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Mutiny [Community Project]

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nxGangrel said:

scifista and I were supposed to work on map 13 but since he left I need a partner for the level. Would you like to join in?

Sure! I can be found along with other members on the #mutiny irc channel, it'll be a lot easier to cooperate in real-time ;-)

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Vorpal said:

Sure! I can be found along with other members on the #mutiny irc channel, it'll be a lot easier to cooperate in real-time ;-)

that's actually gonna be a bit of a problem for me since I'm not on often... But I'll figure it out.

I'll PM you the level in a bit. The level is only what I did, Scifista never sent me back anything so his name won't be credited.

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Updated the resource pack to v1.6

- Added some stuff by request (New gold flat and blue lights flats shown below)
- Embellished some stuff that was driving me nuts. The metal fence patches and metal "holes" patches have been touched up to have a little less contrast, the metal framing pattern has been redone, and the nukage splash trim has been redone from scratch (shown below)


If you're on the "Works in Progress" list on the OP, please upload your maps and post them here for testing (even if they're unfinished) before Friday, 9/11 so the testing team can help guide you and your partner(s) to getting your maps complete!!

A meeting in the IRC channel will follow next week on a date and time TBD to help give mappers more personalized and up-front feedback.

In an attempt to defibrillate this project, I'm going to be spending the next couple days working on some "template maps" which will mostly be some bare layouts /w bold bulky architecture, disconnected rooms that need more map added to connect them together, and/or an assortment of weapons/monsters/things with no (or few) sectors that would need a map built around. Mostly these will just be some maps with very obvious "missing pieces," whether it be texturing, lighting, detailing, monster/item placement, etc. that mappers may pick up and dust off themselves if it's missing the part of the map that they prefer to do, or they may collaborate with another mapper to piece together and bring them to completion. Should the works in progress in the OP never come to fruition, these filler maps will occupy the remaining slots (but not without rigorous testing, of course!). I'm stretched pretty thin for time and I really gotta wrap this project up.

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Gangrel, have you done anything more with Slums? If not, we should probably pull out on that one. I'm at a creative halt with that map.

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Yeah, those new textures do look really sweet. Matter of fact, I love all of the textures in this project. Good job on these 40!

About the map deadline, I haven't seen MAP07 or MAP01 in a while. Since you're with me on MAP01, I'm not really worried about that one, but admittedly I'm getting a little worried about MAP07 because I haven't seen it in so long.

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Hey all, apologies for not doing much with this recently. I've been working quite a bit on my personal mapset and am trying my hardest to get that done. I'm going to make two more maps for that (won't take long, trust me), then return to community projects for a bit (mainly this and one or two others). After that, I'll finish up my mapset and (hopefully) get that thing out the door. I do want to see Mutiny done and will definitely try to help with this.

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TraceOfSpades said:

Gangrel, have you done anything more with Slums? If not, we should probably pull out on that one. I'm at a creative halt with that map.

No. Last I remember I sent it to you. If you want you can pull out of the level if need be, I'll still work on the map and you're name will still be credited of course.

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Fonze, I'm helping out a bit with 06 and there isn't a definitive exit room yet. What does the start area of your map07 look like? Might be good to tie the maps together a bit in this way

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nxGangrel said:

No. Last I remember I sent it to you. If you want you can pull out of the level if need be, I'll still work on the map and you're name will still be credited of course.

Yeah, let pinchy take over if he wants to, he seems interested. I'm just out of ideas for it, and a lot of my energy is going toward my Doom 2 Redux project.

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dt_ said:

What does the start area of your map07 look like? Might be good to tie the maps together a bit in this way

The start (ash shown by fonze) are Quake 1 style teleporters like at the start of the first level of an episode. There are four of them, each separated.

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Get your maps in today so they can be playtested next week!! It's okay if they're unfinished!

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Gangrel and Pinchy: Good luck gentlemen. Sorry for not following through on this to the end. I'd just rather back out on a good note with an unfinished product that looks decent enough so far than turn in a shitty completed work. Besides, I think it's in good hands.

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Been away for a little while, so there hasn't been that much progress on this map in a few weeks. It's still incomplete -- There are several areas that need to be polished, and some gameplay encounters definitely need to be cleaned up. Otherwise, you can play the map from start to finish.

Also, I'm aware of the misalignment on the floor button near the end. I'm waiting on an offset version of that flat to fix it. :P

Here it is, enjoy if you dare: http://www.mediafire.com/download/s9vow288u3uffyf/mutiny08-pavedit7.wad

Oh and if you guys don't know already, this is MAP08: The Compactor

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Ok I got this in 3 hours ago. It's not complete by any means. I threw some things in the map to keep interest and help people get a very basic feel for how the map will play. That said, I'm not using the term "threw" lightly. Nothing should be too hard, but ammo and health are abundant as f*** and some monster placement doesn't make sense, but hey, I didn't exactly have time to test this more than once, so let's roll the dice.

The difficulty levels are almost completely the same aside from the weapons you get, some of the ammo that appears, and the very first fight because once again, short time. UV does have a couple little extra things I threw in just for fun ^^

Once again, consider this a very rough draft. Though the layout and detailing is shaping up nicely. NxGangrel has added a good amount since I last saw the map and I gotta say I like what he's done!

This map has a somewhat nonlinear feel, sometimes offering two different ways to get to the objective, as well as parts that will be totally optional. I threw some random powerups and guns in places to show kind of what will be going on. But y'all know me, I like thing placement to be complicated, so while it is not present now, for the final draft monsters will be in different places depending on what route you take.

Here's the wad file:

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Here's the current work in progress of The Slums.

It's going to need a tune down in difficulty and I am looking for ideas for graffiti.

I have the font I want and the colours but no idea what to actually write with it, or any accompanying imagery (something that ties in with the story?).

If anyone is good at art/graffiti and can think of something nice I'm looking for anything that is between 64 x 64 and 256 x 256 (even in separate parts) as transparent PNG's to patch over BRWIND20 black bricks.


The Slums


The Slums

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Pinchy said:

Here's the current work in progress of The Slums.

It's going to need a tune down in difficulty and I am looking for ideas for graffiti.

I have the font I want and the colours but no idea what to actually write with it, or any accompanying imagery (something that ties in with the story?).

If anyone is good at art/graffiti and can think of something nice I'm looking for anything that is between 64 x 64 and 256 x 256 (even in separate parts) as transparent PNG's to patch over BRWIND20 black bricks.

The Slums

I've playtested The Slums. Design wise, it is aesthetically brilliant. But gameplay wise, it is incredibly overdone. More monsters doesn't mean more fun. This is map three, and there are two masterminds and two archviles. Those monsters have no business being in a map03 slot. I literally stopped trying to seriously play this map as soon as I got to the subway and realized there was a mancubus. This map has the potential to be great, but as of right now it is just another overdone spammy slaughtermap.

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TraceOfSpades said:

I've playtested The Slums. Design wise, it is aesthetically brilliant. But gameplay wise, it is incredibly overdone. More monsters doesn't mean more fun. This is map three, and there are two masterminds and two archviles. Those monsters have no business being in a map03 slot. I literally stopped trying to seriously play this map as soon as I got to the subway and realized there was a mancubus. This map has the potential to be great, but as of right now it is just another overdone spammy slaughtermap.


This, a slaughtermap? Yeah sorry, this does not qualify as one in any sense of the word. Besides, what does it really matter that there are these sorts of monsters in MAP03? Hell, I like when people bring higher-tier baddies into MAP01 of all slots to change things up.

Anyways, the map itself: I'm not at all sold on the layout and visuals; it's rather linear, progression boils down to walk down these hallways and outdoor areas and occasionally do something off to the side. The visuals are inconsistent as all hell and look messy throughout. Can't say much about gameplay, I IDDQD'd through it just to see the map (as Pinchy says the gameplay needs toning down) As for the midi choice, it doesn't fit. Personally, when I first heard the midi (a couple days ago, mind you) I felt like it would fit an insane-but-still-really-maganeable slaughter-y map. This is not that. Sorry, I don't much like this map :/

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I've toned down the monster strength a lot and also the ammo to match.

If someone feels they can do something with the last area you can go ahead from here, I'm done with this one.


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