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Mutiny [Community Project]

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Sad to hear that man, I'll take a look at it and see if I can use it, if nobody else does.

It was cool of you to put in the time to make this for the project though :)

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Just finished the main layout of map 07. Gonna send it to fonze. If he likes it, Mutiny might get a Tom Hall + Sandy Petersen-ish map. :P

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Map 03 The Slums is coming along slower than I'd prefer. I find that I'm much better at Tech/Base or Hell maps than I am at outdoor maps.

I won't call it quits just yet, but I would like to offer up a tech/base style map for an unspecified slot if there is one available.

Gangrel played one of my more Hellish levels (BlackSabbath.wad) and loved it.

I would be willing to work on Laboratory with Archie if he is interested.

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Fonze said:

Archi quit bro


Well, sign me on for Laboratory then. I'll whip up a bad ass techy lab.

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40oz said:

- I've seen some progress updates on scifista42 + SuperCupcakeTactics untitled map which indicates they will be able to share their map soon as well.

This collab gives me a boner.

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Once someone will accept me as a partner I'll start working on a map, I once mapped with Xaser, hopefully we will finish our level called "solaric system". But if not, I can always get someone else, if Xaser shows up I'll make a separate map with him too.

Here's how he tuned up my works : http://imgur.com/a/S17T4
Here's a download (requires cc4-tex.wad) : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u.../solaric-v2.wad

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For the record, our "collab" was nothing more than him sending me a tiny arena template, myself doing the aforementioned tuneup, and nothing ever happening on the map ever again. I was hoping it'd provide some inspiration or whatnot, but it doesn't seem to have ever happened.

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Xaser said:

For the record, our "collab" was nothing more than him sending me a tiny arena template, myself doing the aforementioned tuneup, and nothing ever happening on the map ever again. I was hoping it'd provide some inspiration or whatnot, but it doesn't seem to have ever happened.

For a moment I thought you were talking about me. 0_o Admittedly progress is slow at the moment, considering that I've got school and my mapping methods are rather different to yours, but I'm pretty confident that we can make something cool out of what we have.

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Hey Everyone!

I just got my butt kicked from 13 days of work in a row, and a weekend saturated with personal stuff, but I'm glad to inform you that this week ill be on Full Time Mutiny Duty, so Ill be available to assist anyone and everyone the best I can (much better than I was last week anyway)

In casual observation I've found several partners that have broken up, and plenty partners willing to welcome a third person into their party. (The OP has not yet been updated to reflect this!) if you are interested in mapping at all, its definitely not too late! Please send me a private message, post here in the thread, or meet up in our IRC chat room and I can help get you situated.

At this point it may be tough to start a new map from scratch, but detailing existing rooms/maps, building on to a map, building a single room, or working on gameplay for an existing map is much needed :D

Thanks everyone again for being patient with me this last busy week. :)

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Xaser said:

For the record, our "collab" was nothing more than him sending me a tiny arena template, myself doing the aforementioned tuneup, and nothing ever happening on the map ever again. I was hoping it'd provide some inspiration or whatnot, but it doesn't seem to have ever happened.

You won't team up with me then?

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cool to hear about all the progress being made. I'm waiting until a good amount are ready to test then I'll stream gameplay of them on twitch (thanks to 40oz for letting me know that was ok) and post my full thoughts/vods afterwards.

also 40oz I'm definitely interested in helping out with one map if you want to throw me on something :)

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40oz said:

detailing existing rooms/maps, building on to a map, building a single room, or working on gameplay for an existing map is much needed

Send me something!

I sent the last update of the map to Corsair, so I have nothing to do now.

BTW, with the new server, I receive no more updates from the forum.

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TraceOfSpades said:

A few of progress screenshots from Map 03: Slums.

What format are you mapping in? I think I see at least one texture where a flat should be.

Looks pretty decent otherwise.

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I'm mapping it in Zdoom: Doom in Doom Format. I've messed around with UDMF before and it got frustrating.

If the flat/texture issue you're referring to is on the warning stripes around the acid pool, there is a reason for that. On the texture that I used for the flat, there was a switch looking section on it. It fits perfectly on the flat surface to make it look like some kind of control station to call a lift.

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TraceOfSpades said:

I'm mapping it in Zdoom: Doom in Doom Format. I've messed around with UDMF before and it got frustrating.

If the flat/texture issue you're referring to is on the warning stripes around the acid pool, there is a reason for that. On the texture that I used for the flat, there was a switch looking section on it. It fits perfectly on the flat surface to make it look like some kind of control station to call a lift.

Um, this is a limit removing project, which means make your maps in Doom 2 format. Not ZDoom format.

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Yep, gotta select just Doom 2 from the drop down menu. Quick fix bro. You're likely going to have to fix some things once you change its format, though,

Best to test it in prBoom as well, to make sure no visual errors occur.

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Fonze said:

Yep, gotta select just Doom 2 from the drop down menu. Quick fix bro. You're likely going to have to fix some things once you change its format, though,

Best to test it in prBoom as well, to make sure no visual errors occur.

Working on that now. Luckily I only had a couple of doors and linedef actions so far.

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Updated resource pack to v1.5b Download

- Mostly texture requests
- Fixed WERDWALLS with the metal frame. Not sure why they werent working but making a duplicate patch fixed it.
- Added Gold texture theme
- Added Symmetrical Tekwall textures.

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Breaching the Unknown v1 (Not the final name, but it sounds cool :3):

at the moment this is my biggest problem:

These flying enemies (and a few later on in the map), cannot go past some impassable lines. especially the pain elementals whose lost souls will be rendered harmless if they are behind the lines.

otherwise this map played like a decently constructed challenge, even without difficulty settings.

for lower settings, I'd recommend moving the armor in the hub a bit closer to the starting point (or possibly just add another one into the CAM secret). the hub area could be potentially lighter on that setting too, as is the final room. Not by much of course.

I'd say this map plays pretty well for intended (UV) difficulty, though a cyberdemon or possibly a spiderdemon could spice things up a bit more in the final area.

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There shouldn't be any impassable lines there- are those enemies in the screenshot stuck in that position?

I think a cyber/mastermind will actually help the player out- what about a few more revenants?

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they're not stuck stuck but they can't reach the player at all in that shot. I managed to see them, then walk northward, to see if they can catch up, then all of a sudden they were all bunched up there, so I took a shot of them. And again, lost souls from the PE's are harmless there. There are a few other instances where flying monsters were unable to physically reach me, such as the cacos near the blue key bridge, or the ones near the end area by the rocket launcher.

I guess the cacos near the end area could be excused behind the impassable lines there, because there's the distinct possibility that the player could be arch-vile-jumped by the archies in that area, and we don't want the player falling out of the map do we?

I think a cyber/mastermind will actually help the player out- what about a few more revenants?

up to you I guess. I was just throwing something out there for excitement.

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This map was really good looking. I liked the details and how you can get a view of coming areas.
So many hitscanners, I don't know if there's the need of more health at the start, but maybe spread it more (and take it out from the starting closet) imo would be a better idea. When you come back after you pick u the RK those revenants are useless, you can just run and there's no need to fight them. As well as the sniping mancubi, the revenants in the pillars and the arachnotron. Yeah the flying monsters get stuck in impassable lines or whatever: the pain elementals and also the cacos at the BK and in the final area. Imo put a spiderdemon or a cyberdemon in the final battle it will just end it to be shield for the player, I think it's fine as it is. You can see some issues I pointed out in the demo.

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