain. - Fonze, Jimmy and I have gotten to work on MAP01 which is also moving along, but is also far from finished as well :) - I will be updating the resource pack to 1.5 shortly including a new gold/yellow texture theme which you can use in your maps, as well as some other fixes here and there and a large handful of requests. If you have anything to add or correct in this status update, you may do so in this thread. If your name is on the works in progress list in the OP and hasn't been mentioned, then I don't know anything about your maps current progress; I assume everything is well. Feel free to update us here :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 21, 2015 Oh I love that gold theme, hope it ends up getting used somewhere. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Impboy4 Posted July 22, 2015 Doomkid said:Impboy4 and whoever else would like to collab, feel free to join me in #dmstuff. I'm almost always there :) Why not just come in the #mutiny channel at like the rest of us instead of being an outcast? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Angry Saint Posted July 22, 2015 40oz said:Status Update Angry Saint and Corsair are working on their map. We are both quite busy with Real Life issues, so the map is growing slowly. You can see few shots in old posts. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted July 22, 2015 Impboy4 said:Why not just come in the #mutiny channel at like the rest of us instead of being an outcast? LOL - Didn't even see that. D'oh. Will be there regularly from now on :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 22, 2015 Version 3 of the Firewall is up. Now with better difficulty settings, co-op settings, and a Jimmy midi named Iodine written specifically for this map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 22, 2015 AD did you do something about that BFG? Maybe just a teeny tiny trap to guard it? If so, I'll replay it to see what's different, though I hope no monsters changed on UV. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted July 22, 2015 Fonze said:AD did you do something about that BFG? Maybe just a teeny tiny trap to guard it? If so, I'll replay it to see what's different, though I hope no monsters changed on UV. Nope, I feel there's already enough traps that a free BFG is perfectly fine. And I didn't really change anything on UV, it's HNTR and HMP that were edited. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 22, 2015 You bastard! It's a good thing it's damn near necessary towards the end; I suppose that justifies its existence there. But even with the traps already present in the level... idk man, even a small, insignificant trap put right there would have been better to me. Of course most people are not me, so it's prolly right with everyone else, which is what counts. I'm glad to hear UV didn't change, that was so much fun to play the way it was (if you couldn't tell by my rating of it). If you need someone to, I'll play it on the easier difficulties and let you know what I think. But prolly only if asked, idk. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted July 22, 2015 hmm I guess you don't still need musicians now? (only saw the request for that in the OP last night) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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